Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge, Colorado

I’m going to take a quick look at each of the resorts/locations on my timeshare list for Colorado. I want to see if anything jumps out at me. So starting at the top of the list we have Breckenridge.

According to google Breckenridge, Colorado is a town at the base of the Rocky Mountains’ Tenmile Range. It’s known for its ski resort, year-round alpine activities and Gold Rush history. The Victorian core of this former mining town is preserved as the Breckenridge National Historic District, running primarily along Main Street, with colorfully painted buildings from the 1880s and ’90s housing shops, galleries and restaurants.

Breckenridge is 80 miles from Denver so close enough for a day trip. 

What to do in Breckenridge

I googled the top 15 things to do in Breckenridge to see if I should keep this on my possible list or eliminate it. It looks like there are a lot of hiking and mountain trails. You ca go rafting down the Colorado River and there are some small museums including a Sawmill and Narrow Gauge Train Museum. You can take a few driving tours to see the sights but I think I’d rather drive myself. I imagine mountain roads can get kind of twisty and that could cause motion sickness.  Obviously this is a beautiful area and in winter it’s a ski resort. I’m just not sure it’s what I’m looking for. 

The 10 Mile Range

The 10 mile range of the Rocky Mountains that tower over Breckenridge is part of the Mosquito Range. The Mosquito and 10 miles range are split by the Continental Divide. 

By David Herrera from Albuquerque, NM, Bernalillo – Mount Democrat, Mount Bross & Quandary PeakUploaded by PDTillman, CC BY 2.0,

Interesting note, Pacific Tarn is the highest named lake in the United States and it can be found in the 10 Mile Range.

Wish I were 20 years younger

Oh I wish I were younger! I used to love hiking and exploring but my legs and knees just don’t hold up any more. I have to find vacation locations that are a little less strenuous. 

Taking a rafting trip is a possibility although I worry about my camera taking a dunking. It barely survived a good dousing in Hawaii! 

So is Breckenridge a keeper?

For all you ski folks and active “youngsters” this might be a good trip. I think it may be a bit much for my old bones.

One thing that I do like is that it’s only a day trip to Denver if I wanted to explore there. I think I’ll put Breckenridge on the back burner and continue exploring my list.

Sabbaday Falls on the Kancamagus

Sabbaday Falls, White Mountains , NH

Sabbaday Falls is a pretty little waterfall nestled in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The trail head is located off the scenic Kancamagus Highway. A gravel pathway and wooden steps leads you to the edges of the falls. The .5 mile walk to the falls is a slight incline but not too bad. There are benches along the way to stop and catch your breath and take in the surrounding beauty of the New Hampshire wilderness.

Sabbaday Brook

The stream that feeds the falls in called Sabbaday Brook. It bubbles , burbles and roars its way along beside the trail keeping you company as you climb to the falls. The handicapped accessible trail takes you to the top where the “Best viewing” area is located. I’ve been here twice ans still don’t know where you start the handicap accessible trail. Since it ends at the top of the falls I thought I’d walk it back this time but it was closed due to ice. Looks like I’ll need a return trip to work that out.

Speaking Of Ice

Spring arrives later in the mountains. It was close to 80 in Lincoln but had dropped to the 60’s by the time I reached the parking area for Sabbaday Falls.

There was still snow  under the trees and much of the trail was covered with ice. Step carefully! I was carrying camera and tripod and one trekking pole. Believe me when I say I would not have made it over the ice without the pole.

Finally, the Falls

After a last push up the one steep section of trail I was over the top and starting downward to the base of the falls. The brook was definitely running high making the treacherous scramble to the ledge to see the falls even more slippery. I looked at the passage with some trepidation, wishing I was either younger or didn’t have a bad hip. But it was a moot point anyway. That photographer that was in such a hurry had beat me to the ledge.

He was set up. It didn’t look like his would be a quick shoot. I poked around downstream trying to get an angle that showed  the falls but no, luck and the first guy wasn’t budging.

Summertime Photos of Sabbaday Falls

Since I couldn’t get an pictures of the actual falls this time, I dug back in my archives and found a few from my visit in 2011. There will be other trips, maybe even this year.

If You Go

Keep in mind that snow melts later in the woods and spring will be a week or so behind the valley at this elevation. If you wait to go the stairs to the viewing platform will likely be open.



A New Hampshire Adventure, What’s Joe Got to Do With it?

What’s Joe Got to Do With It?

My good friend Joe is 13 years younger than I am. He refuses to believe that I’m not as spry as I once was and cuts me no slack. I can’t wait until he’s my age and see how much his joints hurt! That being said, Joe is headed back to Sunny Florida. He was up in the Northeast for 2.5 months  on a job search. During that time he got a reminder of what the weather is like 8 months out of the year…cold, gray, snowy, rainy. But before he left he sent me another challenge.

The Ultimate New Hampshire Waterfall Roadtrip

Everyone knows that you need water to have waterfalls and what better time of the year in the Northeast than after the spring rains and snow melt? Saturday was a beautiful day with temps predicted to hit the 80’s. I looked at Joe’s Ultimate New Hampshire Waterfall challenge and decided I’d tackle at least part of it. Since its a 5 plus hour drive to even get to the White Mountains I knew I wouldn’t be able to get in more than 2 or 3 stops. I didn’t follow the stops as outlined in the article as I’ve been to some. I wanted the easiest stops since time was limited.

Lincoln, NH

I arrived in Lincoln, NH at just about noon. Although I wasn’t really hungry I knew my first stop would be Sabbaday Falls and I didn’t want to chance having my blood sugar drop after hiking up to the falls and back. (As a diabetic you have to be aware if these things)  For a cheap, quick stop I grabbed a cheeseburger at MacDonald’s. I know yuck.

Time to head up the Kancmagus Highway.

Finding Sabbaday Falls

Even though it has been 6 years since my New Hampshire vacation, the Kancamagus still felt  like an old friend. I recognized so many places along the way to the  Falls. As I drove the Kancamagus rose, eventually reaching an elevation of just under 3,000 feet at its highest point at Kancamagus Pass on the flank of Mt. Kancamagus near Lincoln, NH.

Sabbaday Falls is on the downside after you pass this high point. Coming from Lincoln you’ll see a sign for the Falls and Picnic Area on the right.

It’s a Nice Walk

The parking area was packed with cars and as I prepared to hike up to the falls I met lots of dogs  and their people, families and serious hikers. One photographer with his tripod over his shoulder charged past me in a big hurry. I’d soon see why.




Vacation should be a 365 day Project

As I plan my list of “must-bring” items for my vacation my hiking boots are staring at me accusingly. They are a heavy item but necessary if I’m going to do any hiking. I’m going to the Great Smokey Mountains. What else do you do in a National Park?


Maybe I’m being too optimistic. After all its been only about 2 weeks since my right hip finally seemed to be healed from my nose dive off the Southwest plane in January. Even so. Having 2 “bad” hips has done a number on my lower back. Aleve is my new best friend.

The doctor suggested physical therapy. I’m willing but thanks to my insurance I won’t have a chance to get started until after my vacation so back to the question facing me… do I pack those boots or face the fact that I’m no longer as young and fit as I once was?  Nah! I’ll take them along…just in case.

I think fondly of the days when a carry on was all I needed to travel. Undies , couple of  “T’s”, pair of jeans and toiletries and I was good to go. Now I need a bunch of Sherpas to get my luggage stowed.



Since I’m going to the Great Smokey Mountains I will need my camera gear. I want to get some low light shots so I need the tripod. I also want to go look for wildlife Week-in-wildlife-Pygmy-Ow-005 (the animal kind) so I will need the big telephoto.


And of course I need my laptop. I want to be able to stay in touch with the world.


As I heft my bags for a weight check I groan. I am so out of shape. So a germ of an Idea



has begun to form in my simple brain. If I can do a 365 day photo challenge, why can’t I do a 365 day physical challenge (Shhhh..don’t tell my doctor I’m thinking about the “E” word)

But seriously, at this rate I’ll need a Palanquin (that’s a sedan chair) to get around.



Maybe if my carry on had wheels I could improve the experience but that one was destroyed by the Southwest Baggage handlers and I haven’t replaced it yet.

Yes I have to get serious about this exercise thing and maybe a little Diet too. Once I get back from this vacation I can think of it as 365 days until my next vacation. ( A slight exaggeration but you get the idea)  Time to make a major dent in the fat cells.


In the meantime I will take along the hiking boots. Even if they don’t get used this trip the extra weight should be good for burning some calories.


Travel is Like A New Car

Have you ever bought a new car and then once you start driving it around you see the same car everywhere? You’d swear that you’d only seen 1 baby blue Prius in all the time you’ve been driving until you bought one. Now no matter where you look you spot another baby blue Prius.


Well I’ve noticed a similar phenomenon with vacation planning. I remember the first time I went to Sedona, Arizona. That trip was a “leftover”. I needed to use my time share points or lose them and time was running out. Everything I tried to get was booked. Then I looked for vacancies and Sedona not only popped up but it was on sale. It cost me half the points it normally would so I was able to squeeze in Sedona and Florida for the price of one.


About a week after I booked Sedona my Intervale International Magazine came with featured locations. Right there on the cover was Sedona! Red Rock Country! And it was the feature story inside.


A couple of weeks later I was reading another magazine and the travel section in that one also featured Sedona.


When we planned our Alaska vacation the same thing happened. I ran across articles about Alaska everywhere even when I wasn’t looking for something.

Alaska2013 285a copy

Now I just booked my vacation to Tennessee and along comes my magazine Travel 50 & Over. I love this magazine. The cover didn’t give it away but inside I was reading the article about 50 Fantastic Hikes and there it was, Trillium Gap Trail, Great Smokey Mountains National Park, 3 miles.! Yes! I had read about this trail in my research. There’s a waterfall on it and the trail goes right behind the falls. It is one of the trails I want to try if my hip is feeling up to it.


So it’s starting again. I wonder how many more times Tennessee is going to come to my attention before I leave for vacation!? I love these surprise tidbits of encouragement.