Happy Birthday America

Photo by Deb Neumann

Happy Birthday America


Unidentified photo from the web

I’m not going to make this into a political post but the Good Ole USA really took some lumps this past year. Not the least with the uprising on the capital. Happy Birthday America! You made it! So glad you are still the home of the brave and the land of the free! 


Rain Rain Go Away

It looks like we’re going to have another rainy weekend. I keep making tentative plans and Mother Nature keeps putting a damper on them. I bought the Massachusetts State Parks Adventure Book. My plan is to  explore my home state on the weekends. First I’m amazed at how many state parks, forest, reservations and monuments there are! More than enough to fill every weekend for many summers. I’ve looked though the book quickly and there are a few that I’ve been to Like Bash-Bish Falls.

Bash Bish Falls 2017

There are 2 trail heads to the falls, one in Massachusetts and one in New York. The trail from the Massachusetts side  is pretty steep and rough, or at least it was in 2017.  It looked like it was downhill going to the falls. I figured easy to trip and fall going down and a real tough hike going back up. The trail from the New York side is a slight incline most of the way and in 2017 was well groomed and easy walking. That was the way I went. If I were going today I’d do the same thing.

Travel plans

With Covid restrictions being lifted I’ve started getting some travel plans on the books. I’m heading back to the Great Smokey Mountains in September when I visit North Carolina. I wanted to stay on the coast but couldn’t get accommodations when I wanted to travel so I’m “settling” for Sapphire NC, just outside  of Ashville. The Biltmore Estates is on the top of my to do list.
It was  also a 2nd choice for Colorado. I ended up booking  my vacation for July 2022 in Breckenridge, Co. To get into any of my top choices I would have had to go in winter. Not my idea of a good vacation. 

Now I’m looking for someplace warm for February. I was hoping for a new state but maybe I’ll end up going back to Florida or just staying home with my kitties for that vacation.  We’ll see. There’s still time to find something.

Dolphins Photo by Deb Neumann

Views Along the Newfound Gap Road

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The views along this route are beautiful.

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The forest floor was covered in wildflowers. The sky was so blue. Here are just a few more moments captured in time.

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I know mountains like these…the mountains of the east. They are older than the Rockies or the Cascades but in some ways no less wild.

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Maybe growing up in the middle of the Adirondacks gave me an appreciation for these forested slopes. Or maybe not, maybe they are something everyone appreciates. After all, the Great Smokey Mountain National Park is the most visited National Park of them all.

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Tennessee to North Carolina

A new day and another bright blue sky! So far the weather has been wonderful. I pulled out the Auto touring maps and decided to try the Newfound Gap Road. Just like a cove is another name for a valley in the vernacular of southern Appalachia, a “gap” is a low point along a ridge  or mountain range.

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The old road over the Smokey Mountains was at Indian Gap. When a lower , easier crossing was discovered it became the “Newfound” gap. Starting in  Gatlinburg you will climb approximately 3,000 feet passing through  hardwood, pine-oak and finally the evergreen- spruce- fir forest at the Newfound gap (5,046 ft.)

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Here on the Newfound Gap road it wasn’t wildlife that held your attention.

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It was the mountains. The vastness, the climb, the view to the valley below.

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At one of the many pull offs I marveled over the twists and turns of the road below me, the one I’d just traveled without a thought.

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A large parking area, a observation platform, restrooms and an entrance to the Appalachian trail all straddle the Tennessee / North Carolina State line.

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Leaving the parking area and Tennessee behind you have a chance to detour up to Clingman’s Dome.

Clingman’s Dome Road climbs about 7 miles to within  1/2 mile of the highest peak in the Smokies (6,643 ft.) There’s a large parking area and restrooms where you can leave you car to hike the last half mile to the top of Clingman’s Dome and the observation tower. Everybody sing “On top of Old Smokey”. 🙂

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Once you leave Clingman’s dome and head back down whether to Cherokee in North Carolina or back to Gatlinburg in Tennessee, it’s literally all down hill.

I continued toward Cherokee. I figured I’d arrive there about lunchtime and could decide where to go next while I enjoyed my lunch.

That proved to be a good choice. I continued to read my Auto touring guide over a sandwich at a very nice restaurant right on the main road.  The number 5 tour was the Cataloochee and from the looks of the map it might not be too far. AS I checked out and paid my bill I asked the cashier.

He told me it was still quite a hike out there and if I wanted to wait around I might see elk behind the high school right here in Cherokee. But if I was dead set on going to the Cataloochee all I had to do was follow Rt 19 through Maggie Valley to RT 278 and then watch for the signs. He suggested I get there between 5:30 and 7:30.

Seemed like a good idea to make the trip now since I was more than 1/2 way there already.

Looking for Cades Cove

Using the Sugarlands Visitor Center as my base I started out to locate Cades Cove. For some unknown reason I thought Cades Cove was right near the visitor center like an entrance to the valley. Was I ever in for a surprise. I hadn’t gone very far when I saw a sign…Cades Cove – 24 miles! It was an over the river and through the woods kind of trip. I began to wonder if I’d taken a wrong turn.

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Now don’t misunderstand me. It’s a beautiful drive. The road is paved and shaded and meanders through forests and over brooks and streams.

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You even pass through a tunnel. This was the first of many tunnels I would run across in my Tennessee travels. I love these tunnels.

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Unlike the tunnels I drive through when I work in Somerville, which only enhance the term concrete jungle,  these tunnels blend with the natural landscape. The trees, grass and moss cover the tops and sides of the tunnels. They make me think of little hobbit houses.

There were numerous pull offs  and wide shoulders for parking. Almost every stream had a fisherman or two standing in waders.


About 13 miles into the drive near sign post #6 is a large pull off with a stone wall. As I approached I could see a lot of cars and people. There were quite a few photographers with tripods set up. I couldn’t see what they were looking at until I was almost by.  Tucked way back in the woods was a waterfall. Since Cades Cove closes at sunset I decided to wait for the return trip to stop. Maybe it would be less crowded then.

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By now I was beginning to understand why everyone at the resort told me not to go later than 3:30. It takes that long to get there!

Finally I saw the gates and a parking area with a covered education center.  Rangers had a table set up with maps and flyers and story boards surrounded the enclosure.  It was about 5:30 by now and although still 2 hours to sunset the shadows were beginning to lengthen.

The ranger was explaining to some other folks that it would get dark in the woods much sooner than in the open. He assured us that we’d see wildlife. He told us to keep our eyes open because we were sure to see deer and quite possibly a bear or two. He said the females were all out and about and most had 2 or 3 cubs.

So with high hopes I pointed my nice shiny rental toward the 2nd gate which would put me on the 11 mile, one way, loop road, which is all dirt. Somehow I doubt the car will be quite as shiny when this adventure is over.



Gatlinburg By-Pass

Quite pleased and content with my lunch I headed back out to find the Gatlinburg By-Pass. To get to it I had to go into Gatlinburg and then head back out toward the Welcome Center. From the Welcome Center I head back toward Gatlinburg. The by-pass exit is on the right and became my favorite way to get from one end of Gatlinburg to the other.

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The By- Pass is a scenic drive that takes you around Gatlinburg, bringing you out near the Sugarlands Visitor Center. From the visitor center you can head to Cades Cove to the right or Cherokee, North Carolina straight ahead or back to Gatlinburg by turning left.

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There are scenic turn outs with plenty of parking. and the road is well maintained.

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This was  the beginning of my introduction to auto touring the Great Smokey Mountains.

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When we went to Alaska we were told that in the springtime the fields were filled with wildflowers. Well spring was late the year we went but I seemed to hit it just right for Tennessee. The grass and trees were green and wildflowers abounded.

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