Is Travel Back?

Is is time to Start Traveling Again?

COVID is still here. We’ve now got the Delta Variant and Mu to name just 2. So is Travel back? I put a tentative toe into the travel pool last week. I was taking a test run not Just due to COVID but to test out my physical abilities too. In my case COVID wasn’t as much as a problem as my knees. I’m definitely going to have to come up with some solution but I’ll whine about that later. Let me tell you about my trip minus the moaning and groaning.

Turtle Town 2020

Is Hawaii Closed?

First of all, I didn’t go to Hawaii this trip but to my friends that asked, Hawaii is not closed. It is very much open to tourism just with some restrictions. The Safe Travels program is still in effect – with some exceptions. Visitors can bypass the now 10-day quarantine requirement with a negative COVID test pre-flight OR by proof of vaccination status. Inter-island travel is also exempt from testing and quarantine requirements. Travelers should check current requirements before leaving for the islands

Akaka Falls

Akaka Falls – Big Island 2018

On August 23, 2021, Governor David Ige called upon Hawaii residents and visitors to delay all non-essential travel through the end of October 2021. However, Hawaii has not been “closed” and has not yet modified entry requirements – the governor asked that travel be reduced as the islands are challenged by reduced hospital capacity, as well as restaurant & car rental services. As of September 1, Oahu is now requiring a COVID-19 vaccine or negative test mandate to eat at bars and restaurants, in addition to other indoor facilities, including Honolulu. This change will last for at least 60 days.

Starting on September 15, Maui will begin requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for indoor dining and drinking. Hawaii is also in the process of rolling out a digital health pass program.

Before booking a Hawaii vacation, travelers should ask themselves if these restrictions will put a damper on their trip. If a Hawaii vacation would not be complete in your book without eating out every night and perhaps even some bar-hopping, then now may not be your time to go. However, if you prefer to relax with your family on the beach and take in the sights, then the restrictions may not bother you as much.

North Carolina Bound

I chose to stay on the east coast  this time. It was my first attempt at travel since COVID and I didn’t want to go too far afield.  Besides, spending a week in North Carolina let me check another state off my bucket list. However I did things a little differently this trip and I chose to head to the mountains, not the coast. I got to see some spectacular scenery and lots of waterfalls. Plus I flew a regional airline, not one of the major lines and found some interesting differences. So lets get Masked Up and come along with me to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. 

Blue Ridge Mountains , NC 2021