Celebrate the Holidays

December is a Month of Holidays

Happy Holidays or is it Merry Christmas? It is Christmas Day, the end of December. December 25 to be exact. Since Thanksgiving the world has been going mad with Christmas spirit. Displays in stores, Christmas Carol’s on the radio, Christmas movies on TV, Christmas everywhere. Even if you aren’t Christian it’s hard not to get caught up in the frenzy.  You have Santa Claus at the mall and even the Grinch! 

Snow for Christmas

This year will be a white Christmas in many areas. Folks are embracing the cold as just part of the season. No offence to Old Saint Nick but you can keep the North Pole weather right where it is, up north, at least as far as I’m concerned. OOPS ! Did that sound grinchy? I’m just not a fan of the cold.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

It seems to me that the Christians in the world know Christmas stands for the birth of Christ but in this modern world it’s just a commercial holiday. It’s meaning much like Labor Day, Memorial Day and so many other holidays has been diluted. For the religious that’s bad but think about it another way.  The holiday has become a season of celebration for many people of diverse backgrounds. They may not join in the religious aspect but they enjoy the lights, the music and the joy of the season. I have Jewish friends that celebrate Hanukkah in December and also join in with the Christmas parties that abound. And what about Kwanzaa which celebrates African Heritage.

Lots of December Celebrations

There’s lots of celebrations in December so maybe Happy Holidays is the best choice. 

  • Saint Nicholas Day (Christian)
  • Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican)
  • St. Lucia Day (Swedish)
  • Hanukkah (Jewish)
  • Christmas Day (Christian)
  • Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian)
  • Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish)
  • Kwanzaa (African American)
  • Omisoka (Japanese)
  • Yule (Pagan)
  • Saturnalia (Pagan)

Don’t forget Season’s Greetings

And finally, there’s Season’s Greetings. Maybe this is the best choice of all. Not everyone is happy this time of year. I know many families and individual’s that are missing loved ones. Some have passed on other are estranged some are fighting wars in far off lands. Some families are struggling with illness or other hardship. It’s easy to forget that not everyone is happy during this time of year. Lets be gentle and tolerant and remember that many struggle in this season of joy.  I’ll end this missive with a nice generic

Season’s Greetings to all!



Post Trashed/ The Day After

Good Morning Friends!

Anyone with a Turkey Hangover?


I had quite a post planned for today all about my thoughts on Black Friday. Comments and opinions about shopping on Thanksgiving. Those poor people who had to miss Thanksgiving with their families because the big, greedy retail stores wanted one more day to put their paws in our pockets.

Then I thought whoa! Until this year I was one of those “Poor people” who had to work and it wasn’t so bad.  Before I worked in Plymouth I seldom worked alone and we all brought holiday food to work. Our workplace became a Thanksgiving meal and the folks working celebrated with each other. It was nice. I still celebrated on my own when I had my next day off. The extra money that I got by working the holiday certainly came in handy.


Once they moved the office to Plymouth and went “Virtual”  I found I didn’t always have anyone working with me in my office. Oh I had co-workers, just not at my location but again, I didn’t mind. It was usually a quiet day and it was in Plymouth that some of the nicest things were done for me.

One Thanksgiving 2 different co-workers drove to the office to bring me Thanksgiving Dinner because they knew I was alone there! I was amazed and thankful to even be thought of once, but twice. That’s pretty special.

Another holiday when just 4 of us were working one of the 4 brought in a whole meal; ham, baked potatoes, veggies…for all of us. All home made. He got up early before work, cooked up the feast and surprised us all!

Come to think of it, I have more good memories of working holidays than bad.

And judging from the interviews on the news, these workers were happy too. They talked about earning extra money for Christmas, about break rooms overflowing with food, of happy friends that were shopping and saying hi; people they wouldn’t see if they were at home.

So I don’t know if opening on Thanksgiving is really so bad. I worked because a telecommunication company that offers phone service has to have people on in case of emergency . It’s the law in Massachusetts, maybe even Federal law but here were people working retail, laughing and singing the praises of their employers for being open and giving them the opportunity to earn a little extra for the upcoming holiday season.


Maybe having a retail store open on Thanksgiving isn’t as bad an idea as I first thought.

Making Memories

Was there ever a girl alive that didn’t want to have a horse of her own at some point in her life? I sure don’t know of any, myself in included. I was lucky enough to live in the country and by hook and by crook managed to have 2 horses over the course of my teen years. JFK because of the brand on his flank (and affectionately called Jack) and Pepper, my Dad’s favorite.

But city life , even suburban life and the high cost of upkeep in that kind of environment makes it much harder for many young girls …(and boys) to realize those dreams. That’s why a tradition that a friend of mine has started in her neighborhood is such a wonderful memory maker.

It started with last year right around this time. My friend and her neighbors hired the big Clydesdale draught horses for a holiday hayride. They didn’t tell the kids last year, just let them see the wagon coming down the road with those big old horses clip clopping away. I’m told it was quite the hit. In fact it was so good that they decided to do it again this year. The only difference was that the kids knew the horses were coming this year.
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I was privileged to be allowed to drop by and watch the event and get some pictures of the horses and wagon. I wasn’t prepared for the absolute joy and excitement of these kids. They were all ages and they were squealing and yelling and bouncing around! They saw those horses coming way before I could see them in the gathering dusk.

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As the wagon pulled up the children raced to say hello to the horses and pet them before they climbed into the back of the wagon and began singing Jingle Bells at the tops of their young lungs. The horses and wagon made a loop around and came back for a 2nd load. By then it was getting quite dark but nothing dampened the kids’ spirits. It was beautiful to watch.
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I hope these families continue this tradition in the coming years. It is really a “memory maker” and an experience that not every child gets to have. I can imagine these children being grown with their own families and reminiscing about the bonfire and the hayride they took as children and when it comes right down to it isn’t that what the holiday season is really about? Isn’t it about the love and traditions and making memories? It’s not about the IPADS or the American Girl dolls. Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanza or Yule or whatever tradition you follow, aren’t the memories made more important than the material things that will soon be outgrown or tossed aside?

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I don’t remember many of the presents I got over the years..maybe one or two…but I do remember things we did. Christmas Eve we watched the movie Amahl and the Night Visitors and while we were engrossed in that my parents snuck our presents under the tree from the “Florida” Santa, (Presents sent from family that lived there). Christmas morning was reserved for the presents from our immediate family.
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After the movie we opened those Florida gifts then went to Midnight Mass. It always seemed to snow and driving home was always a slipping, sliding adventure but we always made it. Those are some of the memories of Christmases past that are so rich that I can smell the incense and remember the excitement.

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It is my sincerest wish that these children will have this memory for a lifetime. That when they think back to their own Christmases past they will remember this adventure too because that would be all the more special! And that’s what Family and holidays are all about.

Rocky Holiday Photo..Take 2

We’ve only been “clicker” training for 2 days so I wasn’t even going to bother trying to get the picture of my “vision” but When I turned my back there he was…right in the middle of the picture set up I was working on.

Ok he was ready and willing. I decided to try again.

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We’re getting closer  but we’re not quite there yet.

A Colorful Little Shop

My week 10 Photo of the week was of two cute yellow duckie statues all decked out in a spring display.

Well I thought you might be interested in where I found such a whimsical decoration. I wish I could say I set it up myself but I’m afraid I can’t take credit for it. What actually happened was that I was running errands with my friend Nancy. We had just left Ritz Camera at the Derby Street Shops in Hingham and were headed down RT 53 to Trader Joe’s. Nancy and I spotted the house at the same time. It was kind of hard to miss. It had flowers all over its beautiful wrap-around porch. That splash of color so early in the year (it wasn’t even spring yet) really caught the eye!

Right then we decided to stop in on our way back from Trader Joe’s.

We got back in the mid afternoon. I took some pictures of the house from the parking lot then Nancy suggested we go in. It appeared to be a business and we were curious. We saw the sign, Garden Craft,  but weren’t sure what that entailed.

Inside the house was bursting at the seams with silk flowers ands displays. I loved the idea of holiday trees..decorated trees not just for Christmas but for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and even a tree with seashell ornaments.

There were fireplaces in every room and each mantle held a different displays. The lady at the front desk was putting together a floral wreath but stopped for a moment to tell me a little bit about the store.

Garden Craft was formerly in Hanover where they sold not only silk arrangements but also garden and nursery products. They sold off their previous location, discontinued the garden /nursery line and moved the retail operation to this building in 2011. From what she told me they have quite the loyal following for the retail part of the business and the new location is only about 1/2 mile from the old Hanover location even though they had crossed over the town line with the move. They were now in Norwell.

 I told her I liked to take pictures and asked if I could photograph some of the things they had in the store. She told me to go ahead and enjoy myself. Nancy was looking for little items  so she was happy to give me time to wander around documenting the visual feast surrounding us.

It was great fun wandering around the shop. As these photos illustrate they have a wonderful variety of decorative products and ideas. It’s definitely worth a stop.

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You can find Garden Craft at 427 Washington St, Norwell, Ma. 🙂