On the Road to Maine

We gotta get out of this place

I am so ready for my Maine Vacation. Unfortunately life has a way of throwing a curve ball. Sweet Rocky had to go to the vet for another B 12 shot then the only time I could get an oil change for the car was Saturday morning. After that I forgot to run the dishwasher before I left for the auto mechanic so I had to do that when I got back. I turned it on and started loading the car but by the time I finished and I could retrieve Rocky’s clean dishes it was 1 pm. Sometimes I think leaving on a plane is easier than a drive vacation.

 On the road to Maine

Finally on my way I topped off the gas tank and made a stop at the bank. As I left the bank I punched in OnStar. I had no idea where I was going so I was pretty sure using their directions was the best way to go. I didn’t research it ahead of time. As expected, they routed me through Boston. They just love to do that! The traffic was so so. There was a bad accident on the southbound expressway but I was going north so traffic only slowed down so everyone could gawk, then moved on.

OnStar Strikes again

The desk at the resort told me to gas up in Lewiston Maine. I thought that meant I’d be on back roads when I got to Lewiston. But Noooo, not the OnStar way. I was on the highway and watched exit after exit to Lewiston and Rangeley pass by. I even saw one exit marked Bar Harbor. I had no idea Rangeley Lakes was so far north!

Rangeley Lake Maine


Eventually I got the alert to leave the highway. That began a scenic ride through various quaint little towns. I was getting restless now. I was ready to find my home away from home for the next 7 days.

You are arriving at your destination, On Left

Finally I began to see signs for Rangley Lakes region. I was starting to think OnStar had me lost. The navigation system beeped to take a left on Chandler Rd but Chandler Rd was not a through street and besides, it had a big locked gate across it. Alternate directions later I was cruising down Maine’s Route 4.

wooded road

I thought for sure I was getting close but when the Navigation said, in 1/2 mile you will reach your destination, on left. I wasn’t so sure anymore. I was in the middle of nowhere.

Sure enough when it beeped that I had arrived, the only thing on my left was a big dirt bank. I tried calling OnStar again but couldn’t  get a connection. I tried to call the resort but there was no cell service. I was truly on my own.