Taking Back my Condo

Taking Back My Condo

I’ve been living with a cat for more years than I can count. Seems like forever. I bought this condo in Taunton in 2006 and moved in with 3 cats. Over the years one by one they have passed on but I made little effort to change anything since I still had cats until finally there was one.

Now that Rocky has passed away I decided to take back my condo. It’s harder than I thought. I’m attached to his cat trees. I expect to see him sitting there when I walk by. He would tap me with a paw whenever I was near. There are no more taps. I went into the bathroom to open the vanity and realized I could take the child safe lock off the door. Those Bar stools- they can be placed back by the breakfast bar. They don’t have to block closet doors any more.

Rocky’s Favorite Toy

I found Rocky’s favorite toy today. It was missing for about a week before I called the Vet for that fateful visit . I was going to send it to be cremated with him. He’s had it as long as I’ve had him. Seemed appropriate that it should go with him but I couldn’t find it. Its a little worse for wear but still intact. A 19 year old toy. Imagine that! I’m going to save it. Maybe I should have it bronzed. Do they still do that?

Shelters and Friends

Some of Rocky’s things have been shared with my friends. My neighbor’s cat “Moochie” was thrilled with a catnip kick toy I gave him today. I found a shelter to take some of the other toys and ceramic cat dishes. I didn’t realize how many I had. Although they may have accepted the cat trees they are just too heavy for me to move. I found a man with a truck to come pick those up. It’s so quiet and empty. I never knew a little cat could leave such a big hole!