Its October All Ready!
Time flies when you are having fun. Or maybe I should ask…Are we having fun yet? For someone who is retired and should have all this time on my hands I never seem to get everything done that needs to be done. Of course my mornings are much less hurried now. The kitties get me up between 6- 6:30 am every day. No need for alarm clocks but I don’t rush around. I feed them, then I check my emails and pay any bills that have come due. After that I play a little FreeCell while I wait for my Fitbit to recharge. Once that’s done I clean kitty litter and then make my breakfast. Hard to believe but that brings me to around 9 AM! that’s when my day really starts with making my bed and taking a shower. Then if I was lucky enough to get on the door dash schedule I go to work.
Door Dash
Door Dash slowed way down in September. I don’t know if it was kids going back to school or summer’s end but the dashes dried up and even when I could get on the schedule I was only getting 1 or 2 deliveries. Needless to say I couldn’t keep my 30 day deal count up so I dropped to Gold Status. Now I have to schedule my dashes and for 2 weeks the only times available were midnight to 4 am. Nope- not for me so I got an unplanned vacation. Its been picking back up now so I’m back out on the road again.
October is Doctor Visits
October seems to be the month for doctor visits. Not just for me but for the kitties too. Annual physicals and in my case , specialized tests. I’m reaching the “elderly” age when my doctor wants to be sure everything is tuned up. I think they are just looking for something to keep them earning vacations.
I had to drug Balboa for his annual physical so about 2 hours before the vet (Ross Veterinary House Calls) got here I dosed him. 15 minutes before the vet’s arrival I put a mildly subdued Balboa in the bathroom so he couldn’t sneak behind the bed. He did much better with some drugs in him.

Balboa 2024- Photo Credit Deb Neumann
Balboa gained a whole pound. He now weighs 12 lbs! That’s too big for a cat his size so I’ve been told to cut back on his kitty food.

Banner 2024 – photo Credit Deb Neumann
Banner didn’t do very well in the weight control area either. He gained half a pound so his fluffy butt now weighs in at 16 lbs. He’s now on restricted rations too.
My visit for my annual physical came in a little better in the weight department. A side benefit of doing door dash is that I get more exercise so I’m actually down 17 lbs and 2 pants sizes.
So in Conclusion
There’s more to tell you about but we’re out of time for now. In conclusion it looks like aside from being busy with all of these appointments we’re doing pretty well here. I’ll have to steal a few minutes for another update soon.