A Festival of Trees

I have a feeling this is only the first of many “Festival of Trees”. I was looking for lighting displays and when the list came up there were festivals of trees everywhere.

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How did I end up at the Easton Garden Club’s “Festival of Trees”? A friend of mine asked me to take pictures of her two children for the annual Christmas Card.  It took some juggling because between the kids school schedule, my friend’s work schedule and my work schedule there didn’t seem to be anytime to get together. The challenge was complicated by needing a holiday background. They didn’t have their tree up yet. Finally we adults decided to take the kids to see the Festival of Trees. It was close to their home and we figured there must be something there to use as a background. A couple of shots in front of a tree and the kids could go back to being kids. Easy Peasey, right?

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I volunteered to take the day off from work. It was an afternoon event and then we’d take the kids to see the “Lighting of the Rockery” in Easton Center in the evening. Sounded like a good idea at the time. The only problem was the kids didn’t get the memo.

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I picked the little family up at 2:30 and we took a leisurely drive the couple of miles to the Festival. It was inside so we didn’t need to worry about the weather.

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Young Dawn was all dressed up for the picture. So far so good. But that was as far as it went.

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Inside the large building tree after tree was decorated. There was so many trees.

Easton Festival of Trees 013 copyThey had names like “A Black Tie Affair”,

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It’s a Dog’s Life, Aqua Splendor and many more. There was even a tree that I think you’ll recognize.

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There was  a Grinch set up for photos. Perfect (not). And Thing #1 and Thing #2 with the Cat in the Hat!

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That was when I hit the first road block. Both children turned into the human versions of Thing 1 and Thing 2. They didn’t want to be in the same picture together and they didn’t want to be in a picture with the Grinch. Each had their own favorite tree but didn’t  want to share.

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I’ll let Santa sort out the Naughty or Nice list. Sometimes it’s better to punt, so separate pictures it was.

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The Center of Easton was bustling with Bouncy Houses, Fried Dough and Hot dog stands.

Easton Festival of Trees 068 copySanta arrived riding in a Fire truck and Elmo and Rudolph worked the crowd.

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Then it was time for the big event.

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A rock wall called the Rockery was lit with hundreds of holiday lights. The DJ cranked out lively Christmas tunes like Rockin’ Around the Christmas tree. It was a jolly old crowd that cheered the lighting.

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By now it was quite dark and time to return,  Daughter Dawn , Son Alex and Mom Nancy back to their little home.

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Mom Nancy and I will put our heads together to plot the next attempt to secure this year’s Christmas photo. We’ll only get one more try because Christmas is right around the corner.

It’s That Time of Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you “Be of good cheer”
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
It’s the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It’s the hap- happiest season of all

This is the week that launches the holidays. Already there have been tree lightings and parades and I’m not talking about the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. I’m hoping to get into Boston to check out the tree and decorations at Faneuil Hall. There was a 30 minute TV presentation for the lighting of the 95 ft. tree!


No snow yet. The weather folks were saying it was snowing on the south shore when I turned on the TV yesterday morning. I’m not sure where they were looking because here the sun was out and it was a beautiful, if cold, day. This morning, rainy and gray.


I think I might like the snow this year. I don’t have to drive in it. Working from home lets me relax and enjoy the changing New England weather without worrying about maneuvering through traffic to get to work.

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Some of my neighbors have their holiday decorations up already. I’m still dragging my feet. It took 10 years before I was able to get a small Christmas tree up and keep it up with 2 curious cats. Each year they would systematically dismantle the tree. In the early years they pulled it down faster than I could put it up. Last year was the first year it really survived the whole season. Now I have a new cat and I’m debating if I really want to start the battle of the Christmas Tree all over again.

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It’s not like I have little kids to impress. It’s just me but I did enjoy it last year. And the antics of 3 cats might make for an entertaining post.

Yes, I’m thinking I should at least try it out and see how Buddy reacts. See that’s why I write these posts. It helps me make decisions.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Around the office the elves are busy pinning and taping. Various displays are beginning to come together. The early birds add the finishing touches to their cubicles while watching in awe as the late-comers throw themselves into their project with deadlines looming.
WFO Christmas 009 copy Every where you look there’s a tree or snowman or wreath or so it seems.
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Management concluded that the department supervisors couldn’t be the judges (probably a good choice) so 3 supervisors from another department are being coerced into the role of judges. I wouldn’t want to try to choose. All of the displays are beautiful or symbolic and everyone contributed work, idea, or decorations.
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