The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Sweetheart Rock , Lanai

We were on our way to spend the morning on Lanai. As we passed a large cliff we could see waves crashing on a smaller rock at its point. Small is a relative term because this little rock is actually 80 ft. tall! Named Puu Pehe in Hawaiian, Sweetheart Rock is s recognizable landmark even for tourists like me. Like so many of Hawaii’s landmarks, this one has a legend attached to it too. 

The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Once upon a time a beautiful young princess from Maui was captured by a young warrior from Lanai. He was so taken with her looks that he made her his wife and brought her back to his home island of Lanai. But the warrior was so jealous of her beauty that he was afraid to let any other man see her. To keep her secluded he confined her to a sea cave near the rock.

One day while the warrior was away a huge storm came up with the sea pounding the rock and flooding the sea cave. Frantic the warrior rushed back to the cave but it was too late. His beloved bride had drowned. With the help of the gods the heartbroken young warrior retrieved her body and took it to the top of the steep rock island. There he made a tomb to lay her to rest. Then, overwhelmed with grief, the young man jumped off the top of the island to his death. 

Puu Pehe’s Tomb

Puu Pehe is located between  Manele Bay and Hulopoe Bay .  If you look closely you may see a small mound at the top of the rock that could be a tomb. We were too far out in the channel to see but I’m told its there. Archaeologists who have studied the sea stack say the only bones are those of sea birds.  The legend is romantic and tragic but don’t let that draw you into exploring the rock. The sides are steep and treacherous and the waters surrounding the island are filled with strong currents and swift waves. 

An Event of a Lifetime-Lana’i

Diamond’s Event of a Lifetime

As a Timeshare Owner with Diamond Resorts, I am always invited to a special event when I come to Maui. These events are called Event of a Lifetime and are usually interesting and enjoyable. The cost is minimal and 90 minutes of your time to hear an “owner update”. This time the Event of a Lifetime is a day trip on the Trilogy to Lana’i. 

Sail Trilogy

Trilogy is one of the premier attractions providing sunset Dinner cruises,whale watching trips and a day trip to the island of Lana’i. As of 2012, the island was 97% owned by Larry Ellison (Founder and Chairman of Oracle), with the remaining 3% owned by the state of Hawaiʻi and privately owned homes. There is a ferry to Lana’i so you can visit the island on your own.  An animal sanctuary on the island is home to 380 feral cats! They have no natural enemies so they just multiply.

Hulopo’e Beach and Marine Preserve

We requested permission to enter the harbor by blowing on a conch shell. Then we waited for a response. Once it came we headed to our slip at the dock. We were greeted by Native Hawaiians chanting. As we disembarked we were presented with shell lei’s of welcome. It was only a short walk to the beach but air conditioned van’s were waiting if anyone wanted to ride. 

Part of the beach was set up exclusively for us. There were picnic tables and chairs, a supply van with masks and snorkels and snuba equipment. Nearby was a trail down to the tide pools. 

Captain Coon’s BBQ lunch

After a morning spent relaxing on the beach, swimming, snorkeling and snuba diving we were escorted to a covered open air building for lunch. Captain Coon’s BBQ is salad, rolls, BBQ chicken and noodles. The chicken was quite tasty but several guests said their chicken wasn’t cooked through. I suppose cooking for a crowd like ours can be a challenge.

Crossing the Auau Channel

Heading back to Maui we had to cross the Auau Channel. We were heading into the wind now and that served to give us a wet and wild ride. Water soaked everyone in the bow until the captain had the sails set and turned off the engines. Once we had wind power the ride smoothed out. Over paper cups of ice cream we looked for whales. Too soon it was time to make our way back to Lahaina. 

If you are on Maui and want to explore Lana’i you can take a ride on the Trilogy or take the Maui to Lana’i Ferry. Its a step back to “old Hawaii”. 



Its time for my solo adventure. Kathy backed out and Sandy said Nope, No Way. But I really, really wanted to get in the water. Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay was a high point in my trip to Oahu. So I was determined to try snorkeling here on Maui. Shark or no shark I was ready.


I left Sandy and Kathy at the resort and took the car to Lahaina Harbor to meet up with my snorkeling tour.


It was the small tour. Our boat was a pontoon boat similar to a Zodiac. There were only 35 of us on the trip. Today’s trip was to Lanai across the channel from Maui.

I’d heard lots of stories about how difficult the crossing from Maui to Lanai could be but the channel was relatively calm as we started out.


Once we reached the Lanai coast it was a different story. The first place we stopped was too rough for snorkeling but we interrupted a pod of spinner dolphins that were sleeping near the surface.


We traveled along the coastline to another bay which the captain pronounced safe for snorkeling. I admit I was nervous, especially when he announced that we all had to “buddy” up. I was the sole solo person on board. One of the couples said I could Buddy with them so it was set. In we went.


The water was warm and very clear. It wasn’t long before we were caught up in watching a school of reef fish seemingly pour over the coral. It was fascinating to watch.


The school seemed to pick up more and more members as it flowed along.



Next thing I knew I felt a strong current tugging at me. I looked for my buddies and they were being slowly pulled closer and closer to the rocky shoreline. Wimp that I am I bailed and swam back to the boat. A few minutes later my Buddies joined me. They admitted they had gotten so engrossed in watching the school of fish that they forgot to watch their surroundings.


After that the dive master told me I could snorkel on my own as long as I didn’t stray too far. Once everyone was back on board we were served turkey wraps and chips while we motored to our next stop. The 2nd stop was really nice. I had a great time wandering around after the many reef fish. One of the other snorkelers said he saw a sea turtle. He was on the opposite side of the bay from me. Another one saw an eel. Nothing so exotic for me but I still had a great time.


Back on the boat we ran into the pod of dolphins again. This time they were more awake and were splashing all around us. All too soon it was time to head back.


The return crossing to Maui was not the smooth sailing we had in the morning. We were hanging on with both hands as we flew from one wave crest to the next. Sometimes we missed the timing and you could actually count the seconds as we dropped into the trough only to be showered as the wave broke over the bow. Wild!


I’m not sure what the best part of the trip was, the snorkeling, the dolphins or the wild return trip! I’d do it all over again given the chance.

Arm Chair Traveler

There’s a magazine that’s always on the rack by the check out counter in most of the grocery stores in my area. It’s called Woman’s World and it has lots of short articles crammed into a little publication.

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It includes things like short fiction, household tips, decorating, cooking tips and recipes, crafts…always the latest diet…health tips and I could go on. But the one department I always check is the  Armchair Traveler. It’s always a 2 page spread with pictures highlighting someplace you might like to go.

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If it sounds like someplace I’d like to go I pull out the 2 pages. I have a whole file full but they do come in handy. When I planned my trip to Oahu they had just had an Armchair Traveler about Oahu. It helped  pin down the things we wanted to see.


I thought of that trip and our Big Island Adventure when I opened this week’s issue as once again, Hawaii was the featured location, this time the 2 smallest Hawaiian Islands, Molokai and Lanai.


I haven’t thought much about Lanai but I do want to go to Maui and planned to include a side trip to Molokai at that time. I’ve heard that Molokai has great snorkeling and scuba diving and I am interested in that.

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According to the article Molokai has a few other things going for it like the highest sea cliffs in the world!

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Lanai is the smallest island and is described as tranquil and romantic. It’s home to two Four Season’s Resorts and the historic Hotel Lanai. The Garden of the Gods, a surreal lunar-like landscape,  is located on Lanai.


The article lists beaches and waterfalls for a tourist’s pleasure and wraps up with the weekly “Armchair Traveler” Cocktail, this week it’s a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito. This drink is popular at the Four Seasons Resort Lanai at Manele Bay.

akaka falls

I will share it with you but with one disclaimer…I haven’t tried it. If any of you do, let me know if you like it 🙂

  • 5 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lime juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lavender syrup *
  • Ice Cubes
  • 3 Tbs. cucumber flavored vodka
  • club soda
  • additional mint for garnish
  • Lime Slices (optional)

Place mint in tall glass; using end of wooden spoon , crush mint. Add lime juice, lavender syrup, and ice cubes. Pour vodka over ice; stir. Top off with club soda. Garnish with mint and lime slices, if desired. Serves 1


*To make syrup, bring !/2 cup water and 1/2 cup if sugar to boil; stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Stir in 2 Tbs. culinary lavender; let stand until cool. Strain into jar; cover and store in refrigerator.

With a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito in hand, some Hawaiian tunes on the I-Pod you’re ready to drift away in you’re mind. Imagine the gentle breezes, the smell of the sea and you are  “Armchair Traveling”. The next best thing to being there!