Slowly but Surely

Sorry there was no update last night. I got caught up in the sorting, cleaning process. Yes I now have water in my kitchen sink. The plumber set up my facet and spray and the other gadgets completely backward to what I am used to but it works. Maybe he is left handed or maybe I’m the backward one. 🙂

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The plumber said he had never seen cabinets and counters like these. He kept checking them out. He said most places he’s been have had wood grain or white cabinets. He thought my off-green (the color name is “Ocean Floor”) was a nice change of pace.

The cabinet guys came back too and made custom shelves so my new cabinets are ready for stuff! They were impressed with the counter tops too.

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I went a little nuts at Bed, Bath and Beyond for expandable drawer inserts and a holder for cookie sheets and other baking pans. Then I discovered that I can order them through and get back some $$$. So I finished my order there and earned $5.00 back! It gets paid quarterly so I may do more ordering through that web site. We’ll have to see.

I ran some of my decorative dishes through the dishwasher . They seemed to have a thin coat of grime. I guess the cooking oils had coated them and then the fine sanding grains all stuck to them. They didn’t come clean so I did an internet search and found out that a light scrubbing with baking soda , of all things, should cut the grease and clean them up. And it worked! Cleaning the Kitty Kat Teapot now.

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Who new that baking soda would become my new go-to cleaning product. This old dog just learned a new trick!

My electrician is coming tonight to put in an outlet box so the tile people will leave a space for a new outlet. Then tomorrow the condo association is sending  their electrician to upgrade my electrical panel.


The tile people are due sometime tomorrow too. Is the end in sight?





Some Things Just Need to get Done

Yesterday was a beautiful day but instead of “going fishing” I ended up throwing open the window and sliding door to the deck to air out the condo. I started my spring cleaning. Seems like things really got out of hand this winter.

My condo is little, only 1 bedroom and with 3 cats it can seem pretty crowded. Since I moved in 6 years ago I’ve been trying to adapt the deck so that the cats could use it too. The problem is that the deck runs along the back of building from one end to the other. About 5 condos have sliders that open onto this deck and in the middle are the stairs to the 3rd floor and the fire escape to the ground.

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I can’t just close off my section because the condos on the end from me need to be able to get to the fire escape by crossing my deck area and the condo by-laws prohibit anything from being attached to the exterior. That includes screens and TV dishes or antennas.

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One of my favorite TV shows is “My Cat From Hell”. First of all the cats on this show are really out of control but the owners usually aren’t anything great either, still I do pick up some tips now and then  and “Catios” are big suggestions. Based on some of the things I’ve seen on the show I’ve gotten some ideas.

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I’m thinking of screened sections that could be folded up and moved out of the way when the deck is not being used. I could also go low and use the lattice fencing with an lightweight screen attached at a 45 degree angle. I  think that might be more trouble than the screen scections. But one thing is for sure if I don’t want a run-in with the condo association…it has to be attractive!


The problem is I’m not sure I am up to the task of making this enclosure. I’m hoping that I am back to work quickly with a regular paycheck again and that maybe I can get a handyman/ carpenter to create this enclosure.

I did look into some of the “training area” fences and they are geared more to dogs and too low. I also looked into cat fences and they need to be attached to the deck and they were kind of ugly as well as expensive.

Anyone else have any ideas? Has anyone else created a “catio”?