A Message from The Mayor

I’m happy to report that I am now back home in Talkeetna, where I continue to mend. I must thank my brother from another mother, Morris The Cat, for helping to cover my medical expenses. All donations I’ve received that exceed my expenses will be donated to the Mat-Su Animal Shelter, to support fellow animals in need.
Unfortunately due to my strict recovery diet, I am unable to drink my usual catnip-laced water from my wine glass, but I do hope to be back in my normal routine in the near future. Thank you all for the cards, packages, donations, and Facebook love you’ve shown me during this difficult time. I do hope you will all consider moving to Talkeetna so that I can repay you with town-wide dance parties and mouse hunts, because let’s be real, there will be a party as soon as I’m back on my feet.
Love, Mayor Stubbs

Mayor Stubbs Update

Dr. Lehman, my amazing doctor through this ordeal, has released some information on my condition which can be found below. I am so thankful for the treatment I’ve received at BLSVH. I also thank each of you for your get well wishes and the cards & donations you’ve sent to Talkeetna. I’m one blessed Mayor.
Love, Stubbs

Stubbs the Cat, “Mayor of Talkeetna” trauma update – Canis Medicus: BLSVH Animal Blog


Stubbs update

Mayor Stubbs Update

This update is from Mayor Stubbs Face Book Page.
Thank you once again for your tremendous outpouring of love since my attack. I had the tube from my lung taken out today, and have even had a bit of an appetite (though no mouse hunts are in my immediate future). Several of you have kindly offered financial support with my medical bills.
Cards or checks can be sent to:
Mayor Stubbs c/o Nagley’s Store Box 906… Talkeetna, 99676
Any funds raised exceeding my medical bills will be donated to the local animal shelter. I appreciate each of you and am thankful for your support.
Love, Mayor Stubbs

Wilderness to City

We relaxed in the sun until our bus arrived. Still cool in the shade, it was T-shirt weather in the sunshine. Amazing the  difference from when we started this adventure.

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Right on time our bus pulled up and once again we went through the head count process as we boarded the bus, this time we were heading to Anchorage. I wondered if it would be quicker than our trip from Whittier on the train.

Going into Talkeetna was one very popular tour that we didn’t get to do. For one thing it involved another bus ride of about an hour to get there. I needed to move now, not ride another bus!  Talkeetna is an interesting little town. The TV show Northern Exposure was based on the town and yes , they do have an Annual Moose Dropping Festival. Another claim to fame…the mayor is a CAT! Yes, a feline. And it holds office hours. I would have been able to get my “kitty fix” if we’d taken the hour+ tour into town.

Mayor Stubbs

Mayor Stubbs

Alas, this will have to wait for another trip. I was feeling pretty mellow. This was a longer vacation a than usual and a lot more packing and unpacking and climbing on buses and long train rides and…well, I’m not complaining, but I think I was slowing down.

Our bus driver was pleasant, chatting about the different towns we passed. It was all highway so we made good time.  At about the half way mark we got a rest stop at a little ice cream shop.


As the bus pulled in I spotted him. Our eyes met and I knew, just knew, we were destined for each other.

“Pierre” was soon sitting next to me and on his way to Anchorage.

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I haven’t been one to buy souvenirs for myself since I started lugging the camera with me. The pictures are usually my memorabilia. But I couldn’t leave “Pierre” behind.

As we entered Anchorage we hit the first traffic we’d seen in all of Alaska! We were in a “Thoroughly Modern City. ” The driver said that moose might be found wandering the city streets and I had seen that on the Discovery Channel too, but we didn’t see any moose on the loose while we were there.


The driver took us around the block a few times pointing out different places to go for dinner or drinks. Like a mother hen he warned us not to go past certain streets after dark. Well who needs to? It doesn’t get dark until after 11pm!

Eventually he pulled up to the Hotel Captain Cook.

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Here were didn’t get an envelope on the bus.  Princess had a desk set up where we picked up our keys, once again speeding the check in process.

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We were on the 15th floor.

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Another beautiful room, well appointed as they say. And free WIFI! Finally connected again! And our luggage was waiting!

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I have to admit that all of the accommodations have been outstanding.

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This would be our last night in Alaska.