An Event of a Lifetime

I had my sister and me booked for an event that was billed as “The Event of a Lifetime”.

Located at the foot of the West Maui Mountains is the show Na Lio.

Promptly at 5 pm 2 shuttle buses would pull up to the front of the resort to take us to the ranch. But which resort? I still had not met our coordinator. All communication had been by phone, text or an itinerary left for me at the front desk.

I finally got an actual address but them I couldn’t find it. Driving around I spotted a post man. Surely he will know where this address is located.


Turns out he did and the “Pink Pyramid” strikes again. The address I’d been searching for belongs to that big pink resort right next to the Ka’anapali Beach Shores! Once inside we found the ping pong tables and settled in to wait. It wasn’t long.

After being given a lei and  the courtesy photo we all climbed aboard for the short ride to the location where tables were all ready set up and waiting for us.


After an excellent dinner the show began. Slack Key artist, George Kakumoku, Jr started the action off .


The show is the story of horses in Hawaii.



The story is told in song and dance (Hula)


and with the horses. The 2nd story line is the story of young love that triumphs in the end.


I’m not sure which was more amazing, the dancers or the horses.


At the end of the show the riders brought their mounts to the edge of the stage and we were invited to meet them and say hello to the horses. We were given carrots to feed the horses.


One of the horses liked my lei better than the carrots. He got a big bite of it before I could get it out of his reach. As it was just flowers there was no harm done and the rider and the others standing with me joined me in a good laugh.

Then it was back on the shuttle buses for the return to the resort.

Everybody Loves a Parade

Finally leaving the midway and rides behind we found another building we hadn’t explored.

They had a mechanical cow where you could try your hand at milking her. A stage was set up with a garden revue, animatrons that sang songs and popped up and down. Very cute.

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This was also where a chick hatchery was set up. The display held a large number of eggs which were on the verge of hatching. You could see tiny cracks form and eventually out popped a baby chick! This would have held our attention for hours if the parade hadn’t stated. Having missed out on the circus I was determined to see the parade.

The theme was Carnival like the parades in New Orleans with floats and beads.

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There were marching bands.

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And float

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after float

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after float.

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But the participant that made it all worth it for me were the Clydesdales!

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There they were in all their splendor . Manes and tails braided, feathered feet prancing high. It took my breath away! They even had their dalmatian dog with them.

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They are truly magnificent animals. The crowd’s reaction proves that they have super star status. Probably because of all the wonderful commercials Budweiser has used these animals to star in.

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Yes, seeing them up close like this made the whole trip worth it for me.

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The kids liked the beads 🙂



I reblogged the latest in the Connecticut Vicious Horse Case. I posted about it last fall after I heard talks about it at Equine Affaire.

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Conn Court: Are Horses Vicious? is well written and I couldn’t have made the points any better. Please take a moment to read and share.

This is truly a case where man is trying to impose his standards on an animal. Common sense has fled.  Whether an animal is inherently vicious or not, we need to respect their character and take precautions. Even big , cuddly creatures can inadvertently cause injury.

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The case began in 2006 when a boy tried to pet a horse named Scuppy at a Milford farm. The animal stuck his neck out from behind a fence and bit the child on his right cheek, ‘‘removing a large chunk of it,’’ according to court papers.

What I find interesting is that no one is blaming the parents for letting the child approach the strange horse. There were signs saying  “Do Not Pet” etc.

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This litigious society that we live in today really upsets me. No one accepts responsibility for their own actions. It’s always someone else’s fault. Shame on us. 🙁

Are Horses Vicious?

While I was at the Equine Affaire I was surrounded by horse lovers and owners and I couldn’t help but hear the buzz about a case that is working it’s way through the courts in Connecticut.

Horses bite but they aren’t pit bulls or alligators. They aren’t  wild animals but they aren’t really pets either. They are domesticated but in the wild they are prey animals. As prey animals they can be skittish and their only defense, if they can’t run, is to kick or bite.

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Some horses are more prone to this behavior than others. Over the years I was exposed to some horses with nasty dispositions. My neighbor had a pony that was notorious for biting and wouldn’t hesitate to kick either. In college I rode a mare that would try to bite your feet by pulling her head around to get at the boot in the stirrup.


My own horses never showed any tendency to bite or kick but my paint quarter horse, Jack would not hesitate to buck if he wasn’t ridden regularly. He was just too full of energy. He also had a sense of humor. He loved to try to scrape me off with a low branch but then he’d come back, sniff me and laugh at me. I mean it. He’d look at me sitting on the ground and nicker, ears forward, clearly enjoying himself.


He wasn’t mean. But he was mischievous. You had to stay alert when riding him.

And I think that sums up my feelings about horses. They are large, they are prey animals, they can be skittish but if you are alert and use a tad of common sense you won’t get hurt. I could go on but lets take a look at the Connecticut Court Case.

2006: A toddler was bitten on the cheek by a horse at Glendale Farms, Milford, Conn., owned by Timothy Astriab. The little boy wasn’t provoking the horse — just trying to feed him. He was held up by one of his parents to feed the horse, despite the presence of “Do not feed; do not pet” signs. The horse, Scuppy, took a chunk of flesh out of the child’s face.

Ok so what’s wrong with this picture? I’m no lawyer but immediately I see that supposedly intelligent adults ignore the “Don’t Feed, Don’t Pet” signs. They even lifted the child up so he could reach the horse. We don’t know why the horse bit the child. He was trying to feed the horse. How old was the child? Was the child holding the carrot, sugar or whatever out or was the food close to his face because he had his arms around the parent? Was the child squirming or waving his hands about? None of that information is given.


Forward to 2012: The Glendale Farms incident works its way to an Appellate Court that ruled horses are “a species naturally inclined to do mischief or be vicious.”

According to the Connecticut Post: “Astriab won the initial case at a lower court in 2010, when a New Haven judge ruled the child’s father, Anthony Vendrella Sr., failed to prove the owner knew of previous incidents of aggression by any of the horses at the farm. The state Superior Court judge said Astriab testified that in 28 years, none of the horses at the farm bit or injured anyone.”


The case is now before the Connecticut Supreme Court. If the state Supreme Court maintains horses as “vicious,” insurance rates and the horse industry would be turned upside down in Connecticut.

My humble opinion? The parents were wrong to let the child feed the horse and to lift the child up to be closer. The parents are trying to avoid responsibility for their actions and place the blame on an animal. Who is more intelligent here? Humans or horses?

What do you think about this case?

The Fantasia

Billed as  “A Musical Celebration of the HORSE”, Fantasia is a separate show, separate admission, that wraps up the night.


Most of the people I spoke with go every year.

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I had a great seat. I was near an entry/exit to the ring and only 1 tier up. The lighting by now was all artificial. It was full dark outside so no light from the windows to help. As good as my seat was, it was still too far for a flash to be any help. Photography would be a challenge, for sure.

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The first act, Jeff Wilson riding Delview Catskill Valiant (Morgan) was done with the lights out. Just a spotlight followed the pair. I just didn’t have the equipment to capture that and some of the other acts with similar lighting.

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The Opening Ceremony consisted of 3 parts.  A solo ride on a Morgan, The Canadian Cowgirls Drill Team and The National Anthem/Our Heroes.

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Melissa Serra performed the National Anthem and it was magnificent, a beautiful rendition but the segment titles “Our Heroes” had me fighting tears, it was so beautiful.

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Next up…Extreme Roman Riding

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The rider did all the stunts standing on the backs of his pair of Paints.

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He did jump the Fire but I only caught the moment after he landed.

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Patriotic Fusion was next. A Quarter Horse and rider. A serious piece and demonstration.

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Followed by some fun. Chariots of Fire started out with quite the surprise! 2 Roman Chariots each drawn by a miniature donkey.

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The crowd roared with approval. So cute, but that wasn’t all.

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After a couple of swings around the ring the gates opened again and they were joined by a miniature horse ! That miniature horse was so fat it made me think of a pot bellied pig.

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These were the warm up show for the big boys.

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Remember those funny little horses? the Icelandic. They had their own segment called Icelandic Fairy Tails.

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And the last act before Intermission was visiting from “Down Under” The “Aussie” Cowboy and his “brumbies” His Outback Gang.

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During admission the horse show equivalent of the Zamboni prepared the ring for the 2nd half.

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