Maui Luau

Everyone should experience a Luau at least once. Sandy and I are getting to be old hands. We went to a Luau on the Big Island. The imu with the kalua pig was a pit right next to the beach.

On Oahu we attend ed a huge luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center. Now on trip 3 we wanted to be sure Kathy had a chance to enjoy the experience.

This time our Luau was at the resort, Kannapali Beach Club better known as the “Pink Pyramid”. The luau was held on  a large flat  lawn behind the pool. There was a stage and the Imu pit was just off to the side of the stage. Tables were lined up filling the area.  The buffet tables off to the left.


Each group was welcomed and shell leis given out. We were then directed to the bar for our complimentary Mai Tai.

There is a well known Luau in Lahaina which is purported to be the mist authentic Luau in the islands but it doesn’t have the fire dancer. The Fire dancer may not be “traditional” or “authentic” but its always a good show so I wanted to be sure that this would be a part of the luau we attended and it was.

Once everyone was seated the imu pit was ceremoniously opened. It was quite windy but the luau progressed anyway as napkins and light weight objects were blown around the area. No one let that stop the fun.

Shortly after the Imu pit was opened the buffet was opened and everyone went through table by table. Once everyone had their food the show began.


My favorites were the children or Keiki. Seeing them perform so young gives some insight as to how they can all be so confident and relaxed as adults.


And finally the fire dancers. There were 2.


The larger gentleman was very funny too. His amazing sense of humor really came through.


Then the finale! A great show and a good time.

dsc_4040-3-copyAnd the nice thing about going to the resort Luau…no traffic or driving when it was over, just a nice stroll back to our rooms.