Still Alive

Hi everyone. I’m still alive and kicking. I think I hit the “painful” stage of the shingles. The more the rash heals (its almost gone) the more I have the “phantom” pains. They are like they are buried deep and the “cramp” starts in the lower abdomen and runs around my side to my lower back.  One friend of mine said they sound like contractions. Since I’ve never given birth I can’t speak to that. Some are fairly mild but then one will hit that doubles me over and takes my breath away. Also can’t stand my clothes rubbing on my waistline. The doctor took pity on me and gave me lidocane patches. They help some but don’t eliminate it completely.

But speaking of doctors, mine is doing something that really concerns me. Her office has been making appointments for me without asking me first. Last week it was with the physical therapist who had the good sense to call me. PT is on the agenda and we found a time that worked.


Yesterday I got a letter telling me they made an appointment for me with an eye specialist.  I already had my annual eye exam and the specialist they made it with is terrible. I went to him once and will never go back again. Of course it’s the weekend so I can’t make my feelings known until Monday. Maybe that’s a good thing because right now I’d probably yell at them. I think they are being very presumptuous.  I need to nip this trend right now!

I am not senile and I am quite capable of handling my own appointments. I could understand the PT. My doctor told me they would be calling but this eye exam…not gonna happen.

Well a friend of mine had a birthday this week so I’m going to try to have a nice  lunch with her. Fingers crossed  my aches and pains behave.

Good Sunday Morning World

I knew I might miss a post here and there but not for the reason that occurred. I was expecting to post less because of my busy work schedule not because I got sick…sort of.

On Thursday I felt a little “off” but since I work from home it was easy to soldier on in a pair of sweats and a “T”. I didn’t have to get all dressed up for an office. Thursday night I was soooo tired As I sat on the couch I felt a little “prick” in the middle of my lower back. I thought maybe I’d gotten a bug bite. I reached behind and could feel blisters and they were damp. Poison ivy crossed my mind but it didn’t itch and I hadn’t been in the woods in 2 weeks? I was mystified.

Friday morning when I got up the rash had spread and my back ached. So now my right side hurt as much as my left side which always hurts these days. Oh Joy. 🙁

I decided if it didn’t go away overnight that I’d go to urgent care first thing in the morning.

Well, Saturday morning I was at urgent care by 10 am. The rash had spread and was now all around my waist. It felt tight and my back ached a lot now. It was a 2 + hour wait to be seen but eventually a very nice young woman came in with her charts. After one look she asked me if I’d been sick, had chills or a fever or ever had chicken pox as a child. No, No, No, YES! and my brain had the answer before she cheerfully announced that I had a classic case of shingles.  (sigh)


I can expect 1-2 weeks of this before the rash has run it’s course. Hopefully that will be the end of it although pain has been known to linger for up to 4 weeks. She gave me an anti viral drug that will hopefully minimize the duration. It makes me sleepy.


Although other than the pesky back ache the pain hasn’t been bad, she said that could change (Oh Great, something to look forward to) and if it does to let them know and they would prescribe something for the pain.

So far in 2014 the stars in my financial house are shining brightly but the ones in the house of health seem to have taken a vacation.

So this weekend is flying past. Another beautiful weekend is passing me by. I expect I’ll take it easy at home today so probably won’t have much to share this week. So sorry folks. I’ll post what I can 🙂

Lets hope this is the last heath issue for 2014.