RIP Buddy!

stray 002 copyBuddy arrived unannounced on the coldest day of the year in January 2013. He was fully grown, age unknown and he had cattitiude.


With a little white tip on his tail he could take on the world. He made up his mind that he’d found his furever home and nothing I could do would change his mind. I re-homed him twice but he managed to get returned to me both times.

We had some fun time and he trained me well.

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He would walk on a leash just like a dog.


He was so big that some of my neighbors thought he was a dog!

He was a very handsome fellow right up until the end.

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It came fast. One day he couldn’t eat, then he stopped drinking and his breathing became labored. We tried to entice him to eat and we ran loads of tests. It was finally decided that although they couldn’t pin point the mass there was cancer somewhere. Fluid was going into his chest cavity.

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Through it all he was brave and kept his sweet disposition. He took all the needles and poking and prodding with grace and dignity. He’s the only cat I have ever had that let me “pill him” without a fuss.

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The prognosis was grim and after an emotional discussion with our vet the decision was made to help him cross to the Rainbow Bridge.

RIP Buddy, you were a great cat! Love you much.hearts

My Typical Morning

I share  my home with cats. I’m not a crazy cat lady. I only have 2 cats but they are the ones in charge.

On a typical morning I am greeted by Buddy as I step out of the shower. Forget closing the door. Both Buddy and Rocky are excellent lock pickers. Maybe that’s where cat burglar came from???


Water just tastes better when it comes from the tap.


Almost Done

I’m just waiting for the microwave range hood to arrive and get installed and the kitchen will be done. Well at least the parts that the contractors are doing. As soon as that’s installed I’ll post the pictures of the “finished product”. There are still some small sections that need to be painted but I’m going to take care of those myself. In my spare time.


Shush Mouse! I WILL get  it done!

I keep thinking about a Christmas Tree. With all the kitchen work I still have boxes  around and there’s so little time. For years I didn’t bother with one but for some reason I really want to put one up in the window this year. I don’t mean my little 3 ft tree, more like a 6 ft tree. Of course it will be artificial. I don’t want my cats trying to eat the needles on a real tree and I don’t want to spend all winter picking needles out of the carpet. So I guess I’ll be tree shopping this weekend.


I had to share this picture with you. My Bud-man looked so peaceful and cute stretched out on my bed. He takes it over for himself. I make the bed every morning but by night time it’s always messed up again as Buddy crawls under the covers throughout the day. At least I caught this one when he was on top of the covers and not just a lump.

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Rocky has always been a drooler. I was told by my vet that it was a sign of how contented he was with me. A very wet compliment. But Buddy hasn’t ever shown any inclination to drool. He’s more likely to bite you but about 4 am yesterday morning I was awakened by something warm and wet near my ear. As I reached up to wipe it away I realized it wasn’t just near my ear, it was in my hair to the point that my head was quite wet. Who was the drooling culprit? Buddy! He was purring up a storm and snuggled as tight to my head as he could get.

Needless to say I washed my hair when I got up but I couldn’t help feeling that maybe this was a breakthrough. Buddy is a good kitty but he has his difficult moments and I’ve really been trying to build a bond. I hope the drooling was a good sign.



Photo of the Week~ Week 2

Well folks, I made it through another week! Yes I managed to take a picture everyday this week and now I will try to do it all again.

I was surprised again. Tallying up the likes, shares, and hits; the photo with the most points is Buddy 2014.

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The runner up was not the one I expected. It was Foggy Woods.

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I wonder if being the first picture posted for the week had anything to do with that?