Fort McClary

Tough to Say No

Joe is only up from Florida for the summer. He was really anxious to get together but he isn’t one to be satisfied with a quick lunch or dinner. Joe really wanted to DO SOMETHING, or GO SOMEWHERE. I am acutely aware of my limitations these days and was very much afraid that if we headed out for adventure that I’d not be able to keep up.  We finally agreed to meet at his sister’s restaurant in Haverhill; Raff’s Cafe.

Exploring the New Hampshire Coast

After a pleasant breakfast at Raff’s cafe we headed out to see what we could see. I was doing the driving. It wasn’t log before Joe spotted a Wildlife sanctuary that he wanted to explore. I agreed to stop but didn’t get far on the uneven trail. Joe and camera went on ahead while I found a trailside bench to sit and wait. The day was gray and overcast with a brisk wind. It got quite chilly waiting for Joe to return from his explorations. I wonder if I could find this again once I have my new hips?

Fort McClary

We continued our leisurely drive winding through downtown Portsmouth only find ourselves crossing into Maine. In Kittery we saw a turnoff for Fort McClary and decided to stop.

The grounds are small but there were some nice views. We wandered around taking pictures of the ocean and the old cannons. The block house stood silently watching. 

As we were wrapping up our bit of exploring we stopped to chat with two men that were at the entrance. One appeared to be Amish based on his clothing and beard the other was dressed in vintage closing and carried a black powder rifle. The gentleman with the rifle offer to give us a demonstration. Since it was very damp he said he hoped his powder was dry. He didn’t need to worry. The shot went off without a hitch. Loud and spitting flames! When it was over he let me hold his rifle. That thing is heavy! And almost as long as I am tall!