Let’s Keep It On Ice

I’m sure I’ve been telling you how much I hate the cold. Now I learn that by hating the cold I’m not “socially acceptable”.

The “In” place to be these days is the Minus5 Ice Bar in New York. From what I’ve read the entire facility is carved from ice! Every bit including the walls, bar, glasses and even the seats. I guess you don’t have to worry about being on the “hot seat” if you hang at Minus5. I remember sitting in a walk-in freezer to drink a “yard” glass of beer once. I didn’t want the beer to get warm before I finished. Guess that’s not a problem here!


Now I’ve just heard that you don’t have to go all the way to New York if you live in Massachusetts. Not to be out done Boston has opened the Frost Ice Bar in Faneuil Hall. The Frost Bar keeps the temps at a brisk 21 degrees and for the low, low price of $18.99 per person you can enjoy the frosty ambiance. Drinks not included but they will give you a cape. 🙂


As if that wasn’t enough to keep Jack Frost happy there are several Ice Hotels. The closest one to the US is in located in our friendly neighbor  to the north, Canada. The Hotel de Glace in Quebec City, Quebec is made of 500 tons of ice and 15,000 tons of snow and unlike Minus5 and the Frost Bar, this icy structure only lasts until it warms up. Once the temps start to rise the building melts away.


But before it turns into a puddle it could be an interesting place to stay. The hotel has about 3 dozen rooms, a Nordic area with tubs and sauna, an ice bar and a grand ice slide. Room temperatures range from 23 degrees to a balmy 27.  But don’t worry about staying warm. Each guest is provided with a sleeping bag. The hotel is open from January to Mid-March depending, of course, upon the weather.

More ice hotels can be found in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Romania. I think I see a trend here.