Seafood Sam’s , Casual Dining on a Canal

Seafood Sam’s is Food with a View

Sail Boat cruising the Cape Cod Canal

Seafood Sam’s is a summer staple for me. Alone or in a group I have to make the trip to Sandwich, MA at least once a summer. Seated at a metal picnic table on a covered outdoor deck one can watch the boats cruising the Cape Cod Canal with a plate of succulent seafood to enjoy.

Seafood Sam's sign in Sandwich MaThe Seafood Sam’s Story

The first Seafood Sam’s opened in 1974 in an old laundromat. Tiny with no seating, there were only 6 employees. Their equipment was ancient but serviceable and Sam had a dream. Today that dream has expanded to  three locations, all located on Cape Cod. You can find a Seafood Sam’s in Sandwich, Falmouth and South  Yarmouth.

In the Good ‘ol Summertime

I like Seafood Sam’s because it screams summer to me. Nice breezes off the canal or ocean, fresh seafood, the cry of gulls. Its Casual Dining too so shorts and flip flops are the dress code. Comfortable is theme of the day. I bet you could even wear that Hawaiian shirt from your Aloha vacation!dining area

What’s your Favorite Summer Meal?

What meal do you crave when the sun gets warm and the soft ocean breezes begin calling your name? I wonder what food means summertime to you? Is it Lobster, clams, scallops? Do you like them fried, steamed, in a salad, broiled or baked? How about an old fashioned clam bake on the beach with lobsters and corn on the cob?

Seafood Sam’s Menu

fried seafood plate with friesYou may not be able to get a clam bake on the beach at Seafood Sam’s but you can get just about everything else. They have fish and chips along with everything else I mentioned and save room for dessert. I saw some chocolate chunk cookies that look like they were to die for! I resisted. My lunch version ( slightly smaller portion) of fried scallops was plenty filling. Like Goldilocks I found the meal that was just right!

If You GoSeafood Sam's in Sanwich MA

If you go expect that it can get busy. You’ll find yourself standing in line to place your order.I figure it’s just more time to study the menu board. Ocean breezes can make even a summer day feel cool so you might want a sweater or windbreaker if you plan to sit outside. At the Sandwich location be sure to visit the Cape Cod Canal Visitor Center. It’s right next door and filled with interesting information about the amazing canal.