New Tags

I’m so excited. (Believe me it doesn’t take much). I started using custom luggage tags a couple of years ago and they have made spotting my luggage easy and they are great conversation starters.

My first tag was of Rocky. The picture wasn’t great. I was still getting the hang of creating these little gems.

RockyTravel 006 copy

Then I upgraded to a better picture. Rocky doesn’t look very happy , does he. He hates when I pull the luggage out.

RockyTravel 004 copy

I’ve got more luggage now so I needed more tags so I’ve added some of Buddy.

more cats 001 copy

The finished product has my name and cell # so if my luggage does get lost I can be contacted and reunited.

Aren’t they cute. I just love them! Can’t wait to get the new order!