The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Sweetheart Rock , Lanai

We were on our way to spend the morning on Lanai. As we passed a large cliff we could see waves crashing on a smaller rock at its point. Small is a relative term because this little rock is actually 80 ft. tall! Named Puu Pehe in Hawaiian, Sweetheart Rock is s recognizable landmark even for tourists like me. Like so many of Hawaii’s landmarks, this one has a legend attached to it too. 

The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Once upon a time a beautiful young princess from Maui was captured by a young warrior from Lanai. He was so taken with her looks that he made her his wife and brought her back to his home island of Lanai. But the warrior was so jealous of her beauty that he was afraid to let any other man see her. To keep her secluded he confined her to a sea cave near the rock.

One day while the warrior was away a huge storm came up with the sea pounding the rock and flooding the sea cave. Frantic the warrior rushed back to the cave but it was too late. His beloved bride had drowned. With the help of the gods the heartbroken young warrior retrieved her body and took it to the top of the steep rock island. There he made a tomb to lay her to rest. Then, overwhelmed with grief, the young man jumped off the top of the island to his death. 

Puu Pehe’s Tomb

Puu Pehe is located between  Manele Bay and Hulopoe Bay .  If you look closely you may see a small mound at the top of the rock that could be a tomb. We were too far out in the channel to see but I’m told its there. Archaeologists who have studied the sea stack say the only bones are those of sea birds.  The legend is romantic and tragic but don’t let that draw you into exploring the rock. The sides are steep and treacherous and the waters surrounding the island are filled with strong currents and swift waves.