Glaciers, Turnouts and Overlooks

Glacier View Turnout

Leaving Antelope Flats and Mormon row behind I was soon approaching Glacier View Turnout. These scenic stops are wonderful. They have information boards that explain what you’re looking at. My Gaperguide usually adds it’s 2 cents as well.

Glaciers om the Tetons


This turnout was all about the glaciers that flowed down the peaks of The Teton Range. There are up to 11 active glaciers but only a few are visible from the road.  A few glaciers that are easily visible include Teton Glacier, Falling Ice Glacier, and Skillet Glacier. View the Teton Glacier from the Teton Glacier turnout on the Teton Park Road.

Schwabacher Landing

Schwabacher Landing

Unattributed photo of the views at Schwabacher Landing. I wish it were mine!

Leaving that turnout behind we come to Schwabacher Landing, a great place to get down by the Snake River. There’s a a boat launch there and it’s a key spot for anglers to access the river. I skipped it but in retrospect I wish I hadn’t. It’s described as one of  America’s most spectacular viewpoints. I missed my photo op. I guess I’ll have to go back!

Teton Point Turnout

At Teton Point Turnout you see the terraces of the Snake River. The flat plain there meets the base of the Teton Range. I looked for animals, elk, bison and pronghorn but the view was empty when I was there.

Sake River

Snake River Overlook

Sake River

This overlook was quite large. As you walk along the curving path lined with a stone wall  different views open up for a feast for the eyes. A tour bus pulled in spilling loads of tourists out for a brief stop and leg stretch. Camera’s clicked and selfies were snapped. It seemed like the bus had a full load. I walked the whole perimeter taking pictures as I went. There was still snow on the trees but it didn’t feel that cold. The sun was out and the sky was blue. It was beautiful and one of my favorite stops.

Snake River Overlook

Here comes the Sun

Here comes the sun

Sunday I woke at 5:30! Something bright was in my eyes. I hadn’t noticed the skylight when I came in last night! I’ll have to remember to close the bedroom door if I don’t want the early morning sun waking me up. I  had some work to wrap up before I’d be truly free to enjoy the week and I wanted to spend some time revisiting what I’d passed on my way here yesterday. I wanted to figure out where I was  and where I’d need to go if I was going to look for moose and other wildlife.  Thankfully they gave me a map when I checked in.

misty mountain morning in Maine

Lets get our bearings, shall we?

By 10 am the clouds had given way and the overcast skies of the morning were a thing of the past. Sun was shining and it was bright and clear. I’d finished my work and felt the tension in my  shoulders melt-away with that task done. Time to grab the camera and explore. I stopped at the overlook to take some pictures of the beautiful lake.

Rangeley Lake in the sun from the Overlook

Now that the sun was behind me I was able to get better exposure.

Return to the Appalachian TrailAppalachia Trail sign

Then it was back to the Appalachian Trail head. When I was younger I wanted to hike the whole trail. I couldn’t afford to take the time off so it never happened. That will be regret for sure. Now with my bum hip it’s definitely out of the question. But I wandered a little way

brook near the Appalachia Traildown the trail and got some pictures of the brook that bubbled nearby. I was surprised that even that little bit gave me a thrill.

The Suds & Sizzle

I found the little laundry where I’d stopped the day before. In the bright daylight it lost some of its charm. This went on my list for an afternoon return for pictures.

Hunter Cove Wildlife Sanctuary

This is high on my to-do list so I wanted to be sure to locate it. Turns out it isn’t too far out on the other side of town. I pulled in briefly to check out the parking and the trails. They look manageable. There’s lots of trees so lots of bugs. Good thing I have extra strength bug spray along.

Afternoon plans get canceled

It was almost lunchtime so I returned to the cabin to make a sandwich and plan the afternoon. Suddenly I was very, very tired. A “power nap” seemed like a great idea. As I don’t usually sleep during the day I didn’t think I needed to set an alarm. Big Mistake! By the time I woke up it was 6:30 pm and the shadows were getting long. I really had no idea I was that tired. But that’s what vacations are for, right? Recharging.

downstairs bedroom with rocking chair


Vacation Planning

Anyone who has followed this space for long knows that my goal is to take a vacation in all 50 states.  Obviously that means two or more new states a year or I’ll be 90 or older before I manage to complete that goal.

I’ve gotten a bit side tracked lately because with each upgrade to my time share they’ve given me a vacation that includes airfare. Bottom line is I keep taking the bonus vacations and have gotten off track from my goal.

So I decided to organize my thoughts and future plans.

July is a brief visit to Maine to try to capture an Iconic Puffin Photo. Its only an extended weekend. (and I’ve vacationed in Maine-Loved it)


I have a vacation to Maui all scheduled, if not completely planned, coming up in November.


I’ve been to Hawaii twice before. Once to the Big Island and once to Oahu so this will be my 3rd visit to Paradise.


In January my company will hold their annual convention in Las Vegas. I am seriously considering added a few days vacation on and staying at the Polo Towers. After all, my company is paying for my airfare. I’ve been to Las Vegas for vacation twice before but there are still things I’d like to see.

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February looks like another trip to Hawaii compliments of my time share. I have a choice of the Big Island (Kona side) or Maui.


Right now I am leaning toward Maui again for the whale watching and snorkeling. February should be peak season for the whales.


That will wrap up the commitments so far.

So where is my focus after those are done?

Jackson Hole Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park is still top of the list.


Key Largo (John Pennekamp Park) (Even though I’ve been to Florida more times than I can count)


Pacific Northwest (Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area)


Central Idaho ( The Sawtooth Range)


Channel Islands CA


Katmai National Park, AK (Brook Falls) (Alaska is another repeat)


I guess that will keep me busy for a while.

Views Along the Newfound Gap Road

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The views along this route are beautiful.

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The forest floor was covered in wildflowers. The sky was so blue. Here are just a few more moments captured in time.

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I know mountains like these…the mountains of the east. They are older than the Rockies or the Cascades but in some ways no less wild.

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Maybe growing up in the middle of the Adirondacks gave me an appreciation for these forested slopes. Or maybe not, maybe they are something everyone appreciates. After all, the Great Smokey Mountain National Park is the most visited National Park of them all.

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