A Mayor Stubbs Update

Stubbs Mayor Cat

I am sorry to report that we have experienced a number of setbacks and Mayor Stubbs has not recovered as quickly as we had hoped. Poor Stubbs must remain still for most of the day to aide his recovery and is still experiencing pain. I’m afraid the extent of his injuries coupled with his advanced years are draining on him. We all pray for his recovery.

Mayor Stubbs Update

Dr. Lehman, my amazing doctor through this ordeal, has released some information on my condition which can be found below. I am so thankful for the treatment I’ve received at BLSVH. I also thank each of you for your get well wishes and the cards & donations you’ve sent to Talkeetna. I’m one blessed Mayor.
Love, Stubbs

Stubbs the Cat, “Mayor of Talkeetna” trauma update – Canis Medicus: BLSVH Animal Blog


Stubbs update