Wedding Capital of Tennessee

One thing I haven’t said too much about is weddings. Probably because I’m not in the market for a wedding venue. But I couldn’t help noticing all the cute little chapels scattered around Gatlinburg.

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I looked  up weddings in one of Gatlinburg’s brochures and found 12 different Chapels listed along with 5 additional outdoor or cabin venues. The brochure calls Gatlinburg the Wedding Capital of the South…not just Tennessee.

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Gatlinburg Chapel is credited with introducing wedding chapels to the area and thousands of weddings have been performed here including Billy Ray Cyrus and Patti Lovelace.

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True or not, there are lots of cute, little  Chapels dotting the landscape.


Dick’s Last Resort

I’ve finally made it to the top of the street. The Skylift is closed for maintenance so that just leaves the Space Needle but I think I’ll have lunch before I take that adventure. If I get dizzy I want it to be from the height not from hunger.

The couple from Chattanooga had told me about Dick’s. They said good food, good prices. They were  on their way there when I spoke with them.  It seemed as good a choice as any so I started toward the entrance. Almost immediately a young man yelled at me. ” Stop reading the menu and come in, you’re wasting time!” I was surprised and I wasn’t reading the menu. He hopped down from the fence he was standing on, yes he was really standing on the top rail and stepped up to open the door for me. At that moment I heard a huge  “Fart”. It came from a cartoonish statue next to the door.

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Inside were long tables for family style service. A young man yelled at  me from across the room…”Hi Lady”. Soon he came bounding over with the menu. He quickly pointed out that there are only 2 food groups at Dicks’s…meat and fries and he was right, well maybe some fish.

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Everyone had these silly paper hats and he asked me if I wanted one. I’ll play along so I said sure. As he was folding the hat for me he asked me how many cats I had. That threw me for a minute because I couldn’t figure out how he knew I had cats. When I admitted I had 2 I became the cat lady for the rest of the meal. It finally dawned on me…my luggage tag on the camera bag is a picture of Rocky. Very observant, my waiter.

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So now with my silly paper hat on with the gross comment “I eat my chocolates from the kitty box” (yuck) my meal was delivered.

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I ordered the shrimp. Yes , you guessed it, fried again.  They were very good but the fries were a bit soggy. Just as well, I didn’t need all that grease.

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While I was looking around and eating my meal a couple of the waiters opened the sliding window and climbed outside. My waiter stood on the same railing that the fellow who greeted me had stood on but he tried to perform the crane move made famous by the movie Karate Kid. He seemed pleased when I recognized it.

I was about done at this point so I asked if he would take my picture with my stupid hat so I could share the fun with everyone. As he got started everyone got into the act. Dick’s is a fun, loud and raucous place to be. And yes, the name Dick’s does refer to the male anatomy..not a man’s name.


I woke up bright and early. The sun was shining. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day. Yesterday it was 88 degrees when I drove into town. I bet it gets there again today. Love it!

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Over night my subconscious had apparently arranged my day for me. I’d do what I normally do in a new place, I’d take a trolley ride. For $2.00 you can ride around all day on the Gatlinburg trolley.

I drove through Pigeon Forge on my way to Gatlinburg and my first impression was of one long, giant midway or arcade. Even in the car I had the impression of a carnival atmosphere. One of the trolley lines runs to Dollywood so when the time comes that’s how I’ll travel. I’ll leave the car at the Welcome Center but today I’ll explore Gatlinburg.

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The Purple line picks up at the Welcome Center where the parking is free and drops you off at the Aquarium. Here you can wait for a different trolley or walk. I decided to walk.

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I crossed a little bridge in front of the Aquarium to reach street level and crossed to the main drag.

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I found myself standing a the base of a long hill. The street  climbed straight up it and looked like a miniature version of Pigeon Forge.

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There were candy shops and old time photo shops on every block.

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There were arcades and restaurants and even a Dunkin’ Donuts!

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The Skylift on the right and a bit farther on the left, the Space Needle marked the top of the hill. I dug out the camera and started up.

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The street was lined with benches so I took my time, stopping to rest and chat with who ever happened to be sitting there. I met folks from Chattanooga up for the weekend and a gentleman from California. Another couple were from Idaho and had come out for their honeymoon.

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As I neared my destination of the space needle I spotted  Ole Smoky Moonshine. I’d tried to get a tasting in Sugarlands but I was ignored at each tasting station so I left. Maybe I could get a taste here.

Better have lunch before I start downing white lightening!


The Trip is Right Around The Corner

I’ve been so busy and had so much on my mind that I didn’t realize my Tennessee adventure is fast approaching. What made me think of it was an email I got from the concierge  at the resort. It was a very nice email with a list of upcoming events and directions to the resort.


One thing that I was very disappointed to learn is that the  Aerial Tram will be closed this year from April 28 through May 22, 2014 for additional scheduled preventive maintenance and updates. Of course my trip falls in that time frame 🙁 That was something I really wanted to do.

As if to make up for taking away one attraction I ran across the Gatlinburg Space Needle.


I loved the space needle in Seattle so maybe this will be a good substitute for the Tram.  The  advertisement encourages you to  “Ride the glass elevators over 400 feet and step out to a breathtaking 360 degree view of the Smokies by day or Downtown Gatlinburg’s lights by night.”


There’s also a chairlift : Gatlinburg Sky lift. Enjoy a peaceful ride as the chairlift takes you to the mountain’s top and back, providing breathtaking views of the Smoky Mountains.

Hop on from the heart of downtown Gatlinburg, and experience a tranquil escape as the Sky Lift gently glides over the Little Pigeon River and then climbs to the overlook at an elevation of 1,800 feet. The vantage point and views are unparalleled. You’ve arrived at Gatlinburg’s #1 scenic overlook!


That sounds like a must do with the camera. Nice high shots of the Great Smokey Mountains!

I may not mind the tram being down after all.