Colorado Thumbnail


What can I say about my Colorado vacation to sum it up? First off, Take time to adjust to the altitude. That I suffered from altitude sickness was a complete surprise to me. I grew up in mountains. Granted my childhood mountains were  a bit smaller than 10,000 ft but I still expected it to count. Plus I’ve been to Wyoming and at 8,000 ft I had no problems at all. Maybe age , overall health or just that extra 2,000-4,000 ft tacked on made a difference.

Mount Quandary 2022

Hiking, Skiing

Breckenridge is a beautiful little town but other than the quaintness there isn’t much to do except hike in the summer or ski in the winter. There are few roads and like any area with more winter than summer, road work has to be crammed into those few warm, storm free months. Getting anywhere required patience. The road construction had traffic tangled from just about every direction. 

Lake Dillon 2022



Friends who had been to Colorado told me about the abundant wildlife but I didn’t see much of it. Spotted the Moose family a couple of afternoons and there was a beaver lodge. After watching for the little rodents at various times without success I finally concluded the lodge was abandoned. The big horn sheep were no where to be found although I did see one deer and one pronghorn.  The most exciting moment was spotting that big white bird. (I still think it was a whooping crane) I love a mystery and think it would be great if whooping cranes were making their way back to Colorado. 

Colorado Moose 2022

I was warned about bear in the area, not sure if they were grizzly or black bears but I didn’t see any. The dumpsters were always chained shut to keep the animals out of the trash. 

Maybe the lack of wildlife was due to the heat. Temps were in the mid 80’s most days. I was told to expect low 70’s so that could have had the animals looking for shade.

What I missed

Colorado is now checked off my list of states that I’ve gone for vacation but I’m not done with the state yet. It’s huge and now that I know driving in the summer is not a viable option ( unless you like traffic jams)  I’ll need to consider short visits in different areas. 

Breckenridge Gondola 2022

I wasn’t able to get the web site for Rocky Mountain National Park to work. You have to have a reservation now to get in and you have to do it online so I still want to go there. Great Sand Dunes National Park was too far from Breckenridge so I will need a return trip for that. Heading to the south western corner of the state is the Durango and Silverton railroad. That’s a train ride I really want to take. Finally there is Mesa Verde National Park also in the southwestern part of the state.

Back near Denver a side trip to Colorado Springs will let me experience riding the Cog railway up Pike’s Peak. Then take time to visit Garden of the Gods. So much still to see!

So you see I’ve only just scratched the surface of what this state has to offer. 


Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge, Colorado

I’m going to take a quick look at each of the resorts/locations on my timeshare list for Colorado. I want to see if anything jumps out at me. So starting at the top of the list we have Breckenridge.

According to google Breckenridge, Colorado is a town at the base of the Rocky Mountains’ Tenmile Range. It’s known for its ski resort, year-round alpine activities and Gold Rush history. The Victorian core of this former mining town is preserved as the Breckenridge National Historic District, running primarily along Main Street, with colorfully painted buildings from the 1880s and ’90s housing shops, galleries and restaurants.

Breckenridge is 80 miles from Denver so close enough for a day trip. 

What to do in Breckenridge

I googled the top 15 things to do in Breckenridge to see if I should keep this on my possible list or eliminate it. It looks like there are a lot of hiking and mountain trails. You ca go rafting down the Colorado River and there are some small museums including a Sawmill and Narrow Gauge Train Museum. You can take a few driving tours to see the sights but I think I’d rather drive myself. I imagine mountain roads can get kind of twisty and that could cause motion sickness.  Obviously this is a beautiful area and in winter it’s a ski resort. I’m just not sure it’s what I’m looking for. 

The 10 Mile Range

The 10 mile range of the Rocky Mountains that tower over Breckenridge is part of the Mosquito Range. The Mosquito and 10 miles range are split by the Continental Divide. 

By David Herrera from Albuquerque, NM, Bernalillo – Mount Democrat, Mount Bross & Quandary PeakUploaded by PDTillman, CC BY 2.0,

Interesting note, Pacific Tarn is the highest named lake in the United States and it can be found in the 10 Mile Range.

Wish I were 20 years younger

Oh I wish I were younger! I used to love hiking and exploring but my legs and knees just don’t hold up any more. I have to find vacation locations that are a little less strenuous. 

Taking a rafting trip is a possibility although I worry about my camera taking a dunking. It barely survived a good dousing in Hawaii! 

So is Breckenridge a keeper?

For all you ski folks and active “youngsters” this might be a good trip. I think it may be a bit much for my old bones.

One thing that I do like is that it’s only a day trip to Denver if I wanted to explore there. I think I’ll put Breckenridge on the back burner and continue exploring my list.