Mayor Stubbs

I haven’t heard too much about Mayor Stubbs since he recovered from the attach on his life by an assassin dog. So when I ran across this recent article I thought I’d share. He does look like he’s getting old. 🙁

Talkeetna’s feline mayor contemplates retirement

Stubbs the cat has faithfully served his constituents for 17 years, and his owner says it might be time for him to leave Alaska’s political arena.

A visitor cuddles Mayor Stubbs at Nagley’s General Store. (Photo: Cody Wellons)

I recently snuggled with the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska.
He was friendly and quite diplomatic, making sure to give everyone who’d traveled to see him an equal amount of attention.
In return, we all gave Stubbs, a 17-year-old cat, a few scratches behind the ears. We could be some of the last Talkeetna tourists to do so.
The mayoral Manx has served Talkeetna, which is home to fewer than 900 people, since July 18, 1997 when he was still just a kitten.
It’s rumored that Stubbs was elected mayor following a write-in campaign by voters who opposed the human candidates. However, Talkeetna has no actual mayor and no election — the town is run by a community council.
Nagley's General Store in Talkeetna, AlaskaStubbs conducts his unofficial mayoral business from Nagley’s General Store, where he can often be found sleeping in a basket or sipping his favorite cocktail: water with a catnip garnish.
On the day we met, Stubbs was doing the rounds in and around the store, greeting his constituents, as well as tourists who were in town for Memorial Day weekend.
Eventually, he curled up beneath a picnic table for a nap.
Having recently turned 85 in cat years, Stubbs may soon retire from life in the political spotlight.
His owner, Lauri Stec, says she may move Stubbs into her house to take a break from the deluge of visitors who flock to the store each summer to see him.
She says Stubbs will likely hate being stuck at the house, but she’s concerned about his health — and his penchant for trouble.
“He’s definitely used up 100 lives,” she recently told the Alaska Dispatch.
In August, Stubbs was mauled by a dog, an attack that left him with a punctured lung, crushed sternum, bruised hips and a deep gash.
He was rushed to a veterinary clinic in Wasilla, Alaska, and eventually made a full recovery.
In addition to surviving the assassination attempt, Stubbs has also lived through being shot with a BB gun and falling into a cold fryer at the café attached to Nagley’s General Store.
If Stubbs leaves the store this summer, his fans — who hail from regions far outside his constituency, from the likes of Turkey, Australia and China — will still be able to keep up with his adventures on Facebook.

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An Update from Mayor Stubbs

Hi Guys
I have greatly improved over the last few weeks and is beginning to get back to his old self. I may need another surgery to repair a floating septum bone but otherwise I am doing well. I am watching the elections with great and Feel ready to dispense advice on any issue. I am roaming more freely (around the store) and extra precautions have been taken to assure I remain safe and well while recovering. I may come out of retirement and Claw my way back to the top..
Many thanks for your wonderful support

Mayor Stubbs

A sad moment indeed. It sounds like Mayor Stubbs is going to retire.

Hi Guys

I am still recovering slowly but he has been able to make my way out to the front of the shop and although not quiet my old self I am feeling a bit better today. I am still very stiff and hold close to LORI as i’m still a little jumpy around other animals and loud noises.
As you have read i don’t think i will return to public life in the same manor as before. I had a great run and a very exciting life as Mayor but its time for Talkeetna to find a new mayor. I only hope i have served them with as much love and respect as you all have shown for me.

I love you all —- meeow!

A Mayor Stubbs Update

Stubbs Mayor Cat

I am sorry to report that we have experienced a number of setbacks and Mayor Stubbs has not recovered as quickly as we had hoped. Poor Stubbs must remain still for most of the day to aide his recovery and is still experiencing pain. I’m afraid the extent of his injuries coupled with his advanced years are draining on him. We all pray for his recovery.