Meanwhile Back at the Coliseum

A clinic was going on. Stacy Westfall (A noted horse trainer and performer) was teaching “neck reining” and “Spinning”. horse show 095 copy

I almost hate to say this but it reminded me of the many “coaching” lessons I had in ballroom dancing except the goal here was to get your horse to put his feet certain places.

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The talk of the technique and how your horse’s body needed to move a certain way, well it was surprisingly similar to teaching a couple to execute a good pivot.

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Who knew that there was footwork and technique for horses too! Back feet together, right crosses left, etc., etc. 🙂

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That’s Close Enough!

Leaving Tanqueray behind I started back through the Mallory Building toward the Coliseum. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do next. The schedule was broken down by building and time and there was something going on every minute.


As I passed through the building I passed another ring. This one had the dirt floor and the horses were being ridden in this ring. This was a breed demonstration. I wish I could tell you which breed but I missed the announcement. The show was well underway when I stepped up to the fence. I stayed on the short end so I wouldn’t block anyone’s view. The bleacher seats were along the long sides. Several others stood by me. As I was snapping away one of horses came trotting toward me. I expected it to make the turn like the rest of the riders were doing but it came straight at me, bumped the fence and stuck it’s head right up against me! I know my mouth hit the floor. I looked at the rider with my mouth hanging open. She just shrugged and said “I guess he likes you”. I admit I was shocked both by the horse’s reaction to me and by the rider’s lack of control. But that was nothing compared to what was about to happen next.

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Horse and rider back on track I went back to trying to get the exposure right in the low lighting. People were using flash but I was reluctant to try that. I was concerned about startling the horses. Clearly the riders in this ring were not the most experienced. Just as that thought was crossing my mind a flash went off right by the fence. A woman with a ton of camera gear was set up about half way down the long side. As soon as her camera flashed the horse  nearest to her shied badly slamming into another horse and rider about to pass them.

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Those two bounced toward the center of the ring blocking two more horses. These animals weren’t traveling at a walk. I had visions of a horse pile up like cars on the expressway. For a few moments the ring was in turmoil but eventually the riders got their mounts under control and it was back to circling the ring. The woman with her flash had disappeared. She probably got better pictures than I did but at least I can’t be blamed for causing a possible serious accident.

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It seemed like a good time to move on.

A Horse Whisperer

After I left the Arabian Stallion behind I wandered into the “Coliseum”, one of the other large buildings.

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This one was like an auditorium with tiers of seats and high ceilings. The center of the big building was a dirt covered ring. This is where they would hold “Fantasia” later in the evening.

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In the center of the ring was a young filly and a trainer. For a moment I thought I’d walked in on Monty Roberts, The Horse Whisperer. The movements were the same, all calm and flowing. The trainer was wearing a head set and explaining everything as he worked. Once more the feeling that I was watching Monty Roberts hit me. Clearly this trainer was a student of that training philosophy.

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If you ever get a chance to watch this type of trainer in action don’t miss it. It’s a beautiful thing to see. It’s so calm and gentle and the progress is astounding.

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I wish I had been familiar with these techniques back when I was a kid and had a young handful of a horse.

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I wanted to watch the whole training session but the Arabian was being brought out to a small ring and it was going to be my one chance for pictures without bars.

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When a horse was moved from a stall to a ring two people did it. One when ahead through the crowd calling out “Horse coming through” and the visitors got out of the way. Then the 2nd person led the animal along the open path. Made me think of the way cars clear a path on the highway for emergency vehicles.

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As I was trying to photograph the Arabian, another visitor told me I had to see the “Celebrity Horse” presentation.  This is a brief presentation of a horse that has earned championship status. The horses being showcased were the crème de la crème, a different horse each day.

So saying goodbye to my beautiful Arabian I headed back through two huge buildings to locate the “Youth Pavilion” and today’s Celebrity Horse.

So What is Equine Affaire?

What is this show that’s getting all the buzz? I wasn’t really sure but I sure wasn’t prepared for it to be as huge as it was. 6000 people! There are so many different venues that it wasn’t that crowded. Sure , lots of people but the crowd moved along and I didn’t feel crushed even with a backpack and camera around my neck.

The first thing that hit me was that this looked more like a trade show than a horse show. Every building had stalls filled with horse related products, from feed to grooming, saddles to traces, horse blankets and ribbons for manes and tails. Outside were horse trailers and RV’s all set up for you to tour and put down your deposit.


A midway of sorts was set up with food stands, popcorn, fried dough, onion rings, hot dogs, hamburgers, some salads and sandwiches, even a baked potato stand. I certainly wouldn’t starve!


It was as I was walking through the 2nd building that I spotted the first horse. It was a 20 year old Morgan stallion, a more docile animal you’d never find. Hard to believe he was a stallion, not a gelding. His owners had opened the stall door and let him stick his head out and he was doing just that. He loved the attention and had quite a crowd. With all the little hands  trying to pet him I skipped the pictures and moved on.

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Most of the horses and ponies were in stalls with bars on top. Easy to see in but prevented much of a touch and photos were hard. I know what horses smell like. I owned two growing up but these horses didn’t seem to have much of an order at all. Not even the ones with steaming piles in their stalls!

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The range of breeds was amazing. I always thought I had a good basic knowledge of “horse” but I had never heard of half the horses there. Of course there were the Morgan’s, standardbreds, Percherons, quarter horses and my personal favorite, the Arabian. If there were thoroughbreds I didn’t see them but maybe they were in another building.

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There were ponies and miniature horses, pintos and paints and palominos. All of those were familiar, But then I saw some that looked like they had just come from the steppes of Russia, small but hardy, they ran with a funny gait, not a canter or a trot or a gallop.

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They were listed in the program as Icelandics.

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One horse in particular caught my eye, Norwegian Fjord Horse. This guy wasn’t big and tall, rather compact and solid. The breed standard said his color was dun but he looked gray to me. He had a distinctive black streak down the center of his mane.

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Speaking of his mane, it stood up along his neck like a Mohawk. A very unique appearance indeed.

Equine Affaire

I finally got myself out the door to DO SOMETHING. I’ve been sitting at home watching my pennies because we are in the last quarter of the year and I have a bunch of annual bills that come due. I was in pretty good shape with money in the bank to cover  them but my car had other ideas.thCAB792DQ

After several pricey repairs my formerly comfortable bank balance is back to it’s normal level of no reserve. At least I got one of the 3 bills paid (2 more to go ) and my mechanic says my car should last at least until I hit 300,000 miles.


My former job had overtime during the holidays so I usually worked the extra to plug the shortfall but my new job doesn’t have that. Don’t get me wrong, I love not having to “kill myself” and my new job pays about the same as my old job…just no OT which is hitting my purse strings now.

That said I have been playing the hermit, trying not to drive too much (Gas), making a grocery list and sticking to it, cutting coupons etc.; being a good budget minded person (Not my normal way of operating). But eventually that had to give and it did in a sort of big way.

I kept seeing an add on Facebook for Equine Affaire. It was being held at the fairgrounds in Springfield where they hold the “Big E”, Eastern States Exposition . The Big E is a very Big deal out here in the east even though I still haven’t been but a Horsey event… well I might be interested in that so I counted my pennies and bought a ticket for the day and since I was going to be out there anyway…I bought a box seat to the Fantasia Show that evening. (At that point I had no idea what the show would be like but I figured in for a penny in for a pound)

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I hadn’t been to a horse show in years and never to one like this. I took over 400 pictures. Not all are worth the paper it would take to print them but there are a few “keepers”. The photography part was challenging because everything was indoors and I was trying not to use the flash. (More on that later). It took me quite awhile to “sort of” figure it out. I never did get the result I wanted but I had fun and over the next few days I want to share my experience and some of the pictures (not all 400).

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I was pretty amazed. When I pulled into the parking “field” (Only $5.00 for the whole day) one of the attendants said the event had sold over 6000 tickets each day. (A 4 day run!) (That’s $30,000 per day in parking fees only) There were cars from all over… New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Canada, Georgia, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island and of course, Massachusetts.

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So welcome to Equine Affaire!