Captain Cook Dinner Cruise

Our Historian Dinner Cruise along the Big Island Coast

It was time to board for the dinner cruise to Kealakekua Bay. As we cruise along the coast we’re going to see the Big Island from a new perspective. A lovely local historian told the stories of the Island as we cruised along. She also pointed out landmarks that look so different from the ocean side. We also had musical entertainment when the historian wasn’t presenting.  The boat had two levels. The upper level was open while the lower level was semi enclosed. It was easy to step to the bow and be out in the open.

The Entertainer

Royal Kona from the oceanAlong the Coast

The cruise is about 12 miles and lasts about 3 hours. When we first cast off the cruise seems to follow Ali Ave on the land. There are the shops and church and then there is the resort. I got  a great view of the Royal Kona Resort, my home away from home. After we pass the resort the coastline becomes  rugged and less developed. We pass caves and lava tubes and learn that they were once used as burial caverns and are still considered sacred.

cave or lava tube


We even saw a fisherman using the traditional nets perched on the lava rocks.

Net fishiing

Captain Cook’s Monument

As we approach the bay our captain turns the boat in toward the shore. There is a white monument dedicated to Captain Cook. Originally Captain Cook and his men were considered Gods and given adoration and respect. But eventually the native Hawaiians realized Cook and his men were mere mortals. Relations quickly deteriorated after that resulting in  a confrontation the ended in Captain Cooks’s death.

spinner dolphinsWhat’s for Dinner?

Leaving The Monument we turned into Kealakekua Bay where we were greeted by an active pod of spinner dolphins. They seem to be such happy animals jumping and spinning and putting on quite the  show. While were busy with the dolphins the crew was busy setting up the dinner buffet. Heading back to the pier we dined on Kalua Pulled Pork & Cabbage, Braised Brisket of Beef and Grilled Pulehu Chicken. For Side dishes we had Lomi Lomi Salmon, Steamed Rice Vegetable Pilaf,  Garden Salad,  Punalu’u guava and taro dinner rolls & butter. There was also a fruit platter that was my favorite part of the meal. All fresh, local fruit including the orange slices. A bar was available for both soft drinks and stronger refreshments. A drink ticket was provided with your boarding pass. All in all  a good, relaxing  time. A prefect way to wrap up my Big Island experience.


Hawaiian Sunset

What better way to spend an evening that sailing along the coast of Maui on a sunset dinner cruise.


That’s how we found ourselves boarding a lovely yacht for dinner, drinks and a leisurely cruise.



Seats were assigned and chairs and tables bolted to the floor so they wouldn’t slide if the seas got rough. Our table was on the open top deck and the evening couldn’t have been more beautiful.


Upon being seated our waiter brought the complimentary Mai Tai’s. Pretty soon we cast off and were underway. The sea was calm so there was almost no swell.


Off to our starboard we passed a navy ship, The John Paul Jones. We aren’t sure what they were there for. If it was shore leave or R&R we didn’t see too many sailors in Lahaina.


Of course that triggered a discussion of the type of ship. I felt it was too small for a battleship and finally decided to settle the discussion by asking Google. According to my google search the John Paul Jones is a guided missile destroyer. It was built in Bath, Maine.  It’s the first ship of its class to be homeported on the west coast.

As the sun set, it was beautiful to watch the light playing on the west mountains of Maui.


Dinner was served and more Mai Tai’s. An entertainer strummed away on his guitar in the bow of the ship. To add to the ambiance it was the night of the “Super  moon”.


All in all a very relaxing way to spend an evening.

“Tis the Season to be Jolly”

Happy Holidays my blogging friends and followers! It a busy time of year. The Taunton Green is beautiful. They , like so many other places, used the theme of “Frozen”. I just need an evening when I’m not headed to a party or its not raining to get some pictures to share. Maybe this weekend. I don’t care if it snows. That would be pretty and fit right in with the theme  but rain would put a damper on things. 🙂


I made my deadline and got my 2014 Christmas cards out on time! I used my “Christmas House” photo from last year for this year’s card.

Christmas house

I have some ideas for next year. I just have to get time to try capture the images.

Buddy continues to destroy the little Christmas Tree. He knows it wrong because he jumps down as soon as I start toward him. I look away and he’s right back up there!

practice 009a_edited-1

I’ve been busier this year with holiday parties. I usually stick pretty close to home. I’ve outgrown being a “party animal” but I was invited to a “girl’s night out” for my team at work and I decided it would be fun. I wasn’t disappointed. We went to an italian restaurant in Belmont, MA called Il Casale.

Il Casale

We had a wonderful dinner. My teammate , Eileen had just come back from Italy and she said her meal was better than anything she had while she was there. My chicken parm was exquisite. They didn’t take any of the short cuts that so many restaurants do. But by far the chocolate cream puffs we had for dessert were the crowning glory of the meal.

cream puffs

That was Thursday, then on Friday we had the Redfin Holiday party. It was held on the Spirit of Boston and what a good time! Everyone was smiling and  happy, there was an awesome buffet and lots of dancing. I don’t get into the office very often as its just easier to work from home so it was really nice to see everyone.


Of course when I got home the tree had been ravished again. 🙁 I’ll have to re-string the lights this time as well as the beaded garland. But it’s all about the holidays anyway. Right?