Deck the Halls the Disney Way

All together we spent about 3 hours at the Magic Kingdom. As we headed for the boat ramps to sail to the Disney Hotels, I stopped at the ECV to let them know to take our/my name off the list. We were still #2.

By now I had started to limp as my back muscles cramped up and put stress on my sciatic nerve sending pain down my left leg. I sat off to the side while Joe stood in line. The bench wasn’t too comfortable but it provided a little relief.

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Pretty soon we boarded a cute little boat and headed to the Grand Floridian, the most opulent of the Disney hotels. We wanted to see the Gingerbread house. The walk from the boat dock is slightly uphill and for someone feeling the strain, it seemed like a looong walk.

It was worth it once we stepped inside. The lobby is magnificent and even more so with enormous the Christmas Tree right in the center.

Grand Floridian


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They had comfy couches and chairs and I took full advantage of it. That was immediately relief and a promise of more pain to come as the back muscles contracted. Joe left me to recover while he explored the other vantage points for photos.

Tired and sore

The Gingerbread house was everything it was built up to be, including having a load of “hidden Mickey’s” but the tree in that Lobby really was the main event. It really overshadowed the gingerbread house.

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Speaking of the Gingerbread house, it is a real gingerbread house, not a cardboard imitation. Designed by the executive pastry chef, Erich Herbitschek, this house took over 1,050 lbs. of honey, 800 lbs. of flour, 600 lbs. of chocolate, 600 lbs. of powdered sugar, 140 pints of egg whites, and 35 lbs. of spices! Oh, and don’t forget the pinch of Pixie Dust and dash of Disney Magic mixed in as well.

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Recovered somewhat it was time to re-board and head to the Polynesian Resort.

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A little Christmas Mischief

There hasn’t been much to report. The install for my over the range micro wave was supposed to be Monday but it got trumped by an emergency out of heat call. Can’t really argue with that. Keeping warm in the Massachusetts winter is a bit more important than whether I warm my dinner in a microwave or in the oven.

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The little tree is up but with minimal decorations since they don’t stay on the tree for long anyway.

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Oh Oh Caught in the act!

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But let’s act nonchalant about it. A little paw lick should cover it up.

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Ahh more decorations. This is getting more interesting.

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I think I’ll just settle in here and watch the pretty lights.

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To my surprise, Rocky hasn’t shown any interest in the tree. He’s just glad to be spending warm days under the sun (lamp)

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Who needs a warm beach?



It’s a Little Tree

The hectic pace continues around here. I no sooner got the boxes emptied out from the kitchen than I started filling them back up again from the china cabinet in the dining area.

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No point painting the kitchen and not the adjoining wall. My neighbor has said he will help me move the cabinet which is really a side board and hutch.

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Unfortunately for my clutter tolerance I’m not stopping there. I ordered an armoire to put next to the hutch. I’ll ditch the old beat up book case. This will give me a place to hang coats and jackets instead of over the back of a chair. One  side of the armoire has shelves so I can put the things from the old book case in there. It’s mostly photography stuff anyway, not too many books. Maybe that will keep them from being constantly knocked to the floor by Mr. Rocky.


I’m still waiting for my electrician who is having some issues of his own. So by extension my kitchen is at a standstill. He says maybe Monday??? Fingers Crossed.

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On the upside my heavy winter gear came from Cabela’s and it fits.  I think. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a snow suit so it feels really bulky. I’ll have to get used to it I guess. At least I’ll be warm and it’s camo no less! I’ll be able to get out in the snow and maybe get some really decent pictures instead of hibernating all winter. The insulated boots didn’t come. They are out of stock for the winter. Maybe I can wear extra wool socks in my hiking boots.

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With the delays and all the boxes I decided this was not the year to upgrade my Christmas Tree. I pulled the small tree out last night and will dig out the ornaments today. I hung my wreathe on my door so at least that’s done.

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It looks like I have a bit of a problem. I usually put the tree on the hope chest but that’s one of Buddy’s favorite places to snooze. As soon as I started messing around there he claimed it.

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Taunton, MA, The Christmas City, had it’s tree lighting today at 5 pm. Of course it was raining but they went forward with the festivities anyway. I love that this city always goes all out for the holidays. I won’t try to get there today but maybe tomorrow evening I can take a break and get some photos to show you.

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Thanks Buddy. I can see tonight will be a long night!

Almost Done

I’m just waiting for the microwave range hood to arrive and get installed and the kitchen will be done. Well at least the parts that the contractors are doing. As soon as that’s installed I’ll post the pictures of the “finished product”. There are still some small sections that need to be painted but I’m going to take care of those myself. In my spare time.


Shush Mouse! I WILL get  it done!

I keep thinking about a Christmas Tree. With all the kitchen work I still have boxes  around and there’s so little time. For years I didn’t bother with one but for some reason I really want to put one up in the window this year. I don’t mean my little 3 ft tree, more like a 6 ft tree. Of course it will be artificial. I don’t want my cats trying to eat the needles on a real tree and I don’t want to spend all winter picking needles out of the carpet. So I guess I’ll be tree shopping this weekend.


I had to share this picture with you. My Bud-man looked so peaceful and cute stretched out on my bed. He takes it over for himself. I make the bed every morning but by night time it’s always messed up again as Buddy crawls under the covers throughout the day. At least I caught this one when he was on top of the covers and not just a lump.

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Rocky has always been a drooler. I was told by my vet that it was a sign of how contented he was with me. A very wet compliment. But Buddy hasn’t ever shown any inclination to drool. He’s more likely to bite you but about 4 am yesterday morning I was awakened by something warm and wet near my ear. As I reached up to wipe it away I realized it wasn’t just near my ear, it was in my hair to the point that my head was quite wet. Who was the drooling culprit? Buddy! He was purring up a storm and snuggled as tight to my head as he could get.

Needless to say I washed my hair when I got up but I couldn’t help feeling that maybe this was a breakthrough. Buddy is a good kitty but he has his difficult moments and I’ve really been trying to build a bond. I hope the drooling was a good sign.



Rocky the Flying Cat

From 1959 – 1964 the airwaves were filled with the Adventures of Rocky the Flying Squirrel and his side kick Bullwinkle the Moose. Their adventures included matching wits with the villains, Natasha and Boris, archenemies of the “Moose and Squirrel”.


I loved that show and wish I could say that Rocky the Squirrel was the inspiration for my cat’s name but it wouldn’t be true. He was actually named after the boxer in the “Rocky” movies. In the movies no matter how battered and beaten Rocky ended up, he never gave up, shook it off and came back to win the boxing match. Well, when I rescued my Rocky he was a tiny kitten and a young boy was abusing him. When I came racing to the rescue the kid tossed the kitten  into a shopping cart and ran. That little bit of orange fluff was so tiny he fell through the wire floor of the cart to the ground. As I approached, the kitten stood up, shook himself and headed for me with his wobbly little kitten walk.


When I took him to the vet they said I had to name him or they wouldn’t treat him. Rocky was the only name that came to mind. From that first day he embraced the name, even coming when I call “Rocky”.


Now 12 years later Rocky the Cat continues to be unique compared to any other cat I have ever shared a home with, and there have been many. He likes affection but barely slows down long enough to get any. He will cuddle but not in your lap…that’s another story for another time.

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Today is a classic Christmas Disaster Story.


I’ve been working from home now since July. When I do go out ( for meetings, photo shoots, shopping, life) the cats, Rocky, Smokey and Buddy all get very hyper when I return. It’s usually pretty funny to watch them all racing around. What a happy welcome!

This time it wasn’t so funny. My little 48 inch table top Christmas Tree was all set up in the living room. Rocky had shown some interest but that had begun to slow down as he got used to it. The other two cats paid it no attention at all.

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I was at a meeting in Dedham from 11am- returning home around 3pm and the cats were doing their run around crazy greeting. Buddy ran past the tree at ground level with Rocky in hot pursuit except Rocky decided to try for the “High Road”. He launched himself in a great leap that brought him down right in the middle of the tree. A little to the left and he would have flattened Buddy . Instead down crashed the tree to the floor where it landed on top of the shocked kitty. Still tangled in the string of lights, Rocky took off like a shot , dragging the tree across the living room floor, ornaments  scattering everywhere. Then Rocky broke free and made a bee line to the bedroom.

RIP Christmas Tree 🙁

scan0002I didn’t take pictures of the carnage. My first reaction was to unplug the tree to avoid a fire or electrocuting the cat. My 2nd reaction was to check Rocky for broken bones or cuts and scrapes. He seemed to be unscathed.

Then I returned to the living room to pick up the mess. The silence was strange. No curious cats poked in the wreckage or teasing for treats. No one was running around anymore. It was almost like they had all  put themselves in “time out”.


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The tree is back together. It’s artificial. Only one light bulb was broken. The ornaments are plastic or Styrofoam so no damage there. It lights up and I’ve re-trimmed it. Rocky the Flying Cat has checked it out…from a distance. The other 2 cats ignore it. Maybe I’ll get Rocky a cape to wear for Christmas.
