The Wild Life

I was thinking about wildlife. Now if I were still in my 20’s and 30’s it would be reasonable for you to think I was talking about WILD LIFE! You know, crazy, partying and carrying on. But as I left those wild days behind long ago I was actually thinking about animals in the wild.

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Of all the things I’ve tried photographing, pets, people, landscape, travel, flowers, and anything else I run across, wild life, animals in the wild are may favorites. Its also probably the most frustrating and truth be told, the style in which  I have the most failures.

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My best work seems to be birds. Why? Because there are always birds of some kind around. I can stake out a bird feeder and have all the “models” I could ever wish for.

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But wildlife doesn’t always cooperate. First you have to find them. Then you have to wait for them to do something. A perfect example is the great blue heron that summers at the Herring Run. I have spent hours with this bird and over the past 5 years I’ve seen him catch 1 fish. Normally he stands as still as a statue for hours. I finally got this picture this year. But he’ll be back next year and I’ll be waiting.

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It occurred to me that I haven’t been out to photograph any deer in the last couple of years. I take that back, I photographed deer

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and elk

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on my vacation in Tennessee but not around here since I got my first camera. According to a photographer friend of mine, now is the perfect time to try to get more deer shots for my portfolio.

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The weather is changing there’s crispness to the air and the bucks are looking for love. He got some really fun shots in RI this week but you have to get there early.


Now I’m not an early riser. Must be a throwback to all that “Wild Life” when I was young so even though I had the best of intentions this morning I missed sunrise. Yup, overslept.

I took a run down to the Wildlife Sanctuary anyway so I can be sure to find it in the pre-dawn light. I’m going to try again tomorrow.


Since there wasn’t any action going on there I headed to my old faithful sanctuary in Marshfield, MA, Daniel Webster. I’ve never been there without seeing deer but this afternoon I came up empty. The reason is that it was crowded with families walking the trails. Kids were whooping and yelling. I stayed until after  5 pm and I could still hear them.  My previous schedule allowed me to explore mid week so it was always quiet. Often my car was the only one in the parking lot. So note to self, try after work mid-week.


So cross your fingers. I’m heading back out to the RI sanctuary in the morning and this time I have set the alarm.

Cades Cove, Worth a Return trip?

After my disappointing experience on the train I wanted to cheer myself back up. The rain had finally passed and the sun had come out. The lovely clouds that form in the valleys  had dissipated by the time I retrieved my car and started back to Gatlinburg so I made the return trip through Newfound Gap without lingering. As a result I was nearing the fork to Cades Cove while the sun was just dipping down toward the horizon. Do I take a drive through or not??? I decided that yes, I wanted one more visit.

It was later than my last trip so the shadows were longer in the fields and down right dark in the wooded areas. No bear this time but the deer were very active,

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At first I thought this one was a fawn with spots but it was really just the way its winter coat was shedding.

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This one is more like I’m used to seeing deer…in the woods, not the open meadows. I think it’s one of my favorite pictures.

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This one was taken in the woods right next to the car! It was so dark the picture almost didn’t come out. As it is there’s not much color to be seen.

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The males don’t seem as skittish as our local bucks. They are right out by the road.

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Glad I stopped.


Cades Cove Wildlife

With high hopes, camera on the seat beside me I pulled off the pavement and onto the loop road.

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There’s no chance of getting lost. The 11 mile loop road is all one way.

Right away I spotted animals. Just not wild animals. Horseback riding is very popular in the park. A thinner and uninjured me would have taken advantage of the chance to ride but I wasn’t going to make myself uncomfortable or squash a poor horse to do so.

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Just beyond the open field with the horses the trees came down to the road on the right and a few straggled into the field on the left . That’s where the first deer were spotted. Cars  ahead of me were pulled over and people were pointing. The deer paid no attention. They seemed to know they were safe.

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The traffic didn’t start to move again until the deer made their way across the road in front of the first car and up the hill back into the woods.

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Not even into the loop a mile and already there was action!

The road twisted and turned weaving in and out of forest and field. No one was in a hurry and everyone was watching for the next deer or bear. Those in front passed the word back to the cars following when something was spotted.

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The turkeys were everywhere and almost as numerous as the deer. Who knew that wild turkeys were so colorful!

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I spotted a hawk of some kind but he was moving too fast and was too far away for a good shot. The line of cars continued to snake slowly forward. Then I spotted a black spot off in the shadows. I wasn’t sure if it was a bear or just a rock. I pulled over and the other cars left me in their dust. With the road clear I pulled out my BIG camera lens. Oh how I wish I had my binoculars. But with the 500mm lens I could definitely make out a back bear. Some more cars came along and those people confirmed my sighting. That bear was just so far away… I hope I’ll see another.

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Around another corner I spotted my first buck. Antlers are only just starting to grow and are still in velvet but they were definitely there. He never took his eyes off me as I clicked away.

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As the car climbed a steep hill I could see a number of cars pulled into a parking area. People were looking out over the field and pointing. I pulled in just in time to see a photographer intent on getting the perfect picture set out across the field. I searched for what had his attention and there it was. Another bear.

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The bear didn’t maul the photographer and I left before he returned because judging by the mood of the crowd, he was more at risk from them than the bear. His actions (which were a Big No No) drove the bear away so the rest of us who followed the rules, didn’t get a chance to watch it for long.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. At one point the cars ahead stopped and 3 bears, a mother and 2 cubs, were allegedly spotted in the woods but they were gone by the time I got there.  At another point I sat in the car wondering what they were looking at only to turn my head and see a deer just steps away in the woods at the edge of the road.

Cades Cove certainly lived up to the hype about the wildlife. I’m loving this!



Everywhere I turn lately someone is throwing down the gauntlet for a 365 challenge. Doesn’t matter if it’s a challenge to upload an entry a day, a photo a day, a recipe a day…you just have to say I’m going to do such and such every day for 365 days and then plan on sharing it on a blog or something.

Doesn’t sound too bad in the excitement of the New Year and goal setting but having just completed a 365 project I can tell you it WILL GET OLD!( This is my link to  my 2011 project:

Last year when I heard about a 365 photo challenge I enthusiastically embraced it. I was puzzled by the number of people who said they started it and only lasted a few weeks. My thought was  that it would be a piece of cake.

Well, I have just about finished the challenge. Today being December 28, I only have 3 more days to go. That’s not to say all of the shots have been uploaded. The last one I uploaded was Monday’s. I’ve taken one for yesterday and one for today but both are still in the camera.  I’ll probably wait and upload the last of them all at once on Jan 1, 2012.

I didn’t have a problem taking pictures. My camera travels with me all the time but lots of days I took many, many pictures. Sometimes over 100 so to sort through them and chose just one for my photo of the day, well sometimes it seemed overwhelming and I would procrastinate.

Right now I’m cleaning off my hard drive so I can start 2012 with a clean slate. I think I must have 5000+ images. Sort, delete , copy, label disc…I need a better system in place for next year or at least not wait til year-end!

But back to the 365 challenge. I enjoyed it but got frustrated at times. It definitely improved my camera skills. My photos are much , much better than back in January 2011 still I don’t want to commit to that again, at least not right now. I have too much going on in my life between my full-time job and an upcoming project launch. (More on that in a future post)

I am thinking a 52 week challenge. Instead of posting a picture a day …good, bad..or awesome…I think I’ll continue to take daily pictures but I’m going to push the envelope. Snap shots need not apply. I want really good quality shots suitable for gallery prints (those are big enlargements for the non photo bug). If I complete the challenge then I will end the year with 52 really nice photos. To reach that quality I will have to improve my skills even more and that’s really the reason to take on a challenge like that.

So what do you think? Anyone starting a 365 project for 2012? What kind are you going to do?  Love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

A Day in the Life

Digital Photography had a challenge this week. Record a “Day in the life.” It could be a friend , a pet, a stranger or in my case, I used me.

Remember the Comic strip Family Circus by Bill Keane? Billy never went from A to B in a straight line.That’s kind of what my day was like.

I normally have Monday off from work but we’re really short-handed these days so I volunteered to work Monday afternoon for a few hours. I set my alarm for 8:30 am since I didn’t have to be at work until 12:30. Seemed like a good chance to grab a little extra  shut-eye.

I should have known better. 7:30 am I am being pawed and pounced on by my 2 furry tormentors. Eventually they settled down (I guess they got the hint) and I dozed back off. But minutes later the alarm went off. I hit the snooze button dislodging Smokey who was camped out on my arm. Rocky was draped over my feet so I managed not to disrupt him.

I tried again but Smokey was sure that the noise from the alarm meant I should get up and like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors demanded  “FEED ME!” There was no getting around it so I gave in.

Cats fed, kitty litter changed, bed made, showered and dressed, I sat down for a quick breakfast and a dose of the news. Following the morning newscast it was time to check my emails, confirm my blog post had linked to my Facebook page and play a little Farmville.  I am slowly selling off the farm as it has become too time consuming. Really it’s out of control. I have other things to do with my time, like write blogs and clean my house now and then! 🙂

About 11 am I headed out the door to go to work. I took the long way and left early because I am on a quest for fall pictures and the extended forecast is for rain so I may not have much chance for outdoor work.

My first stop was at a Farm Stand loaded with pumpkins and gourds, corn stalks, hay bales and fall flowers.


Attractive displays

Even Halloween

Next stop was the local convenience store. My lottery ticket had won me $2.00! Can’t get far on that so I just turned it in for 2 more tickets. Maybe I’ll get lucky.

Back on the road I stopped at the Herring run.

 Not much going on there today. So I headed on to Plymouth. Maybe I’ll just have time to grab a quick snack before my shift starts at 12:30. I pulled into the Wendy’s drive through at 12:02. While I waited for the line to move I spotted a late blooming flower so I took the picture right out the car window.

Wendy’s is right down the street from work so moments later I was pulling into the parking lot for my office.

By 12:25 I had finished my snack and entered the building.

At 4:30 my shift was over and I hopped back in my car to drive to Marshfield to the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary. I thought I was prepared. I had my sweatshirt hoodie, my hiking boots, my bug spray and all my camera gear. At Daniel Webster I sprayed myself down with Deep Woods Off and put the 300-500 zoom lens on the camera. I also strapped my tripod to the back pack and headed off to hike the trails. It was the perfect time for the animals to be active. The shadows were starting to get  long as dusk approached.

I did not expect the bugs to be so bad with all the spray I used but the mosquitos were a cloud! I pulled my sweatshirt on and pulled the hood tight to keep them off me and they still they got up my sleeves and behind my glasses… but I wasn’t ready to give up. And I wasn’t disappointed.

My favorite meadow off the trail called  The Secret Path was filled with deer. I love deer. They are such beautiful creatures.

Even though I couldn’t set up the tripod without spooking them I was able to brace myself enough to get a couple of pictures. I am so glad I had already set up with the big lens! But the mosquitos were having a field day with me so as much as I would have liked to stay longer I had to get moving again or be eaten alive..

I saw more deer along the trail and finally made it to the observation platform but the bugs were terrible there too so I turned back right away. I made one last stop in one of the blinds to get some relief from the cloud of insects.

I spent about 45 minutes in the blind hoping the bugs had given up. It was quiet. I saw some reeds moving but I couldn’t see what was causing it. There were no ducks or geese today. As it began to approach evening I stuck my nose out and was rewarded with a beautiful sunset and far fewer bugs. The temperature had dropped a little and that may have been why they gave up.  I snapped the sunset as I headed back to the car.

That pretty  much wraps up my day. It’s a pretty typical day. When I get home I can count on my kitties being at the door to greet me. I feed them and pet them  and fix my dinner.Then I  settle down to process the pictures I’ve collected over the course of the day. Sometimes I prepare a post for this space.

Often I get a call from my friend  JR.  He also enjoys photography and you can check out his work at

So I’ve completed my assignment from and I’ve brought you along with me for the day. I hope you enjoyed the peek into my life.