Washington to Orlando

That plane was one of the smallest I’ve been on in a long time. 2 seats on each side of the aisle. No wonder they had to put the roller bags in cargo! But in spite of it all the flight was smooth and uneventful (boring). I tried to grab a few ZZZ’s but having bun on the back of your head makes it kind of hard to get comfortable.

The first leg was to Dulles in Washington DC. I had a layover there and a change of planes. It was a full house. In fact at first they thought they were going to have to “bump” someone. They were offering a $200 voucher toward a future flight. I volunteered along with one other lady but in the end they didn’t need either of us…but once again they wanted to check the roller bags..no charge. This time not because the bags were too big but because it was so crowded there wasn’t enough room. Once again I pulled out the lenses. In the process of unpacking again I lost my boarding pass.

Oh boy…Now I figured I was going to “get it” but no. One of the attendants saw me frantically searching and offered to print another one for me. I didn’t even have to ask! Either United is taking customer service to a new level or there’s something to this “dress the part”.

The plane touched down in Orlando just after 2pm to blue sky, fluffy clouds and 70 degrees. Perfect weather. Joe was already waiting so as soon as I grabbed my bags we were on our way.

Joe’s renting a cute little house 5 blocks from Eola Lake.Lake Enola 005 copy

The house is set back behind the main house. The foliage makes it look like it’s in a jungle. There’s even Spanish Moss hanging from the trees.

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Before we headed off to dinner we took a stroll around the lake.

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Cypress knees

Cypress knees

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Dinner was at a little restaurant called Bananas. The thing that sets Bananas apart is the staff. From the hostess to the wait staff to the person cleaning up..all drag queens. The only times I’ve been exposed to Drag Queens they were wild. Not so here. The atmosphere was quiet and everyone was polite.

Time now to get a good night’s sleep before the drive to Miami in the morning.