A Short Break

It’s been an emotional week. Not all bad by any means. I received a promotion at work which means more money and new challenges. That’s good.


Smokey was laid to rest. That was bad, at least emotionally draining.

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I’ve been commuting to Somerville 1 1/2 – 2 hours each way in grid lock traffic for training.


That’s bad. When I finish there I turn around and rush home to finish off my regular work until 9 pm.


Bottom line, I’m tired. I can’t think straight. So I hope you won’t mind if I take a brief break to recharge and retrench.  I’ll be back with new posts in say 5 -7 days? After All, we have a vacation soon and I need to pull myself together so I can tell you all about that.

I also want to thank everyone for their kind comments and condolences. It means more to me than you can possibly know. Thank you all!

Thanks Bunches 🙂


The Final Countdown Begins

My last day at work is Saturday. By Saturday night the office will be closed . Relocated to another location north of Boston. I won’t be going. The extra cost of the commute, time involved and wear and tear on my old car put it out of reach. I’m sure something will come along and if I can find a local position I’ll save $200/mo. just on gas.

But through Saturday I am working 10 hours days so I am not sure how much time I will have to post anything interesting. If time allows I may repost some of my popular posts from the past. The equivalent of a TV rerun. 🙂 But I promise I will be back and posting on a regular schedule soon.

My blog has become a part of me and I would not be able to leave it behind but I also want to be sure that the content stays interesting and I don’t think I will be able to do that over the next couple of days. So if I am not here for a couple of days, fear not…I will catch you on the flip side.