A Return to Hidden Nook Farm

I have written about this little place in the past and it is still as cute and quaint as the first time back in 2013.

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Again in 2014 when we met the adorable Thumbelina.

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I had been following their posts on Facebook and knew they had a new addition to their little Alpaca family so I was pleased when I got a call asking if I would be interested in taking some pictures for them.

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They are going to start selling end products from their alpaca wool, scarves, gloves, hats, etc and they wanted photos for a display.

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I jumped at the chance, of course.

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At first I was in the enclosure with the females and the newbies. Fiona is the smallest, just a few days old.

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From there I moved to another enclosure where to my surprise the black alpaca came right up. Usually they are very timid and shy so this one was a bit unusual. I snapped pictures as he approached and then let him sniff the camera. Once he’d checked both me and the camera out he wandered back with the rest.

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It wasn’t a long visit but it was fun. I can’t wait until they have some finished products for me to see and try out!

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It was a Cold but Sunny Day

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Last Sunday was cold! Good thing it was sunny because if it had rained it probably would have turned to snow. It was windy too but that didn’t slow down Dawn and Alex, my guests with their mother at my company’s annual Customer Appreciation Event.

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This year it was at Belkin Outlook Farm in Natick. The farm has apple picking, a play area with little animals and a train to get you around the property.

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Each attendee got to pick a pumpkin and there were loads of pumpkins!  The grape arbors are gorgeous even if they were past grape peak.

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The company served a barbecue lunch with ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers. Well maybe we should call them cold dogs because in spite of the chefs best efforts the food chilled as soon as it came off the grill.

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I don’t know if it was special because of the event or if they always feature an animal ride but this time they had a camel ride. Dawn was in line for that in a flash but Alex preferred the warmer inside of the Lego building.

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It was cold enough that the battery for the camera died way too soon. The spare was in the car because I didn’t take the cold into consideration.

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OOPS! But the photos I got seemed to catch the atmosphere and the fun.

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Thumbelina’s Story

Tiny Thumbelina is a fairy tale; a tiny girl whose adventures include toads , moles and naughty boys. Eventually like all good fairy tales, she finds her true love, a flower-fairy prince just her size.


When Mama goat had a pair of twins  this spring there was a tiny surprise, a 3rd sibling but so tiny. Only about 1/3 the size of her brother and sister. She was very weak. The farmer watched closely but long after her siblings were on their feet and nursing the tiny goat-ling just lay in the hay.

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It did not look good for the tiny baby. But the farmer was not going to give up so easily. He scooped up the tiny creature who was so small she fit in the palm of his large hands. He gently took her into the house where he cleaned her up and began the long process of hand feeding her.

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She needed her mother’s milk with it’s special immunity giving properties so the farmer milked mama so that the littlest goat could have the same nutrition as her bigger brother and sister. It was nip and tuck at first but once the farmer knew his little charge would make it he named her Thumbelina.

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By the time Thumbelina was 3 weeks old she was hopping and careening around the yard and head butting the pet dog Bandit.  Bandit doesn’t seem to mind and follows the little terror everywhere.

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She follows farmer as he goes about his chores. She has clearly bonded with the gentle man who saved her. She is too small for the barnyard so she lives in a child’s playpen in the house as a family pet.

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Yes Thumbelina has become a healthy, if tiny, 3 week old kid. She is 6 inches tall and weighs about 4 lbs. It looks like Thumbelina, the pygmy goat, has found her happy ending just like the fairy tale.

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Thumbelina is  a pygmy goat but tiny even for that breed. 


Baby Alpacas

If you have been following my posts for awhile you may remember a post from last November about a “Teeny, Tiny, Farm-ette”. In that post I introduced a friend’s little farm where he tends to Silky Chickens, alpacas, pygmy goats and horses along with dogs, cats and a parrot or two.

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About a week ago he called me to ask if I still liked taking pictures of baby “critters”. Of course I said yes. At the time of the call he had a 2 day old Alpaca baby. I couldn’t go visit right away so the baby was about a week old when I got there.

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The baby had a friend, another baby Alpaca that was 2 weeks old and an”older” friend that was about a month old.

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I was surprised how big they were for so young but as grazing animals they would have to be able to get around quickly if they were in the wild to escape predators. I had a chance to pet one, not just take pictures and I understand why they are so valued for their wool. They are so soft and fluffy. They are softer than they look.

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Mama didn’t like too much attention being showered on her young one but she behaved, no spitting but she did stick out her tongue once to show her displeasure.

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They had more baby pygmy goats but when I went into the pen they crowded around me so much I couldn’t get any pictures. They were funny as they tried to chew on my jeans and nibble on my sneakers.

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As I was preparing to leave I found out that some baby “silkies” had just hatched so a quick stop by the nest box yielded a picture of this tiny chick.

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It’s easy to see how Animal Planet can make a series called “Too Cute” about baby animals because they are just that…too cute!