Scenic Vermont

Scenic Vermont

As we pulled out of the Robb Family Farm we called On Star for directions to the 2nd Sugar House on the list. With the big snow flakes coming down it was easy to see why Vermont has a reputation for being scenic. The rural ambiance was only enhanced by the wintry weather.

Creamery Covered Bridge

On the way in we’d passed a red, covered bridge. Now Joe suggested we pull over for a photo op.

Named the Creamery Covered Bridge it is the only covered bridge left in Brattleboro, Vermont. It is well maintained and it seems the town is serious about keeping it that way. A large boulder has been placed in front of it to prevent cars from driving over it. You can walk but you can’t drive.

Of course the bridge is an iconic shot but the stream that runs under the bridge is interesting too. I took some time to take a few photos of that as well as the bridge.

I heard that this is a popular spot for wedding photos during the summer. I can see why.

Jackson Falls

I may not have gotten the photo I had in mind when I drove to Jackson NH but all was not lost.

Over lunch at a local restaurant several people asked me if I’d been to the “Falls” yet. I told them no and asked where it was. Turns out, not far from the center of town at all.

So having chased the snowless sleighs around for a bit I decided to give that a rest and see if I could find Jackson Falls.


Just after making the turn by the  Wentworth Inn ( I think that was the name) I drove up a hill.  At the top was a place to pull over . There were quite a few cars there considering it was quite cold and beginning to spit some snow flurries. It turned out to be a wedding party getting their photos done. I didn’t want to intrude so decided to drive around some more and come back in a little bit.

I completed a circle that passed lots of scenic farms and finally brought me back to the covered bridge.


I figured that was enough time for the photo shoot to end because the bride had to be freezing but I was wrong. The bride and groom were still there. Most of the rest of the wedding party had left. Trying not to intrude I wandered downstream away from the photo shoot but when I turned to photograph the falls I couldn’t resist a shot with the bride and groom standing nearby.


This is one of my favorites from that day’s adventures.

The Arts and Crafts Trail

After the trip up the Space Needle and the Moonshine tasting I was ready to call it a day. I wasn’t sure where the trolley stop was on main street so I found myself walking back down the hill.

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Back at the Aquarium I decided to take one more ride before I went home. I settled on the yellow line which takes you around to the various artist studios and craft shops. Gatlinburg is very “big” on crafts.


Gatlinburg’s craft  community is the largest group of independent artisans in  North America. This historic 8-mile loop has been designated a Tennessee Heritage Arts & Crafts Trail. Established in 1937, these artisans whittle, paint, sew, cast, weave and carve to create original collectibles such as candles, baskets, quilts, brooms, pottery,
jewelry, dolls, ceramics, scrimshaw, silver smithing, leather, stained glass, wearable fashions, fine photography, frameable art, oils, watercolors, and also lodging, restaurants, cafés, tea room, soda fountain and candy shops.


Although the loop is only 8 miles it takes an hour to complete the loop on the trolley because there are so many stops.


While riding along on this one we passed a covered bridge and farther along a beaver lodge. The driver insisted the lodge was occupied but the water was awful low and the lodge was in pretty poor repair. He admitted he hadn’t seen any beavers lately so my bet is on it being abandoned. It was still an interesting bit of scenery.


Pulling back into the stop at the Aquarium the driver mentioned a herd of elk that he’s seen recently. I had to find out more. He said I’d find them in the Cataloochee. Almost as soon as he told me he backed off telling me it was too far to be bothered with and that I’d get lost and on and on. He really tried to discourage me which of course had the opposite effect.

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I’ve chased elk herds all over from Custer State Park in South Dakota to the lake country north of Sedona in Arizona and have ever seen a one. Maybe my luck is about to change!

When is a Bridge more than a Bridge?

When is a Bridge more than a bridge? When it’s covered , of course.


Pennsylvania is supposed to have the most covered bridges. It is also supposed to have had the most covered bridges of any state throughout history. Estimates say there was at least 1500 during the height of bridge building. But don’t forget Vermont.


Vermont has the most covered bridges per square mile or at least it did have before the bad weather in recent years started taking them out and turning them into matchsticks. I’m not sure where the count stands now.


New Hampshire has bunch and I got to see some of them on my vacation to Waterville Valley.


The one I want to talk about here is the one in Rhode Island. Up until I started researching this bridge I thought it was the only one in Rhode Island. Most articles say Rhode Island has just the one but there’s a rumor that there’s a newer bridge in Lincoln Woods State Park. I may have to check that out.

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But back to the bridge of the day, little Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge in Foster , RI. This little bridge was a real labor of love. A replica of an early 19th-century structure, it was built by volunteers back in 1994. The timber was logged from nearby forests and the 40-foot-long bridge straddles Hemlock Brook, north of the small town of Foster, just off Route 94. It uses the lattice-truss method of construction and was rebuilt in 1994.

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It’s officially listed as part of the “leaf-peeper trail. A true treasure to see.

I saw a documentary on covered bridges on PBS and that show mentioned that the Swamp Meadow bridge had burned down. It was determined it was arson and the cuplrits, 3 village youths, eventually were identified and apprehended. But that wasn’t the end of the story. The community banded together to rebuild the bridge. The bridge burned on September 11, 1993 and was rededicated in November 1994 and stands to this day.
