Over Hill and Dale the Surprises Keep Coming

Flowering Lilly pads

Another Hill another Garden

As I started up the next hill I looked longingly at the water garden. It is such a beautiful peaceful place. So far it is my favorite garden but there’s so much more to see.

 Hydrangea Shrubs in Bloom

White Hydrangea

It’s summer in New England so hydrangea are in full bloom. They are everywhere. It seems every house has a hydrangea shrub in the yard A single l bloom like a pom pomsomewhere so of course the gardens were full of them. In fact, a whole section is dedicated just to these beautiful flowers. Did you know that the colors are determined by the PH level of the soil? I did not know this. I thought they were all different variations. Amid the profusion of blooms a gentleman sat quietly with paint and easel. What a wonderful sight. I wish now I’d taken his photo but I didn’t want to disturb him at the time.

Up and Down and Around

Leaving the hydrangea behind I headed down hill for a change. There was a bench at the bottom of the hill with a handicap sign. Under that was a placard that explained a tram would come by to pick you up if you wanted a ride. Ok then! Lets take the easy way and ride! It wasn’t long before an electric tram came silently along the path. When I climbed on the young driver played tour guide. He wanted to be sure I got to see everything I wanted. 

Next Stop a Carousel


Brown Carved Carousel HorseAfter a few more turns and another hill we arrived at the end of the road. The tram was turned around and as I departed others loaded on for the return trip. This building housed the Carousel and the American Art Collection. I only had eyes for the Vintage Merry-Go-Round. It’s in gorgeous shape. The Carousel is an original Looff from 1908. It’s history is fascinating but more than I have space for here. You can follow this link to continue reading about this beautiful piece of Art.


 White Carousel horse

Yummy Roast Beef

I’ve been living south of Boston for quite a few years now. I’ve been in Taunton for 9 years.  I lived in Randolph for 6 years before that and a couple of years in Norwood and in all that time I have not found a really good roast beef sandwich down here.

Oh we have great sea food and I found a few adequate prime ribs and steaks but no classic roast beef.

When I lived on the other side of Boston we had Bill & Bob’s,  Riley’s and the standard by what all others were measured …Kelly’s Roast Beef.


When I lived on the North Shore the Kelly’s at Revere Beach was the one to go to. It  didn’t just offer roast beef either. You could get your greasy fix with awesome fried seafood, onion rings and french fries. It was always mobbed.

A few years before I moved to the “other side” Kelly’s expanded and built Kelly’s in Saugus. I remember it opening but I never went there. Now there are 5 Kelley’s locations. Revere Beach, Saugus,  Natick, Danvers, and Medford.

Finally getting a few hours off I felt a craving for a really good roast beef sandwich so I took the plunge and drove through Boston. 1.5 hour drive…like going to NYC for a cup of coffee! Since it was almost 90 degrees out I figured I’d never get near the beach so I headed to location #2, Saugus.

What a neat place! It’s huge and the decor is of a carousel.





They also have a huge fish tank.


You place your order at the counter and receive a plastic number, find a seat and first thing you know someone brings your lunch tray.


The place is sparkling clean and the roast beef turned out to be as good as I remembered….and this is a small!


Now I’ll have to try out the other locations!

The 2nd Roger Williams Park

It doesn’t take all that long to see The Roger Williams National Memorial so since I was in Providence anyway I decided to take a ride over to the Roger Williams Park and Zoo.

This was just a little side trip and I didn’t plan to go into the Zoo. I just wanted to drive around the park and see if the Carousel was open.


It was such a beautiful day. The park was lovely even if nothing was blooming yet. Squirrels were busy running around looking for forgotten nuts, swans and geese and ducks were swimming in the river. Everything was very clean except the waterline.

That was the one jarring note, the trash that was floating up against the river bank. Soft drink cups, papers, plastic straws, bottles, cans, the list goes on. I hope this is just because the staff hasn’t had time to clean this up and not neglect. It’s such a pretty park and I am concerned for the birds that make the river their home.

I spotted some Pussy Willows and 2 pairs of Mallard Ducks, their bright green heads shining in the sun.

Continuing around the park I came to Carousel Village. I really didn’t expect it to be open but it was. It might have been a private birthday party but no one challenged me when I came in and stood taking pictures of the brightly lit carousel.

By the time I left the Carousel Village clouds were beginning to gather. It was still nice out but it was time to head home.

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All I can say is “What a nice day!.”