Can’t see the Forest for the Cat Trees

More Cat trees

Getting the new cat tree put together ( finally) was a great move on my part. It is a major hit with both kitties. The chair scratching problem is almost gone. The only drawback is that the both want to sit on the same platform or sleep in the same kitty condo at the same time so there is some kitty bickering going on. I should have gotten a cat tree with 2 kitty condos.


I think the funniest thing is when Banner spreads out on the next to the top platform so Balboa can’t get to the high one without stepping on him.  It usually ends in a little spat before Banner lets Balboa pass.

Banner- photo credit Deb Neumann


Cat Tree- Photo Credit Deb Neumann


All this interaction  gave me the brilliant idea to get a cat tree for the bedroom. Maybe a bedroom cat tree would solve Banner’s tendency to serenade me morning and night. Keep him from getting bored while I sleep.

A Tree for the Bedroom

Considering what I learned from the Livingroom tree, I ordered a cat tree with 2 kitty condos this time.  “We” spent yesterday morning assembling the whole thing. I had lots of help from 2 excited kitties. The first thing you do is put the condo sections together.  They were checked out as soon as I put them on the floor. That’s a good sign. 

Bedroom Cat Tree- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

The Bedroom cat tree is as big a hit as the living room was and the dual kitty condo works great. So far minimal spats. I must admit that all of this in my bedroom is making me feel like a “hoarder” but if it keeps peace in the family it’s worth it.

Last night was quiet except for some tinkling bells around 3 am when Balboa got up to play with the dangly things for a little while. Both kitties are fascinated by the hammock but neither are brave enough to try it out. Banner got stuck in the round hole when he tried to climb through. His head fit fine but his fluffy butt was just too big! Don’t worry,  we got him free. 

Cat Trees and Me

Another Cat Tree

I don’t know if you remember but when I got my 2 little hellions I also set up a brand new cat tree for them. Within in months Balboa took a flying leap from the back of the chair to one of the top seats and crack! Broke it right off!  It was bad enough that I never got the stupid thing together right so it was missing a “condo” and had a tilt, like the leaning tower. It was the cat tree version of a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

photo credit Deb Neumann


Of course I immediately bought another one but then it sat in a box for close to a year. In case you didn’t notice, I’m not very good at putting cat trees together.  Needless to say that old lopsided cat tree was really starting to look ragged. 

photo credit Deb Neuman

Construction time

I’m blaming it on spring cleaning. I needed to have my old bed frame removed so I called a local company I’ve used before and figured I’d have them take the old cat tree too. Once that was done I needed to put the new cat tree together quickly before I had a fuzzy critter revolt.

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photo credit Deb Neumann


I had a rough start getting the right poles set in the right places on the base but once that was done it went pretty smooth until I got the 2nd level added. Then I got help- unwanted help. Notice Balboa’s eyes. Those are the eyes of insanity!


photo Credit- Deb Neumann

There are still more levels to go!


It took about 3 hours especially with all of the help but I’m glad they were interested. I didn’t even have to use catnip to encourage them. Banner likes the little condo but Balboa is the King of the hill. He has to take the tippy top. 

photo credit Deb Neumann

This deluxe cat tree has 2 dangling toys and one rope. I wonder how long the dangling toys will last? I think they put them on to make the owners happy. Every cat I’ve ever owned makes that their first mission- to destroy the dangly things. 

A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~5

I do believe cats mourn. After Little Joe left us Rocky wandered around the apartment like he was searching for something. The most bizarre thing he did was climb up to a picture of Little Joe , paw at it  and meow. Even Smokey was subdued.

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Eventually life went on and I moved. Unfortunately I moved from a 2 bedroom apartment to a one bedroom condo. Rocky and Smokey would have to adjust to sharing a little smaller territory. I was concerned about that so I filled the condo with cat trees and perches where they could look outside.

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Kitty toys are piled in baskets that they plow through and drag out at their leisure. Cat races from bedroom to living room and back to the bedroom are common and Rocky loves playing hide and seek  in the cat tunnel.

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Rocky is still the hardest one to entertain. He still gets into everything. I opened the linen closet doors to find him perched there.


I have learned to block the trifold doors or Rocky will open those and get himself locked in closets.

Smokey is my lap cat.

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He visits my lap for a little while every night and still purrs loudly. Life seemed to be settling back into a routine again when along came Buddy.

I believe when it comes to cats, they find you. I didn’t want another cat when Rocky came along. I accepted Smokey to be a companion to Rocky and to give Little Joe some relief. Then I tried to re-home Buddy …twice but he was a boomerang cat. He just kept coming back.

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Buddy, another boy!  Poor Buddy! Once again, Rocky was the one to accept the newcomer first. He’d follow Smokey’s lead and hiss but if Smokey wasn’t around he wanted to make friends.

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Buddy joined us just about a year ago for the first time. I have chronicled his journey here before so I won’t spend too much time. I’ll just update you that he has come a long way. He’s my “Bud” joining me for primping in the morning, lounging on a cat tree and just staring or playing with Rocky and even Smokey when Mr. Cranky Pants is willing.

Buddy may have a touch of pica too. He likes to lick the emulsion from photo paper. He can dismantle my printer completely, even pulling the trays out, to get to that paper. Then he carries it around with him everywhere. At least he doesn’t eat the paper.

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Today, Rocky remains the most active, Buddy and Rocky together are a great team of escape artists who also enjoy a good wrestling match.

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Smokey seems to be moving into his twilight years, he gets disoriented, he doesn’t see as well but he seems happy. So for now, life will continue on. They are all so different. But one thing is the same, they are all bundles of love and joy. My little furr-by family.