To New York City Transit System: You Rock!

On Thursday Humane Actions trumped politics in NYC. Good for you MTA and boo /hiss for  Joe Lhota.

NEW YORK (AP) — A former chairman of the Metropolitan Transit Authority and New York City mayoral hopeful says he wouldn’t have stopped the subway because two lost kittens were scrambling along the tracks.

A spokesman for Joe Lhota (LOH’-tuh) tells the New York Post ( ) Friday the candidate doesn’t think shutting down subway service for lost cats is appropriate. But he said Lhota believes it wouldn’t be the mayor’s decision in any case.

On Thursday, the MTA cut power on two Brooklyn subway lines for more than an hour as the two pets scurried around the tracks. The furry felines were finally rescued about seven hours later.

Officials say kittens Arthur and August are being treated in a shelter.

Other mayoral hopefuls tell the paper they would’ve stopped the trains.


I don’t live in NYC or even NY State  anymore but I applaud the actions of the MTA and Mr. Lhota would have just lost my vote. If cruelty to other humans, including wars and murders, are ever going to be overcome by the human race, we have to start with the kindness to the smallest and weakest. We have to respect all life.

Sorry, I don’t mean to get on my soap box but Mr. Lhota’s attitude is a symptom of a much bigger problem…that we have the right to disregard all other creatures in our quest to reign supreme.

I’m glad the MTA shut down for an hour and I hope Mr. Lhota loses his bid for election.

Labor Day

Here it is, Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, the last day to wear white, a day of parties and cook outs and barbeques.


I looked for something new to say about Labor Day but it’s all pretty much the same thing.


The first observance of Labor Day is believed to have been a parade on September 5, 1882, in New York City, probably organized by Peter J. McGuire, a Carpenters and Joiners Union secretary.

By 1893, more than half the states were observing a “Labor Day” on one day or another, and a bill to establish a federal holiday was passed by Congress in 1894. President Grover Cleveland signed the bill soon afterward, designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day.

We’ve all heard that many times. Whenever you google Labor Day that same history comes up. I wanted something new. I may have found it in the 2010 census. I know , a bit out of date but it was the most recent I could find.  So here goes, a few facts you might not have known about Labor and/or Labor Day.


  • 134 Million Americans work from home thanks to Skype and the High Speed Internet.
  • The average time to commute to work is 25.3 minutes.
  • 76% drive alone to work.
  • 9.7% carpool to work
  • 4.9% take public transportation
  • 155.2 million =Number of people age 16 or older in the nation’s labor force. As of 2012,  53% were men and 47% were women.


So now you have some numbers to chew on over your burgers and wings. I hope everyone enjoys the day.


Aboard Ship~Day 2 (Tuesday)

Back on the ship after our Key West experience we headed to the Horizon Bar and Grill on the Lido deck for a quick lunch while the Imagination cast off for Cozumel, Mexico.


One thing about being in the ocean on a large cruise ship is that the staff and especially the cruise director work very hard to keep everyone entertained. Special events like karaoke, break dance exhibitions, bingo, dance classes and Towel Folding Fun supplement the casino, book reading and swimming pool for activities.

Key West 014 copy

There is an internet café but with a charge of $.75/minute that seemed a bit rich to me. Especially when someone who had used it said the connection is very slow so you are paying for “dead” time.

There’s also something to be said for just sitting on the deck and watching the waves. It’s kind of mesmerizing. The ship doesn’t roll much although you do get a bit of motion now and then. It’s been particularly stormy between patches of sun and clouds.

Tuesday Night is elegant dining on this particular cruise. My dolphin sarong was just the added touch needed to dress up my navy pant suit.

This was also the Prime Rib or Lobster night. I went with the lobster. I’d been looking forward to that since I found out there was lobster served on every cruise. Today’s menu was lobster tail and grilled shrimp, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. Served with drawn butter it was melt in your mouth goodness. Since it is elegant fine dining I splurged and had a glass of chardonnay with my meal. It was excellent too.

Joe is not a shellfish eater and he doesn’t eat meat but there were other options available. He had grilled chicken. Dessert was a Grand Marnier Soufflé for Joe but I was content with a small dish of chocolate ice cream.

A very satisfactory dinner under our belts we went to listen to the karaoke singers for a bit before making our way to the Dynasty Lounge for the Living in America show.

The Dynasty lounge has wonderful semi circle seats. We got there a bit late so had to sit in the back. I joked that it was the cruise ship version of “Obstructed View” as there were a couple of poles but it really didn’t interfere with the show which was excellent.

The ship was rocking a bit more as the weather had turned windy and rainy but the dancers never missed beat…literally! The LasVegas style show was a medley of songs that featured a state or town. For Example Neil Diamond’s “America” was stolen for the title song with a slight variation in the words. Instead of “we’re coming to America” they sang “we’re living in America”. Of course there were songs like Chicago, New York New York, Give my regards to Broadway, and Sweet Georgia Brown including basketballs. Elvis’s Viva Las Vegas introduced showgirls with elaborate head gear.

No pictures. Photography and video is prohibited.

The lead singers Patrick and Aretha were terrific. I thing Aretha is well named. As former dance instructors Joe and I couldn’t help critiquing the choreography. Simple. Most of the patterns were pretty basic but execution always makes the difference and the dancers executed their patterns well especially when you think they were dancing with a rolling stage under their feet.

There were a lot of costume and set changes which had to be challenging too. All in all it was a great show. Without a doubt this was the best day of the cruise so far.

We’ll be sailing all night and well into the morning before we dock in Cozumel. We have an excursion planned for Mexico so we’ll see what the day brings.

Posting Schedule

I’m about to embark on a little jaunt and I am not sure how much access I’ll have to the internet. I have 2 more days on the 21 day Photo Challenge. I promise I’ll take at least one picture a day and share them as soon as I get “plugged in” again.
I’ll also give you a full report on where I’ve been and what I’ve done. (Hint) Cruise/ Mexico/ Mayan Ruins/ Everglades…So stay tuned. I’ll try not to be out of touch too long!~ Dusty