
While the “Majestics” wait for their eggs to hatch, several Canada Goose couples have already seen  their eggs  give way to fluffy goslings.

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The families mingled until no one seemed to know which baby belonged to which parent.

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I guess even geese have family cook outs on Memorial Day Weekend.

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A Honking good time

Yesterday I managed a few hours  with the camera before I had to be at work. My first stop was the Herring Run aka Oliver Mill Park. I haven’t seen the Great Blue Heron since I got the shot of him eating the fish. It’s been very busy over there with lots of people fishing and even swimming. Plus they have the new bridge which lets people get even closer to the marsh so I don’t know if it’s moved on or if I just keep missing it.

No Big Blue today either but there were a couple of Canada Geese families.

After following those little goslings and their parents around a bit I moved on to The Grist Mill Pond in Plymouth. I wanted to check out the Swans and see if they had any little swans yet. The swan pair in Brockton hatched some cygnets so I thought the Plymouth swans might have hatched too.No luck. They were still on the nest but there’s going to be plenty of Canada Geese. There were 3 more families here and some had quite a few goslings!