Are the Friendly Skies still Friendly?

Fly the Friendly Skies

Remember United’s slogan to Fly the Friendly Skies? Well what about now? Did COVID make any difference at 30K ft.? I always approach my travel with an open and adventurous mind. I expect things to go wrong. That way I don’t get frustrated when they do and can celebrate when they don’t.  

This trip I needed to get to Ashville Regional Airport. I started my search for an airline on I wasn’t sure what airlines might fly into Ashville. Allegiant Air popped up with a non stop flight for $99.00. Nothing else came close to that price and the non stop was very attractive. Now you need to understand that I do not like no frills airlines like Spirit Air and refuse to use them. I think they are just nickel and diming the flying public. But I was caught flat footed on this one. I didn’t know anything about Allegiant so in my blissful ignorance I started the booking process. By the time I was through paying for all the “extras” I was accustomed to my round trip ticket was $300+. Just like on any full service airline- but at least it was non stop.

Getting to the Airport

Now that I had my ticket I needed to tackle the logistics of getting from my home in Taunton to the airport. The easiest way is to rent a cab or Uber but that gets very expensive. My 2nd choice is to drive to Logan and either park at the airport or at a nearby Park ‘n Fly. I have used that option in the past but this time I decided on the Logan Express Bus. I drove my car to Braintree and then took the bus to the airport from there. A nice new perk is that you can now buy your tickets online before you leave home. It saves you $2 too. 
Time to mask up. It’s required on the bus. 

Logan Airport

Logan Airport is an International Airport and has the size to go with it. In spite of my knee problems I did not request any assistance this trip. That may have been a mistake on my part. Anyway I located Allegiant Air with no problem. The folks on the check in desk were friendly and pleasant. They thanked me for getting vaccinated when I handed over my passport and vaccination card. I checked my bag and took off for the security check in. As expected I lit up the Xray machine with my artificial hip and had to go through the pat down. Finally I was released and sent on my way. 
As I neared the gate only one restaurant was open so I stopped to enjoy a $15.00 bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. 

The plane wasn’t the tiny commuter plane I expected. It was a full sized baby with overhead bins and it was nowhere near a full flight. Once airborne we were allowed to change seats if we wanted to. I haven’t seen that in awhile. 

We made the flight from Logan to Ashville in about 2 hours. 



On the Road to D.C.

And I don’t mean the comic books. (DC Comics) There’s nothing funny going on in Washington right now!

But my quick trip has begun. I was up at 6:30 am. I slept on the areo bed last night so that Joe, who is kitty sitting, could have my bed. As I unplugged the seal to let out the air Rocky took a flying leap onto the bed and sunk! Pretty funny. He was quite a confused kitty cat but he got over it. Other than it being cold it was very comfortable. Next time I’ll put a blanket under the sheet or maybe use flannel sheets.

Made it to Braintree by about 8:30 am. The Logan express is a bus to the airport and has a station in Braintree. Parking is $7.00/ day which is much cheaper than parking at the airport. Plus its nice to leave the driving to someone else when navigating Boston. The bus runs on the hour and true to its schedule we were on our way by 9:01. The web site says to allow 45 minutes to get from Braintree to Logan but as it was a Saturday with no traffic. I think we made better time than that.

To my surprise the airport was a ghost town. I was through security in less than 5 minutes and there was no one in the terminal! So after all that rushing around I was seated at table with a muffin by 9:30 am waiting for a flight that didn’t leave until 12 noon. Good thing I brought a book.

In spite of the empty terminal they announced that our flight was a full flight. That could be because we were on a teeny , tiny commuter plane. I upgraded my seat to be sure I got an aisle although it really didn’t matter. The plane was so small that there was no middle seat, just window and aisle on both sides. First class had one seat on each side of the aisle!

At least I got a look at the new paint jobs American Airlines has put on their planes. Pretty nifty!