Black Cat Appreciation Day

Black Cat Appreciation Day

OOPS! Yesterday, August 17 was Black Cat Appreciation Day and I missed it! How could I let Balboa down like that? He’s the best little black cat! Why is he so special you ask? Because he makes me feel special. You know the old what goes around comes around thing?

Balboa photo credit Deb Neumann



Black Cats are Special

I’ve had black cats all my life. We’ve had some really special connections too. Like when my black cat , Shadow, went missing at my folks house in upstate NY. My mother didn’t believe in kitty littler. Cats belonged outside to do their business so she put poor Shadow outdoors. Anyway, when it came time for me to leave to go back to Boston, no Shadow. I waited as long as I could but finally I had to give up and head home. My folks promised to keep an eye out for Shadow if she returned.

Balboa on his Cat Tree Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Every few days I’d call to check in. No sign of her. My Dad insisted she must be dead but I didn’t believe that.

Balboa loves Boxes

After about 6 weeks I got the chance to come back for a visit. As I drove into the yard at my folks my Mom was outside waiting. There was Shadow at her feet. My Mom said 15 minutes before I arrived Shadow came home. 

My Balboa


Balboa isn’t like Shadow at all. Nope, he’s a “fraidy” cat. After 4 years he’s still shy with strangers but he is the most loving little cuddlebug to me. He’s always in my lap or following me around. When the housekeeper is here he sits right next to me until she leaves. He sleeps with me at night. He’s very much a “Velcro” kitty. 

House Panther, Balboa


Black Cats Are Special

I could go on with tales about Buddy who walked on a leash, or Little Joe my Persian or any of my other black & tuxedo cats I’ve had over the years buy yesterday was for them all. Mini house panthers every one!

Buddy, RIP

One More Thing

One more Thing

I forgot one other noteworthy accomplishment from that memorable week. Banner and Balboa had their annual check ups. No surprises. Both are healthy and happy. Banner was his normal inquisitive and friendly self. Balboa hid and refused to come out. Of course being black he was really hard to find because he blended in the shadows behind the furniture and under the bed.

The Vet

Our Vet is Dr. Ross from Ross Veterinary House Calls. She is wonderful and I am so happy to have found her. I love that she comes to the house so the cats don’t get stressed out. Of course Balboa stresses out over everything and anything out of the ordinary. But we try. She was so calm and quiet when we were all trying to get him out from behind the computers. When he finally did come out I had taken myself out of the search to limit the number of people chasing him so he went to her.


Banner is my big guy and not surprising he was overweigh but not by much. Dr. Ross said to make sure he maintained and didn’t gain any more. Easier said than done with Banner. His idea of a strenuous play session is to lie on his side and bat at any toy that manages to roll his way. Chase it? What’s that? Hunt it? I don’t think so! And he certainly won’t jump and grab. Banner weighted in at a whopping 15.1  lbs! Carrying him around is like lifting weights.

My little helper



Balboa, once we caught him, was the surprise. I always think of him as my shiny, sleek house panther. I knew he wasn’t anywhere near as heavy as Banner.  Where Banner is a lump on the floor, Balboa  is always up high on the back of a chair or the top of the wardrobe. When we play Balboa is like a Flying Wallenda! You can imagine my surprise when my high flying super cat turned out to be overweight too! For his slender body type Dr. Ross said he should weigh no more than 10 lbs. OOPS! Balboa weighed 11.2 lbs.

Balboa reaches new Heights



When we pulled the old stove out I found out where all of the missing toys had gone. Before the new stove was delivered I filled a box with all of the balls and toys from under the old stove. No need to buy any more for awhile!



When someone is not a “cat” person it’s hard to make them believe that cats have facial expressions and experience emotions.  To avoid “sibling rivalry” or jealousy I try to give each of my cats plenty of attention. Now that I work from home you’d think that would be easy. (Not!) I almost think it’s worse.

Let me give you an example. It was a peaceful morning. I was cleaning out my email inbox and the cats all seemed to be snoozing in various places. I got up to get a cup of tea and spotted Buddy on the big green cat tree. Usually he sleeps on my bed in the morning. I paused on my way into the kitchen to give him a pat and tell him it was nice to see him in the living room with the rest of us.

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At that point I got the feeling of being watched. Yup, Rocky who had been snoozing under the heat lamp was glaring at me. If looks could kill I’d have been cat food.

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I left Buddy and went over to offer a pat to Rocky who eagerly accepted my attention but that aroused Smokey who was sleeping on the cat tree above Rocky. His little paw snaked out to tap me on the shoulder. Ok, a few minutes of attention there…no harm, no foul.

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I returned to the kitchen and picked up my tea. Back at the computer I had company. Rocky wasn’t done with his demands for attention. (What had I started?)

More petting and cuddling and Rocky hopped down. I thought he was satisfied and was going back to his sunlamp to sleep but I was wrong. He started circling the base of the big cat tree where Buddy was relaxing. He was fixated on Buddy.  I knew any second now he was going to start the assault right up the side of the tree.

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Time to intervene. More Petting all around.  My quick run to the kitchen had disrupted my routine for 45 minutes and Rocky was still going.  He’s annoyed and jealous and letting me know it.  Every time I turn my back he gets into something. That’s his way of demanding attention.I guess I’ll just have to wait him out like a child having a tantrum.

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So tell me again how cats don’t have emotions???