Frozen – Town Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

I made a trip over to the “Green” and used my new camera for the first real time. I’ve been snapping pics around the house but this was my first real photo excursion. Maybe it was me and that the camera is still a bit unfamiliar but I don’t think I really captured the beauty of the display this year. But I promised to share so here they are. The theme is Frozen loosely based on the Disney movie.

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The big tree is crooked. I doubled checked and it wasn’t me it was the tree. 🙂

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2013 Taunton Green

Christmas is almost here and I still hadn’t found time to take pictures of the Taunton Green. I started photographing The Green 3 years ago in 2010. I know that isn’t that long but I didn’t have the camera before that! 🙂 Now I consider it a tradition and as I explained in my last post about the lighting of the Green, this year is special. It’s the 100th year.

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So with the clock ticking I braved the rain, yes rain and headed to the Green. It’s about 38 degrees and raining off and on. It’s rained all day, sometimes quite hard. It’s seemed to be tapering off since I headed out. Northern New England got an ice storm and snow so I guess I should be counting my blessings.

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I covered the camera with a plastic baggie with a hole cut for the lens but found it hard to see through the viewfinder. I decided to gamble and take the baggie off. I kept it handy incase the rain started again.

Remember the big round things that were being built? Turns out they were layers of a cake.

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There’s the Christmas City banner along with Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays and lots of trees.

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We have a Nativity Scene and Elves and lots and lots of lights.

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The rain started again so I’m wrapping up the shoot. I hope you enjoy this peak at the Green 2013.

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100 Years of Lights

My adopted city of Taunton, MA is known as the Christmas City. Every year the city goes all out with a light display.


The Annual Lighting of the Green and Lights On Festival is traditionally held the Friday following the Friday after Thanksgiving.  The Lighting of the Green has happened in the center of Taunton for 100 years, and we hope this tradition will survive 100 more.  This year’s Lighting of the Green will be focused on 100 years of family memories, and it’s sure to offer something for the whole family.

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Originally the Green was decorated to draw shoppers to the downtown area. Over the years people from all over New England came to see the Decorated Center of Taunton.

edaville2012 069 copyThis has continued even with other major light shows in the area such as the  lights at LaSalette Shrine and Edaville Railroad.

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In the beginning it was just  Christmas trees. Over the years  it evolved to displays, some of which were motorized and moved.

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One of the factors that contributed to Taunton’s reputation as the Christmas City is that prior to 1951, there was no Route 24. That meant that all the people who were traveling between Boston and Fall River would have to go through downtown Taunton when using routes 140, 44 and 138.

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The 1948 display was the first to feature an illuminated sign that reads, “THE CHRISTMAS CITY,” and during that year WBZ-TV first came on the air and broadcast the lighting of the Taunton Green.

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I’ve only lived in Taunton since 2006 but have embraced the city and it’s traditions. Unlike many of the other places I’ve lived, this doesn’t feel like a “stop along the way”. I feel a pride of place that I haven’t experienced except in my original hometown in New York.

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Because of my work schedule I have never had a chance to attend the Lighting of the Green Ceremony and even though I have the day off this year, I will  miss it again as I have a previous commitment to a friend. But missing the festivities is really a small price as the Green will be decorated and lit throughout the Christmas Season. I will have my chance to enjoy the lights and take my photos as I have in years past and I promise you’ll see them right here.

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Here comes Santa Claus , here comes…

It isn’t even Halloween! We still have to get through Thanksgiving! But Taunton, the Christmas City, is already beginning to prepare for the big display on the Taunton Green.

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In a way I can forgive them. They do go all out when they decorate and often they have to build some of the displays to avoid repeating too many from the past.  They try to make it new and different each year.

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I think Taunton usually has a “lighting Ceremony” the first week in December but more and more surrounding communities are lighting up in mid- November, even before Thanksgiving!

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Last year was the first time I noticed the way the display seemed to grow. Before I never paid any attention. I’d just be driving home one night and there it was, all lit up… Just like magic !

They are building something around the fountain again but the design is different. This green and white thing showed up Friday. I’m making guesses in my head as to what this will be. Maybe a drum? Will they build another Jack-in-the- box?

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Last year I had my doubts as I watched this huge box get built in the middle of the green. I really thought it was going to be ugly. In the end it wasn’t bad at all.

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I don’t think it was as nice as the year they surrounded the fountain with angel heralds but that’s just my opinion.

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Now that I’m working from home I’ll be able to sneak down to check on the progress better than in years past.

It’s going to be fun watching the scene unfold.