Dino Land or Into the Fog!

Dusk was fast approaching. The twilight time when shadows lengthen and imagination runs wild.  dinoland 082 copy

We watched the “Great Pumpkin” wow the crowd and explored the exhibits tucked in the entry square and then it was time to take that first step.

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Once you start down that path there’s no turning back. You enter the world of the dinosaur. Sounds wash over you like a wave. Birds calling, strange growls and grunts, some distant thunder.

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Fog, misty, creepy fog clings to the trail and plants. Pumpkin displays and jack-o-lanterns line the path but you know there is more.

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You can hear them, even sense them and there looming out of the gloom is your first dinosaur.

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Jurassic Park in the northeast. A pterodactyl takes flight and a baby raptor bounces  in the bushes waving his tiny hands.

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They are all here. Allosaurus, stegosaurus, and triceratops. The Famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. More fog drifts past as the atmosphere deepens. More thunder and now there’s lightning.

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You hear the rumbling almost before you see it. The great brontosaurus, traveling in a herd, stomachs growling like a bad case of indigestion. Thunder lizards!

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Let you imagination soar. Go at dusk, not during the day. Experience the atmosphere. Imagine it. You’ve entered the land of the lost.

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It was a Five Star Night

Or a two thumbs up or any other sign approval you can think of. It was just plain fun!

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Edaville Railroad used to be a little engine that traveled around the cranberry bogs. The big deal was at Christmas when the bog was filled with holiday lights and a few rides led up to the train ride. Then a couple of years ago the owner announced he was selling out. Speculation was that a condo development was going in and the land that was home to the little railroad was needed for parking. Everyone was sad but then the real estate market crashed and now building a bunch of condos didn’t seem to be such a good idea. Suddenly an amusement park wasn’t so bad after all.

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Almost immediately Edaville began to expand. It wasn’t the little Edaville Railroad any more. It was Edaville USA and one of the things that came to pass was Dinoland. Everybody loves dinosaurs so now there were dinos roaming the bog.

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This year I noticed they had a big pumpkin spectacular called Pumpkins Aglow! I was hoping to get some nice pumpkin pictures so I planned to cough up the admission because I could use my tripod, something not allowed at Roger Williams Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular.

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I was going to go alone but after a stop at Nancy’s house we decided to take the kids along. Oh my , what a great idea! Alex and Dawn had a fantastic time!

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I expected it to be kind of tacky but it was not. It was very well done.

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The kids wore costumes and the ride operators had costumes too and were handing out candy when you road their ride.  Trick or Treat!

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The rides are included in the admission price so although it seems expensive at first, it more than makes up for the initial investment. The kids can ride all night for free. Bumper cars, Ferris wheel, tilt a whirl, carousels,  and of course the train.

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But we had to see the dinos and that’s where Pumpkins Aglow was spread out. In the end I didn’t use a tripod. We went through twice , once at dusk and once at full dark. The dusk was better. You’ll see why in my next post!

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Rain Rain Go Away

And what do you know…it did! Seems like every day I have off it rains. The weather report was for rain starting Sunday and going into Monday then followed by another storm system that would roll in with more…you guessed it…rain. That would last into Tuesday with heavy downpours at times. I pleaded with the storm gods to clear out for just 1 day because I had 2 young children to take to Edaville Railroad. Tuesday was the only day that my schedule fit with the children’s mother’s schedule. Rain would make it miserable so please , please go away…if just for a day.

I met Nancy (The Mom) for lunch at noon on Tuesday. It was a light drizzle so she said it would be ok. After lunch we “sprung” the kids from school for early release and ran back to their house for coats and hats because it was bound to cool off after dark. Edaville doesn’t open until 4 pm so we stopped for a snack at McDonald’s about 3. That killed 30 minutes which had us pulling into Edaville at a few minutes past 4. Perfect and as if the storm gods had heard my plea the clouds began to clear and the sun came out if only for about 20 minutes before it set for the day.
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Alex knew where we were right away. I think it took Dawn a minute or two to get orientated then it was into the park.
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While we waited for it to get a little dark we explored Santa’s workshop with model trains, toysets and Santa!
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The kids sat with Santa and got candy canes then it was time for the kids to ride the rides and me to try to get some holiday light pictures before full dark.
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Edaville almost closed down 2 years ago but something happened and plans changed. It’s back with refurbished rides and a full schedule. Holiday-themed lights are everywhere. Lighted animal sculptures roam the savannah that the train chugs through. ( The savanna is actually a Cranberry Bog) Sometimes they use a diesel engine but tonight is was steam.
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I remember coming here years ago with my family when my niece (now a mother herself) was just a few years old.
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Alex, being all boy, liked the bumper cars and he was tall enough this year to drive one on his own. Dawn was very brave and rode the huge ferris wheel that is almost as old as I am! The ferris wheel was built in 1953. Edaville itself has been operating in Carver since the 1940’s with occasional stops and starts for financial reasons.
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The night flew by. Before we knew it they were calling all aboard for the last train. The kids were still flying high or so we thought but not long into the ride home quiet descended in the car. The kids were asleep in the back seat. What a peaceful end to a full evening of fun!