Personal Day In Hawaii

Personal Time

Personal time, by that I mean no tours, no special activities, is rare for me on vacation. I’m usually on the go, go, go. I am very aware that I have a limited amount of time and there’s always so much to see and do. But I’m starting to find that these crazy busy vacations are beginning to take a toll on me. I’m not getting any younger and my chronic back issues really drain my energy. So after the long day touring Volcano National Park I took a break. I just hung out around the resort but there was still plenty to do.

Ocean rowing


Ocean View from the Lanai

Atlantis Submarine


Tree TrimingA good part of my morning was spent relaxing on the lanai.  I watched the little submarine go up and down taking tourists to the bottom of the bay. I did that on Maui but I skipped it here. It was fun just to watch the process from my deck.  The grounds keepers were busy too. They were trimming off the large palm leaves from the trees that were scattered over the property. After the storm that came through Monday they wanted to make sure there were no loose limbs to fall on the guests. Every morning the rowers come by my deck. Today was no exception. They were out in force. Late morning a huge cruise ship slid into view. It was too large to dock so they used tenders to transport the tourists. My guess is they were coming into Kailua Pier to wander the shopping district along Alii Drive.

Tiki Grotto with Cruise ship

Entertaining Afternoon

Lunch was at Don’s Mai Tai Bar. The food was expensive but ok. Simply a case of trying to live up to the price. I’d have liked a plain cheeseburger better but then they wouldn’t have been able to charge $16.00! Service was good and the outdoor setting was relaxing. Watching the bartender whip up the exotic drinks was entertaining in and of itself.  Later in the afternoon I was joined by a couple from  the Volcano tour and their local friend.  Finger foods and drinks followed. Finally an entertainer plugged in . He was obviously popular as it was standing room only. Glad I had a seat from the afternoon! What a great way to spend my “off” day!

Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami warning

NOAA buoy detects Tsunami

Stock Photo

Did you hear about the Alaska Tsunami warning?

Imagine if you had been cruising when the tsunami warning came on! I was about to tell you about cruise #3 which was to Alaska but I decided I wanted to know more about the tsunami and earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska. How do these events affect a cruise ship?

Earthquake under the Sea

Its pretty interesting. If you are on a boat and there’s an earthquake near you, you won’t even notice it. Imagine a cork in a bowl of water. Tip the bowl and the cork won’t move. Same idea but the ship is the cork and the bowl the ocean. If you are tied up in port your experience might be a little different. The dock will be affected because it’s connected to the land. Since the ship is tied to the dock tie lines may jerk and the ship may bump into the pier. All that energy is being transferred to the ship.

But What about a Tsunami?

Those are pretty big waves. It would seem that they would affect the ship. Remember the movie “The Poseidon Adventure” (1972 & 2005)? That is not what is going to happen. At least not if you are out at sea. If you are on a cruise ship in the ocean you might not even notice the Tsunami! Much like the cork above, your ship will probably just ride over it.

The Shock Wave that is a Tsunami

Tsunamis can travel at speeds of 500 mph in the open sea but it isn’t a wall of  water. It’s not until it hits shallow water in a harbor or along a coast that it is compressed into a big wave. Stay away from land and you should be good. Experts say that large cruise ships probably won’t be affected even when docked because they need at least 30 ft of water which is still considered fairly deep.

Alaska’s Alert

Although everyone was evacuated from the low lying coastal areas near Kodiak, the tsunami never materialized. By 7:30 EST the alerts and warnings along the west coast were being canceled. That’s good news for all!


Cruise Dos

Poolside (c) Dusty Roads Photos

Cruise Number 2

The 2nd cruise was a few years later, 2013 to be more specific. Once again I was teamed up with my BFF. This time it was just the 2 of us. The other thing I did differently was plan the excursions in advance so that both of us were on the same page. We were doing another 4 day cruise, this time to Cozumel, Mexico.

Leaving from The Port of Miami

This cruise seemed to get off to better start. I flew down to Orlando the day before departure. We drove to Miami together to board the ship. Once on board we checked out the state rooms. This one was larger than the one I shared on the last cruise.

Sunset at the Port of Miami (c) Dusty Roads Photos

Cruise ship in Key West (c) Dusty Roads Photos

First Port of Call- Key West

Our first port of call was just down the coast in Key West. Joe had lived and worked in Key West at one time so he was very familiar with it. I’d had the opportunity to visit him so it wasn’t new to me either. We wandered around playing tourist just the same. It was a nice, relaxed day.

Beware of Thieves

I don’t remember which day it was but we decided to take our breakfast plates outside to a deck table.

Sneaky Gull- (c) Dusty Roads Photos

The morning was beautiful. The gulls seemed to know the cruise guests would be out with food and some were quite aggressive. Do not leave you plate unattended as a gull will be in that food in a heartbeat. One of the funniest moments (for me) was when a particularly determined gull decided it wanted Joe’s breakfast. Even though Joe was seated right there I watched the sneaky bird creep up the rail behind Joe. It was obvious the bird knew exactly what it was doing. Joe had no clue what was about to happen. When the bird swooped over Joe’s shoulder to raid the plate I laughed until I cried. Joe was not amused!


Mayan Ruins, Tulem

Photo by Dusty Roads Photos

When the ship docked in Cozumel we took a shuttle to the Mexican mainland. That was one wild ride as the seas between Cozumel and the mainland are extremely rough. The crew of the shuttle were handing out seasick bags! But once on land we connected with our tour guide and got to explore the Mayan ruins of Tulum. These are both beautiful and  fascinating. Well worth the discomfort of a rough channel crossing.  I never expected to be surrounded by such history in my life.  This cruise was more to my liking!


Experience Rating


A Double Decker City Tour

After a relaxing and sunny day  on Wednesday I was ready for a new adventure. So on Thursday I was headed out for the City Tour on the Double Decker buses. It would take most of the day and include lunch and a boat ride through the islands to look at the million dollar homes of the stars. Miami really loves their movie stars.

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The bus picked up right in front of the resort and I headed to the open top.

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As we wove our way along Ocean Drive and Collins Ave the driver pointed out all the Art deco buildings, a restaurant where Will Smith was spotted having breakfast, (of course he wasn’t there when we drove by) and the famous Versace Mansion where the clothing designed was shot and killed in 1997.

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As we passed one hotel and restaurant after another it seemed they were all owned by famous actors and actresses. Miami Vice was mentioned many times. It seems scenes from the show were shot all up and down Ocean Drive.

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Turns out this was the prequel to the actual tour. We reached the ticket office on Washington Ave and all filed off the bus to trade in our vouchers for the real tickets. Then it was back on  the bus for the real tour.

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As our tour began we headed off the Island (Miami Beach is an Island in case you didn’t know) via the MacArthur Causeway. Along the way we learned of the hazards of riding on the top deck of the bus. We did a lot of ducking. We ducked for overhanging palm fronds, electric wires, signal lights  and even a bridge. That one was the one that took your breath away!

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Even so this was a super way to get pictures. No window glass and an elevated view!

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As we traveled along the MacArthur Causeway  we had  the Port of Miami on our left where cruise ships from every line start and end their voyages. There was only one ship in port as we passed by. To our right was the Venetian Causeway.

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The tour guide says this is the bridge from the Fast and Furious movie. I’ve never seen the movie so I’ll just have to take their word for it. But there was the famous Miami Skyline to enjoy from multiple angles.

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End of the Line

After viewing the gorgeous sunrise

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as we pulled into Miami we headed into the Horizon Bar and Grill for our last breakfast while the ship docked and prepared for our disembarkation.

dawn 002 copy We’d tagged our bags and left them in the hall outside our cabin the night before. The tags had been left by the staff and each bag had a number. Ours was 23. That would determine when we could leave the ship.

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Everyone congregated on the Lido deck by the pool to wait for their number to be called. It seemed to take forever to get to 23 but once it was called we were processed off the ship pretty quickly. We were disappointed that at no time did we collect a stamp in our passport. The passport was essential but I guess traveling by cruise ship accords some  shortcuts and one of them is by passing the custom stamp.

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One glitch. We left our cell phones in the car because I had heard that even if the phones were off if a call or text came through to voice mail that we could still be charged for international calling (roaming). Not wanting any surprises on our bills we left the phone behind. Now we were standing in front of the terminal with no way to call for the shuttle to the Park & Cruise. There were no old-fashioned pay phones anywhere and no courtesy phones either. Tensions started to rise when I had an inspiration. I approached one of the security personnel with our parking tag and explained our situation.  She chuckled a little and made the call for us . Within half an hour we were back where we started, loading up Joe’s car.

Next stop is Fort Lauderdale Airport where I have a rental car waiting. That’s where Joe will drop me off and head back to Orlando and I will head into Fort Lauderdale to find my hotel. I’m going to spend a couple of days here in hopes of getting to the Everglades for some serious photo opportunities.

We found the car rental return but not the pick-up so Joe dropped me off at the return and I hoofed it to the lobby. It’s not even noon yet. With luck I’ll have most of the day to explore.