Coming Attractions

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With the nasty weather the northeast has been experiencing since I came back from Florida and the time it’s taken to assimilate Buddy into our little family, I haven’t been doing too much exploring.

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For once Sunday at work was not too crazy so I sat and pondered what I could write about until I get out and about again. I thought of a few places that would be awesome for pictures and of course that would mean some good stories but none are open yet. Some won’t open their doors until May!

May is the Alaska cruise so I’m sure I’ll have a lot to tell you then but there’s the rest of March and all of April so what can I share that would be of interest?

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I think I have an idea. I have thousands of pictures from my trips, both away and locally. But just dumping a bunch of pictures isn’t that interesting so I thought a challenge might be fun.

Lets say I went to Paris. (I haven’t but we’re just pretending right now). While in Paris I took a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I would post the picture and you’d have to figure out that it was the Eiffel Tower in Paris France.

The next post will give you the answer so you’ll know if you are right and tell a little bit about the picture or landmark.

So even though I haven’t been to Paris and I have to “steal” a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Here it is.
