
I got a phone call. The caller identified herself as Jessie from Bent Creek Golf Village, the concierge. My first thought was that there was a problem with my reservation. I figured that would be  par for the course (pun intended) after the way Smokey’s cancer went so I braced myself disappointing news.


To my surprise she wanted to know if I got her email with upcoming events. I confirmed that I had so she went on to welcome me, telling me how much she was looking forward to meeting me. She wanted to know if I had any questions but then she surprised me once again.

She gave me her phone number and told me to program it into the phone. She said she liked to do that if she knew she had someone traveling alone, especially a woman traveling alone. She told me any problems en route to just give her a call and if she could help she would!

All of the Diamond Resort properties that I’ve ever stayed at have  a concierge desk. Often I’ve gotten a call from them once I’ve checked in making sure everything is satisfactory.  They are very useful for tickets, often with discounts and they know which places, from attractions to restaurants, to recommend. But I’ve never had one go so far as to call me at home in advance of a trip. I think that’s a pretty special touch.


If you saw an episode of Undercover Boss you might not find it so unusual. The Diamond Resort  slogan is “We love to say yes.” In the episode on Diamond Resorts the extra touch was what the boss was looking for.

I will have to be sure to fill out a comment card when I get there and give Jessie some high praise for going the extra mile. Do you think it might be a southern thing?