Kitty Destruction Continues

Snow, Snow, Snow! We’re heading into the home stretch for the shopping rush. Yup. Only one more weekend to get out and spend, spend , spend and that snow storm the Northeast just had surely put a damper on things.

Down in southeastern Mass. we missed the bullet. Temps climbed overnight and the snow turned to rain.  By Sunday morning it was mostly slush but now it’s going to freeze… ice skates anyone?

As I was poking through my boxes of Christmas (yes I said the terrible word, not the PC Holiday) ornaments I thought it was a shame not to use some more. For years I just had my little table top tree (when the cats would allow it) but now I have all these other ornaments from the years we decorated at the office.

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So I thought why not set up the side board. I packed up all my everyday things and spread the fake snow blanket. Oh I had everything from Santa on a boat to snowmen to Christmas Trees. No rhyme or reason to it, just using “stuff”. When it was done it wasn’t too bad. Maybe next year I’ll organize a village. But the best part… the cats were paying no attention! No helping paws!

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For about a week the only thing I had to protect was the tree and we all know now how that went.

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I’m not quite sure when the Kitty tornado blew through my tranquil holiday collage. I didn’t turn the lights on every night but I did look at it fairly regularly. But today I noticed it looked like a major storm blew in. Trees down, Santa knocked over, even the snowmen and Christmas mouse were flattened.

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I just finished setting things back up and heard a “Bump”. I think I know the culprit now.

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Rocky you’re off the hook on this one. Looks like Buddy gets to take the blame.

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