Another 4th of July

4th of July

Another 4th of July is in the books. Happy Birthday America. I’m proud and happy to be an American but I don’t like  our celebrations. It is my least favorite holiday for that.  I don’t ever remember being really thrilled with fireworks even as a kid. They are loud and hurt my ears but at least I grew up in the country where you could put some distance between you and ground zero.  They are pretty to watch after all.  But then I got pets and moved to the city. Such fun, if you are a sadist, watching your beloved fur babies shiver and cower behind and under your furniture.

photo credit Deb Neumann



Banner is my calm boy. He handled this years Fireworks like a champ. We started out with a tremendous thunder and lightening storm in the afternoon. Mother Nature’s fireworks setting the stage for the evening. The rain came down in buckets. Banner snoozed through most of it but Balboa was gone in a flash.  When the rain finally let up and the neighbors started with the fire crackers Banner sat peacefully at the sliders and kept watch. The noise didn’t seem to bother him at all. 

photo credit DebNeumann



Balboa is the perfect example of a ‘fraidy cat.  He went into hiding during the storm and I couldn’t even find him to feed him dinner.  I shook the treat jar and Banner was there in a flash but no sign of Balboa.  

As it began to get dark and the booms louder I closed up the windows and doors and put the A/C on.  I turned up the volume on the TV. It wouldn’t drown out the Fireworks but if would muffle it a bit.  I hoped that would calm my skittish kitty but no luck.

photo credit Deb Neumann


There’s our ‘fraidy Cat

Finally around 10 pm Balboa popped out from behind the dishwasher . He wouldn’t leave the kitchen. He would come up to the edge of the linoleum  and then sit down. He wouldn’t come into the living room for anything – even treats. But Banner went nuts. If I had any doubt that these cats had bonded this put those doubts to rest. 

Banner immediately started talking to Balboa. Lots of little chirps and merps then he got the zoomies. He raced back and forth from the living room to the bedroom and back swinging right up to Balboa on each pass. It was clear that he was trying to get Balboa to play. He might have succeeded eventually if right about then another big fireworks  hadn’t gone off. Boom! And Balboa was gone- back behind the dishwasher. 

Photo Credit DebNeumann

Around midnight I felt a bump on the bed and Balboa curled up next to me. All was quiet and dark and once again all is right in my little scaredy cat‘s world.

photo credit Deb Neumann

Moonglow and Fireworks

Traffic is crawling, stop and go,stop and go.  Ahead we can see 3 enormous balloons bobbing and weaving. Sometimes they wink out. Sometimes they look like they are about to fall over before we hear the whoosh and see them stand tall again. It seems like we aren’t making much progress. Street parking is out of the question. When we spot a place without a car it’s because there’s a pile of dirt or a boulder blocking the spot.

Pedestrians crossed  freely in front of the crawling line of traffic. Inside I was holding my breath waiting for my sister to tell me this was ridiculous.

We’d been at the airport until about 6pm but the wind never died down enough for the hot air balloons to take off. When we left they were just spread out like lovely colored bed spreads.

Our mistake was not coming straight up to Lake George. We detoured over to George and Kelly’s house. We were just going to make a quick stop. As usually happens when you connect with relatives, especially some you don’t see often, you get to visiting and our quick stop turned into 30-40 minutes…just like that! Not that I’m complaining. I enjoyed the visit too.

A half hour drive to Lake George and it was already 7:30. Moonglow was at 8pm according to the published schedule. But if 8pm was the start time, what were we slowly approaching?

Finally we passed the park and the balloons and found a rough parking lot. $6.00 to park . Grabbing camera, tripod and folding chairs we headed back in the direction we’d just come along with a steady stream of others anxious to see the brightly lit balloons.

To my surprise we easily  got in the front row with plenty of room even with the crowd! I set up as fast as I could in the dark. It was hard to judge where the balloons were in the frame when the lights went out but I did the best I could. A little girl with a glow stick was running around near us. I was pretty sure she was in the frame on some of the pictures but it was hard to tell. I wasn’t going to tell her to stop. She was having way too much fun!

Blue Light Trails from Glow Stick

The balloons were tethered so other than the lights there wasn’t much to see. At about 8pm one of the balloons suddenly began deflating. Then the others began to follow.  The show was over! We can only assume there was a misprint on the schedule because it definitely said it was to start at 8..not end. Oh well, at least we got to see a bit of the “Moon glow”.

We headed back to the car to try to beat the rush. I wanted a couple of “night shots” of the lights from the shore reflecting in the lake before we left. When we were almost back to the parking lot I set the tripod back up and began to focus when BANG! the fireworks started.

We stood there on the sidewalk and watched the display of lights fly up into the sky over the lake.

It was a great way to finish up the night. We hustled off to the car before the finale because we just knew the traffic would be bad if we waited. Even with the head start it was still bumper to bumper and “dodge ’em” with the pedestrians. Still I’m really glad we made the effort to go. It was  beautiful.

Saturday night they want to have a 40 balloon “Moonglow” at the Warren County Airport. I bet that will really be something to see.