Mr. Crankypants

Have you ever seen a group of cats together? They roll around play fight, they butt heads to say hello and they groom each other. This behavior spreads the scent around and each cat then smells like the group. It gives them a sense of belonging.

When I brought the stray who became “Buddy” into my home there was the usual spitting and hissing but eventually Buddy worked his way into the group. He and Rocky roll around  play fighting and race around the house . Kats 003 copy

They groom each other. Smokey will have no part of it and in the beginning I actually saw him acting like a prey animal, slinking away to hide under the couch. This made me very sad.

As time has gone on Smokey has gained more confidence around Buddy but he still won’t groom him or let himself be groomed. Rocky can groom both Smokey and Buddy and both will groom Rocky but Smokey gives Buddy a wide berth.

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About a week ago things began to get interesting. Buddy came bouncing over to me meowing persistently. Now Rocky is the vocal cat, Buddy gives me little chirps and “merps” and Smokey just purrs so this was a little out of character. Clearly something had Buddy upset. At first I didn’t see anything to cause his distress but then my eyes went to the cat tree.

Rocky was stretched out under his heat lamp but Smokey was not on his usual perch. No Smokey was in the “Crow’s nest” at the very top. From the first day Buddy joined us this has been his place. And here was his sworn enemy sitting in his special place.

crankypants 002 copyTo make matters worse Smokey couldn’t get down. He start and his clawless paws would slip so he’d back off.  I helped the miscreant down and Buddy climbed up and all was peaceful again.

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A couple of days later I got a visit from a very agitated Rocky. In actions very reminiscent of Buddy, Rocky was meowing and pacing until I got up and followed him to…the cat tree. There, under his heat lamp was Smokey.

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Rocky would stretch up and nose him and all Smokey would do is turn around and show him his butt. I had to laugh. As I stood there Rocky got up on the perch too and unceremoniously pushed Smokey off. I guess he just wanted “Back up”.

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Poor Smokey. Buddy came over , ears up, whiskers forward, just being friendly and Smokey would have none of it. He flattened his ears and whacked Buddy’s nose with his clawless paws and stalked off. Ok Smokey. Clearly you have not learned to play well with others. I think we’ll just have to call you Mr. Crankypants from now on.

Treble’s Tanqueray

Billed as “Champion of the Decade”, the Morgan Stallion known as Treble’s Tanqueray is the Celebrity Horse waiting for me in the Youth Pavilion. And yes, he’s a horse, not a drink. Gin lovers will  understand that observation. 🙂


To get there I had to pass back through the demo ring where a clinic was going on about tack. They had a mule that was being saddled up. Each step of the process was being described and pros and cons of each step outlined. The audience was spellbound. I guess if I was about to ride a mule down the Grand Canyon I might be as enthralled too.


I found the Mallory Building and way in the back was a quiet corner with a small ring. The floor was rubber padding, not dirt and a small group was gathering. The ring was empty so I guess I made it in time.

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Treble’s Tanqueray is still competing even though he is an active  Stud with a long line of offspring that are now competing themselves. At 15 year old he is in his prime.

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Horses now routinely live into their late 20’s or even 30 years old when they have the right care.

I’ve always wondered how a horse could have a tail that dragged on the ground. You always see them like that in those wonderful portrait and here was a magnificent example of the long mane and tail.

According Tanqueray’s owners any horse can have a long , ground dragging tail. When Tanqueray is not in the show ring his tail is bound up . The most common reasons for a short tail are that the horse steps on it or it has frozen and the hairs have broken off.

Horses get their tails wet in their water pails in the stalls or  when they are allowed outside in the snow, rain and cold. When that happens and the tail hairs freeze, the hair snaps off. Makes sense; so if you want your horse to have a long tail it needs to be bound up. The mane is braided to protect it so when it’s unbraided you get the lovely waves.

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Height: 15.1
Color: bay
Foaled: 1998

Does this mean They are Buddies?

There has been some tension between my oldest cat, Smokey

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and the newcomer, Buddy.

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Buddy is almost 3 lbs. heavier and bigger than Mr. Creaky Pants. Plus Smokey was declawed when I got him so he is handicapped in any confrontation. Too many times I saw Buddy stalking Smokey and Smokey trying to slink away like a prey animal. When I would see that I would distract Buddy but I didn’t like it. I worried about what went on when I was not home.

My pet sitter said they got along fine when she was in the house. She felt the behavior was caused by jealousy and that was why it only showed  up when I was at home because I’m the “mama” and they all want my attention.

Now that I ‘ve been working from home for a few months the behavior seems to have subsided. Smokey doesn’t act afraid and timid anymore and Buddy picks on Rocky, who is quite capable of holding his own.

In fact if Buddy and Rocky mix it up too much, Smokey jumps into the fray and starts batting them with his declawed paws. The combatants always separate for him. I think I need to get him a little striped shirt.

Speaking of Rocky and Buddy, they have what I think is a strange behavior. Cat lovers, have you had this in your multi-cat homes?

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One of the two cats approaches the other. It starts a grooming behavior by licking the ears and head of the other cat. This goes on for a bit and just when you think ohhh, so cute…bam! The first cat pounces on the one that was just being groomed. It makes me think of the hand shake before a fight.  Then they go bumping and rolling around the room. Growls and hisses are common but they have  their ears pointed forward. I assume they are playing because the ears are not laid back. No blood is drawn. The next day the whole ritual is repeated again but usually its the other cat that starts the grooming.

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This morning when I went into the bedroom to make my bed there were two cats sleeping there! Buddy and surprise, Smokey. They had bunched up the comforter between them like a wall to separate them. That’s the closest I’m seen them. Does this mean they are finally becoming friends?

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There is never a dull moment around here!