The Yellow Rose of Texas

So far we’ve been to the Alamo, the mission San Jose and Mission Concepcion and it’s only just approaching time for lunch.

The tour guide was keeping an eye to the sky because if it starts to rain the riverboat ride will be canceled.  But first it’s time for lunch.

Our tour takes us to El Mercadao or Market Square where we are turned loose for shopping and lunch.

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We headed to the food court for lunch although some of our group chose to eat in the Mexican Restaurants. We kept watch for a street entertainer known as the  Mexican Elvis but he was no where to be found on this day.


In the middle of the food court was a display of brightly painted skulls . I refrained from taking a picture  because they had a sign that it was a religious display and to please treat with respect. It was set up in preparation for Day of the Dead Celebration.

It was also in El Mercadao that I spotted the large display of Yellow Roses. I don’t know the whole significance of the Yellow Rose of Texas but I do remember growing up with the folk song so I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of the huge flowers.

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Finally having explored the stalls around the food court we ventured back outside and crossed the road to the other side of El Mercado. This side reminded me of a Mexican Quincy Market in Boston.

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More stalls of souvenirs between store fronts with more trinkets. People sat outside  on benches enjoying lunch and as in all places like that, little birds arrived to steal away the dropped crumbs.

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It was a nice, relaxing break but soon we were back on the tour bus to head to the next stop, The Buckhorn Saloon and Museum.