Rocky’s Antics

Rocky must have been feeling left out since Buddy was getting all of the attention. I had to protect the tree didn’t I?

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So while Buddy attacked the Christmas tree, Rocky went missing. I saw him head into the bedroom but he usually doesn’t spend much time there if Buddy and I are in the living room so when he didn’t come back I began to get a little concerned. After all, he’s no spring chicken at 13.

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I tried calling luck . Not even an answering meow. I looked under the bed, in the closet, even opened the bottom drawers of the dresser. No cat. Buddy was at my feet but he wasn’t any help unless tripping me counted.

The tree box was standing on end  at the bottom of my bed. I took a chance and  peaked in the tree box and there was a little ginger face looking back at me. He got in and couldn’t get back out. I tipped the box on its side and Rocky flew out like he was shot from a cannon. Once out he gave himself a lick and a shake and walked off as if nothing happened.

Today Rocky gave me my Christmas present. A little late but no less sweet.

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Rocky and I used to play fetch. He could go at the game for hours. The rules were simple. Rocky would bring a mousie to me and I’d throw it. He would retrieve it and bring it back and I’d throw it again. I was always careful to follow the rules because if I changed them he’d quit. He’d quit if Smokey decided to join in too. It was a very sensitive balance.



Since Smokey passed over the rainbow bridge Rocky hasn’t once brought a toy mouse to me to play fetch. Oh he plays with the toys but like a normal cat. I tried to get him to play a few times and he’d just walk away.

Brown Spotted Bengal catten carrying a retrieve toy.

Well today he brought me a toy mouse and laid it at my feet. I picked it up and you could see his body tense, a sure sign he wanted me to throw it. So I did and held my breathe. Yes! He took off after the toy, caught it and proudly brought it back. We played like that for about 10 minutes until the mouse took a bad bounce and escaped under the china cabinet.

In spite of my best effort to rescue it the momentum was lost but for a few minutes we’d enjoyed a fun game that I thought was in the past.

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Thanks Rocky 🙂

(The cat picture with the mouse in its mouth isn’t mine nor is it of Rocky. I have never been able to capture that shot but this is exactly how Rocky looks. The same look in his eyes. Nice shot whoever took this.)

Let The Tear Out Begin

Things really started happening fast. Friday the counter top people came in and made templates of the counters. Then Saturday I got a call from Home Depot that the materials had come in and they were ready to start. They wanted to start Monday!

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I had Sunday to take everything out of the cabinets! I am now living in boxes. That show about hoarders has nothing on me.

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I used the clean out as an opportunity to toss all the old  plastic containers that always seem to get saved and accumulated. Do I use them? Sometimes but much less since I’ve been working from home so bye bye. I’ll just start collecting again.

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2 guys from Home Depot arrived right on time at 9:30. It was a nasty rainy day out so they didn’t want to set up all their equipment in the rain so all they did was the tear out. Good bye yellow tiles! They were done by noon.

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The cats had a lot of exploring to do.

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The guys left the fridge pulled out for me so I could vacuum the coils and mop the floor behind it. They found a treasure trove of cat toys. Both of the installers told me they had cats a of their own at home so they found Buddy’s antics funny and they saved all of the toys from behind the fridge!

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They found a leak under the sink but since a plumber will be coming out anyway we just stuck a bucket under it for now.

While they were tearing everything out I got a call from the counter people. They will come out between 8-9 on Friday to install the counters.  Everything should be done by Friday!

The plumber might have to come out on Saturday but we are hoping not. I have to buy the over the oven microwave and arrange for my electrician to come out and we will be done!





A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~5

I do believe cats mourn. After Little Joe left us Rocky wandered around the apartment like he was searching for something. The most bizarre thing he did was climb up to a picture of Little Joe , paw at it  and meow. Even Smokey was subdued.

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Eventually life went on and I moved. Unfortunately I moved from a 2 bedroom apartment to a one bedroom condo. Rocky and Smokey would have to adjust to sharing a little smaller territory. I was concerned about that so I filled the condo with cat trees and perches where they could look outside.

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Kitty toys are piled in baskets that they plow through and drag out at their leisure. Cat races from bedroom to living room and back to the bedroom are common and Rocky loves playing hide and seek  in the cat tunnel.

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Rocky is still the hardest one to entertain. He still gets into everything. I opened the linen closet doors to find him perched there.


I have learned to block the trifold doors or Rocky will open those and get himself locked in closets.

Smokey is my lap cat.

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He visits my lap for a little while every night and still purrs loudly. Life seemed to be settling back into a routine again when along came Buddy.

I believe when it comes to cats, they find you. I didn’t want another cat when Rocky came along. I accepted Smokey to be a companion to Rocky and to give Little Joe some relief. Then I tried to re-home Buddy …twice but he was a boomerang cat. He just kept coming back.

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Buddy, another boy!  Poor Buddy! Once again, Rocky was the one to accept the newcomer first. He’d follow Smokey’s lead and hiss but if Smokey wasn’t around he wanted to make friends.

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Buddy joined us just about a year ago for the first time. I have chronicled his journey here before so I won’t spend too much time. I’ll just update you that he has come a long way. He’s my “Bud” joining me for primping in the morning, lounging on a cat tree and just staring or playing with Rocky and even Smokey when Mr. Cranky Pants is willing.

Buddy may have a touch of pica too. He likes to lick the emulsion from photo paper. He can dismantle my printer completely, even pulling the trays out, to get to that paper. Then he carries it around with him everywhere. At least he doesn’t eat the paper.

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Today, Rocky remains the most active, Buddy and Rocky together are a great team of escape artists who also enjoy a good wrestling match.

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Smokey seems to be moving into his twilight years, he gets disoriented, he doesn’t see as well but he seems happy. So for now, life will continue on. They are all so different. But one thing is the same, they are all bundles of love and joy. My little furr-by family.

The Cat’s Meow, A review

We did get to try out the Cat’s Meow on Christmas. CVS was open so I did make a battery run.

It’s easy to put together so it was ready to go in no time. I set it on the floor and pushed the button on the center post. The ball started moving under the nylon cover making a scratchy-squeaky sound.

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It caught Rocky’s attention first. He circled it with caution then backed up and watched. About that time Buddy arrived from the bedroom to see what all the noise was about. He was a bit more bold than Rocky. He tried to tap the center post with his paw and then settled down with his nose to the edge of the nylon but so far neither kitty tried to catch the moving ball.

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About 5 minutes into the staring match it was as if Smokey couldn’t take it any more. He hopped down off the couch, walked over to the nylon circle and sat on the moving ball effectively trapping it under his butt. Game Over!

I could hear the motor straining to move so rather than take a chance on burning it out I stepped in and moved Smokey off the nylon freeing the ball to move again. The minute I set Smokey down he was back after that ball again. This time he got it between his front paws and once more, wouldn’t release it. I guess he forgot that cats play with their prey.

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Once more I intervened and had him release the ball. I guess 2 tries was enough for him. He headed back to the couch. Rocky had watched the whole thing and now decided to get into the act too. He and Buddy lined up on opposite sides and each batted and played for a few more minutes.

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I got up to get the camera and that seemed to break the mood. Rocky left for his sun lamp.

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Only Buddy was still interested. He just watched for quite awhile. I was about ready to turn it off and save the battery when I saw the tell-tale butt wiggle and  Buddy attacked.

I guess all that concentration worked up an appetite. Buddy played alone a bit longer then headed to the food bowls. I turned the Cat’s Meow off for now. If they show some more interest,  I’ll turn it back on but they have all gone their separate ways for now.

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My cat testers give it 2 Paws up (Smokey & Buddy)  and one Paw down (Rocky) or as they say on the show “Does it Work?”. Yes it does but the amount of interest varies from cat to cat.

It’s A Furry, Furry World

It’s been quite awhile since I updated everyone on my 3 cat home life. What brought it to mind was the chaos being reaped this morning. I heard a series of loud bumps and bangs and then a horrible crash. No sleeping in this morning! (For me anyway)

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I dashed into the living room to see what had been destroyed this time only to see 3 innocent looking faces staring at me. No one was at war, everyone sitting calmly. Hmmmm maybe a bit toooo calmly.

As I began to get their breakfast together I began to see the signs. My electric  fry pan that lives on my counter when not in use was still on the counter, but it hung precariously.

009 copyThe small cat tree that arrived with Buddy was tipped over.

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OK nothing broken. I fed them breakfast, refreshed the water and headed in to clean the kitty litter. My life revolves around mundane kitty chores before I can take my shower and have my breakfast.

Before I even started the first scoop a cat ran between my legs, nearly tripping me and bolted back toward the living room…Buddy. Right on his heels came an orange streak that nearly bowled me over….Rocky! Up over the back of the couch, a leap past the TV and the 2 raced to the dining room where Rocky bolted to the top of the china cabinet. Buddy wisely refused to try !

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A few minutes later Rocky jumped down with a thud and the two crazy cats plopped down in the middle of the floor  to groom.

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Back to the chores I went. Then into the shower.

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When I stepped out dripping wet there was Buddy making himself at home on my clean towel. Although I got him off the towel he wasn’t leaving. This cat is addicted to the hair dryer. In his little kitty mind he’s figure out that shower = hair dryer. So another ritual has been born.  I just can’t take a picture when I have the hair dryer in my hands.

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Finally I’m ready to sit down to my breakfast. So that means it’s time for Smokey to get in the act. His “thing” is to sit and stare at me as I try to enjoy breakfast. It’s his hope that I’ll drop something he can grab.

With the hot weather we’ve been having Smokey is a walking fur factory. He leaves a trail of kitty fur where ever he goes. Constant vacuuming (the rug)and brushing (his hair) has not seemed to make much of a difference.

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Smokey is the referee. Buddy and Rocky get into some major tussles and if they get out of hand the clawless wonder (Smokey) jumps in an breaks it up. Hard to believe but the smallest, oldest and the only declawed cat in the household is the one to break up the fights that get out of hand. Give him a striped shirt!

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Most of the fights seem to be play fights but every now and then it gets intense. That’s when Smokey jumps in and hits them with his paw! I try not to laugh. But they both pay attention and “stand down”.

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Never a dull moment! But don’t they all look so innocent?