Rocky News

Rocky News

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that Rocky is an important part of my life. He even wrote some posts and acted as Editor in Chief cat for awhile whenever I had writer’s block. Rocky retired a few years ago and has been living a quiet life but he remains very involved in my life. He has reached the ripe old age (for a cat) of 18.5 years. He’ll be 19 in May.

Rocky isn’t feeling well

Rocky stopped eating and drinking on Monday this week. That is not good for a cat but Rocky can be finicky. He could give Morris a run for his money but he continued his hunger strike on Tuesday and didn’t poop or pee in his litter box. Time for an emergency call to our vet, Taunton Cat Hospital. Rocky showed lots of life when we got there . He proved he still had a good set of lungs too! Because he hadn’t drank any water for two days the Vet couldn’t get a urine sample so her best guess is that he has a kidney infection.  The Vet staff administered fluids because he was dehydrated. They drew blood and sent it out for a senior panel and Rocky got to come home.

Rocky my catRocky’s Blood Tests

Rocky’s blood tests came back and didn’t show any fatal or end of life numbers. That was a big relief but he still wasn’t eating or drinking or using his litter box. So I went in without him and they gave me a lesson in administering fluids. They used a stuffed cat to demonstrate. I left with antibiotics, iron supplements and an IV bag of fluids. Rocky finally ate some dinner so that was a good sign.  I started  Rocky on his meds as soon as I got home and I was joined by my pet sitter this morning to administer the fluids. He was such a good boy. He just lay still and purred while the fluids went into him, so relaxed and calm. He used his litter box too! Who knew I would get so excited over cat pee! But I was. It made me sooo happy.

So time will tell

Rocky is sleeping now. I guess time will tell if he can shake off this infection. I know one thing, if he recovers he will be even more spoiled than he was before. I was carrying him around on a pillow this morning! All Hail King Rocky. Long live the King!Rocky's happy to see me